Tag Archives: keyboard

dustbusting my keyboard again

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Bad Submission #22130

Health Stories submission.

This form was submitted:  Mar 13 2004 / 23:21:27

name = Windowlicker
email = Gimmiename@Drugsmakemecool.com
use_email = yes
type = health stories
title = “Keyboarding level 1A”
submission = (A few of the lines I remember from keyboarding class.The word hash just sticks out to me….heh heh…..)
a salad a jak a jak salad a hash a hash jak jak a hash salad
dads sad sad dad

Guide to Disabling StartUp Programs In Windows

Disabling StartUp Programs In Win 98/ME/XP

In the System Configuration Utility:

1. Click your Start button, then click Run. Type MSCONFIG and click Ok.

2. Click the StartUp tab.

3. You will see a long list of programs with check boxes next to them. Uncheck all the programs except the following:

Registry Scan



4. Reboot your computer and see how it runs.


You can always go back to the MSCONFIG window and recheck items if you find that you absolutely must have them launch at start up.


In Win.Ini File:

1. Click Start button, click Run, type SYSEDIT, click OK.

2. Click the C:\WINDOWS\WIN.INI tab.

3. Look near the top for a section called [Windows]. In that section, look for the load= and run= lines. If those lines are empty, just close the System Configuration window. If there is anything in those lines, put a semi-colon in front of the line, so it would look like this:




This will prevent the programs reference here from loading at startup; if you remove the semi-colon, the programs will again load at startup.


In the Windows Registry:

1. Click Start button, click Run, type RegEdit, click OK, to open the Registry Editor.

2. Click HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, then SOFTWARE, then Microsoft, then Windows\CurrentVersion, then RUN.

3. In the right window pane, you will find programs that load when Win 95 starts. Right click your mouse on the one you wish to turn off at startup, click Delete.

4. Close the Registry Editor.


Disabling StartUp programs in Win 95

To see what programs you have running, press CTRL + ALT + DEL one time. This shows you a Close Program list. You want the Systray available, but most of these programs can be disabled so they do not load when you start your computer.


In the Startup Folder:

1. Right click your Start button, click Open.

2. Double click the Programs folder; double click the StartUp folder.

3. Highlight each item in the folder and press the Delete key on your keyboard. Do this for all items. Or, you can simply move the items to some other temporary folder using Win95’s cut and paste. This does not remove the programs from your computer; it just removes the shortcuts for those programs from the StartUp Folder. These shortcuts can always be recreated and moved back into the StartUp folder if you want.

4. Reboot your computer.


Press CTRL + ALT + DEL to check for any programs that are left. If you still have programs listed, do the following:


In Win.Ini File:

1. Click Start button, click Run, type SYSEDIT, click OK.

2. Click the C:\WINDOWS\WIN.INI tab.

3. Look near the top for a section called [Windows]. In that section, look for the load= and run= lines. If those lines are empty, just close the System Configuration window. If there is anything in those lines, put a semi-colon in front of the line, so it would look like this:




This will prevent the programs reference here from loading at startup; if you remove the semi-colon, the programs will again load at startup.


In the Windows Registry:

1. Click Start button, click Run, type RegEdit, click OK, to open the Registry Editor.

2. Click HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, then SOFTWARE, then Microsoft, then Windows\CurrentVersion, then RUN.

3. In the right window pane, you will find programs that load when Win 95 starts. Right click your mouse on the one you wish to turn off at startup, click Delete.

4. Close the Registry Editor.