Tag Archives: davepoobond

#5994: stimpyismyname -> davepoobond

stimpyismyname: blaahhhh

davepoobond: wut game didja get>

stimpyismyname: craaaaazy taxi!!

davepoobond: oh

davepoobond: wuts it about?

stimpyismyname: driving taxis

davepoobond: btw, wanna say something for the update on squackle?

stimpyismyname: es muy chistoso

davepoobond: and what happens?

stimpyismyname: you drive people placxes

davepoobond: thats it?

stimpyismyname: you wouldnt undeerstand

davepoobond: ok…do you want to say something for Squackle?

stimpyismyname: yes

davepoobond: what is it?

stimpyismyname: “Squackle may not be funny but – – :: jumps out window :: hehehe!!”

stimpyismyname: k?

davepoobond: yep, got it

davepoobond: i played poopie and the gooey kablooie at my dad’s computer

stimpyismyname: oh

davepoobond: it went a lot slower

davepoobond: and i drove the tank into the bar

davepoobond: but i couldnt get it back out

stimpyismyname: how fast is ur dads comp

davepoobond: not that fast

davepoobond: 260 or so

stimpyismyname: how fast

stimpyismyname: oh

stimpyismyname: i found a way we can sell stuff on squackle

stimpyismyname: if we have anything

davepoobond: how?

stimpyismyname: ccnow

stimpyismyname: i set up an sccount

davepoobond: coo

davepoobond: can we have other people sell stuff on our site too?

davepoobond: we can have “Squackle Shop” or something

davepoobond: whee

stimpyismyname: why?

stimpyismyname: uhhh

stimpyismyname: no

stimpyismyname: that’s gay

davepoobond: no to what?

stimpyismyname: ha

stimpyismyname: haha

stimpyismyname: no

davepoobond: i have to go now, call me and tell me about it

stimpyismyname: but vat?

stimpyismyname: bout vat?

davepoobond: the ccnow thing

stimpyismyname: uh huh….>

stimpyismyname: <>

stimpyismyname: <<.


. .


stimpyismyname: hahaha

davepoobond: bye


_ _

\ /


#5983: stimpyismyname -> davepoobond

Note: (stimpyismyname said stuff that davepoobond “said.” They are not blue-colored, and are smaller than regular text to distinguish they are not actually davepoobond)


stimpyismyname: https://www.squackle.com/stories/percy.html

stimpyismyname: nope

davepoobond: i know that

davepoobond: i’m still writing it

stimpyismyname: y u no fix

davepoobond: it was never there…..

davepoobond: i just put it there so i dont have to worry about it later

stimpyismyname: davepoobond: it was never there…..

davepoobond: i just put it there so i dont have to worry about it later

stimpyismyname: uh huh

davepoobond: it was never there…..

stimpyismyname: ok!

davepoobond: it was never there…..

stimpyismyname: alright!

davepoobond: it was never there…..

stimpyismyname: just shut up

davepoobond: no…

stimpyismyname: die!!

davepoobond: fine! with this dagger, i take my life

stimpyismyname: davepoobond: ARGH!!!

stimpyismyname: UHPS

stimpyismyname: ah haha

stimpyismyname: Miss Poodle was flabbergasted and said, “I’m flabbergasted,” she also added, “I have gas and my armpits are sweaty.”

#5981: stimpyismyname -> davepoobond

stimpyismyname: hey you suck

davepoobond: dingo eggs?

davepoobond: lol

stimpyismyname: die

stimpyismyname: bastard

stimpyismyname: I’M making fun of YOU

stimpyismyname: bit-cha

davepoobond: no

stimpyismyname: yeah

davepoobond: no

stimpyismyname: yeah

stimpyismyname: hah

stimpyismyname: i win

stimpyismyname: butthead

stimpyismyname: hoo boy am i funny!

#5968: hotstuff -> MyLeftTesticle

hotstuff: jhey

hotstuff: asl

MyLeftTesticle: 18/m/Cali

hotstuff: f-ny

hotstuff: 13

MyLeftTesticle: Okay.

hotstuff: ya

hotstuff: so do u mo a kid named mike

MyLeftTesticle: Yeah.

hotstuff: whats his last name

MyLeftTesticle: I know lots of people named Mike.

hotstuff: do u no a kid named mike mcfee or somwthing like that

MyLeftTesticle: Yeah.

hotstuff: oh wait i think it is mike mcduffee

hotstuff: do u really

MyLeftTesticle: Yeah. I think he was in my high school last year.

hotstuff: ok then what does he look like

MyLeftTesticle: It’s been a while since I’ve seen him, though. We didn’t know each other all that well.

hotstuff: oh ok

hotstuff: well what is yur name when he gets on i will ask him if he no’s u

MyLeftTesticle: My name is Fred.

hotstuff: fred?

MyLeftTesticle: Yeah.

MyLeftTesticle: Or Frederick. Either one.

hotstuff: fred what

MyLeftTesticle: Fred Pine.

hotstuff: for real

MyLeftTesticle: Yeah. I used to get made fun of at school a lot because of my last name.

hotstuff: ok

hotstuff: ok

hotstuff: soi what do u wanna talk about fred

MyLeftTesticle: Do you like cheese?

hotstuff: no

hotstuff: do u ?

MyLeftTesticle: Why not? Cheese is very tasty. It comes in a variety of flavors and what not. Cheese is the best thing that ever happened to food.

hotstuff: ya umm i am sure

MyLeftTesticle: You don’t know what you’re missing, then.

hotstuff: ya i do it aint like i have never eaten cheese before

MyLeftTesticle: No, I mean eat it as a hobby.

hotstuff: eat what as a hobbie

hotstuff: lol i am j/k

MyLeftTesticle: Heh.

hotstuff: what

MyLeftTesticle: That was funny.

hotstuff: ya but did u even get it

MyLeftTesticle: Yeah, I got it.

MyLeftTesticle: Did you?

hotstuff: ya i did

MyLeftTesticle: Okay.

hotstuff: so what are u doing

MyLeftTesticle: I’m watching Oprah.

hotstuff: kool

MyLeftTesticle: Yeah, I wish I could be on the Oprah show.

hotstuff: for what u dont have anything specail about u do u

MyLeftTesticle: I could tell people about my tragic story that happened two and a half years ago.

hotstuff: what was that

MyLeftTesticle: It was a fishing accident. We were all on this fishing boat when suddenly, from out of no where, a giant squid capsized the ship and killed my father. The whole crew died and I was the only survivor. But then I was stranded on a deserted island for a few weeks and I had to live out there. It was pretty traumatizing.

hotstuff: dude the same thing happened to me

MyLeftTesticle: Don’t mock me. I still have nightmares about all that.

hotstuff: i am serios my ship was called the s.s.u wish

MyLeftTesticle: …Look, if you’re going to mock me then I don’t think we should continue this conversation.

hotstuff: ok ok i was just having a lil fun jesus dont be so up tight

MyLeftTesticle: Like I said, it was very traumatizing. I can’t help but get all uptight about it.

hotstuff: ya but hwo do u expect me to believe that a giant squid killed everybody

hotstuff: except for u

MyLeftTesticle: No, the giant squid didn’t kill them–at least, I don’t think so. They probably died out at sea. Their bodies were never found again.

hotstuff: oh

hotstuff: umm well what sea was this

MyLeftTesticle: I’m sorry, what was that last part?


Previous message was not received by hotstuff because of error (3:35:21 PM): User hotstuff is not available.


–At about this time I was frantically trying to think up of a sea. I asked Dave but he said “Pacific.” -.-;; That’s not a sea. She obviously knew that I was bullshittin’ her, but I don’t care. Stupid bitches shouldn’t IM me!

#5950: blowthetoad -> davepoobond

blowthetoad was on a different sn, trying to be annoying, but it was very easy to tell that it was him. He’s stupid, cause he calls davepoobond “young david” when dave is 3 years older than him.


blowthetoad: hello there young david

blowthetoad: do you dream of horses running on the beach, with a sun set, and sand in your hair?????/

blowthetoad: because i do

blowthetoad: so…

blowthetoad: remove your foot from my poop

davepoobond: ok

blowthetoad: :: kisses you, and congradulates you ::

blowthetoad: my number on my screen name is higher than yours

blowthetoad: so haha

davepoobond: who the hell r u

blowthetoad: oh, so what now? u think you’re a hot shot

blowthetoad: a big boy

blowthetoad: i am….

blowthetoad: hm…..

blowthetoad: mr. rogers

blowthetoad: and who are you? young david

blowthetoad: talk to me, tell me your name, you’re like a la la la la parachute, she walks like she talks and she talks like she walks

blowthetoad: she bangs, she bags

blowthetoad: the magical horses

blowthetoad: she poops like a rabbit, and fucks like a bee

blowthetoad: like ever girl, in history

blowthetoad: [chorus]

blowthetoad: i want chicken i want liver meow mix meow mix so delicious

blowthetoad: you are so beautiful

blowthetoad: now i must leeve……to my mission…..

blowthetoad: to the moon

blowthetoad: good bye……i will always always love you

davepoobond: ok great

blowthetoad: my dearest……

blowthetoad: David John Bond

davepoobond: heh

blowthetoad: :: cries and goes into space ship shaped like a penis ::

blowthetoad: :: waves good-bye ::

blowthetoad: :: rocket launches in air ::

blowthetoad: :: rocket falls down ::

blowthetoad: :: breaks David John Bond’s (c) penis ::

blowthetoad: :: runs away ::

blowthetoad: :: gets in a space ship again ::

blowthetoad: ::waves good-bye and flys off::

blowthetoad: weeeeeeeeeeeee

blowthetoad: :: space ship makes poopy t.v. out of tune sound ::

blowthetoad: :: dissapears in mid-air ::

#5942: blowthetoad -> davepoobond

blowthetoad: <—–i eat poop

davepoobond: thats crazy

davepoobond: why would you do that

blowthetoad: i don’t know

davepoobond: does it taste good?

blowthetoad: flowers smell nasty

blowthetoad: and yes, it does

blowthetoad: would you like to by it from www.ebay.com?

davepoobond: no

blowthetoad: i am too overstalked

blowthetoad: yes you will

davepoobond: i..will?

blowthetoad: yup yup yup

blowthetoad: stop teasing me you bastard

blowthetoad: i eat shit

blowthetoad: stop it!

davepoobond: blah

blowthetoad: blee blee

blowthetoad: bo hoe soto!

blowthetoad: i am gonna eat your butthole

davepoobond: no

blowthetoad: YES!

davepoobond: i’ll smack you if you come near my ass!

blowthetoad: I’ll blow a pump up your dick and i will suck on your ass

davepoobond: i dont see how you can do that

blowthetoad: i am gonna tell Dave Bond and he will kick your ass, you stupid FAG!

davepoobond: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah…..k

blowthetoad: Dave is my homeboy and he will kill you!

davepoobond: all right

blowthetoad: matter of fact, i will make your dick purple and i will put a sign on your back that says purple penis eater!

davepoobond: yeah!? well, yo’ momma’s so fat, she could be rowled down a bowling alley!

blowthetoad: Yo mama;s so stupid she trips over a cordless phone!

davepoobond: !

blowthetoad: your dick is so small you use a condom to have safer sex!

davepoobond: !

davepoobond: …..

davepoobond: that doesnt make sense

blowthetoad: Yes it does!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

blowthetoad: Dave is going to kill you!

davepoobond: no

blowthetoad: yes

davepoobond: no

blowthetoad: stop saying that potty mouth and go suck dick

blowthetoad: yes

blowthetoad: yes

blowthetoad: yes

blowthetoad: yes

blowthetoad: yes

davepoobond: your name is “Mrs. YesIAm”

blowthetoad: …………

blowthetoad: 🙁

blowthetoad: Jesus doesnt love you!

davepoobond: i knew that when he made me live

blowthetoad: my mom thinks your a dirtbag!

davepoobond: k

blowthetoad: i love you

blowthetoad: lets stop

blowthetoad: now

davepoobond: no

blowthetoad: yes

davepoobond: you dont love me

davepoobond: its all fake

blowthetoad: i know

davepoobond: its a damn lie and you know it!

blowthetoad: i dont love you

davepoobond: good

davepoobond: die

#5941: blowthetoad -> davepoobond

blowthetoad: \/\/ :: makes ‘W’ with hands ::

davepoobond: ok

blowthetoad: |_ :: makes “L” with index and thumb ::

davepoobond: /\/\

blowthetoad: i know i am stpud, i wish i were mature, don’t u?

davepoobond: yeah, sure.

blowthetoad: tell me your secret

davepoobond: well.

davepoobond: no.

davepoobond: it wouldnt be a secret then.

davepoobond: hence it is “my secret”

blowthetoad: a period…. your so punctual

blowthetoad: ok…. tell me how u be mature

davepoobond: i dont.

blowthetoad: well… u use big words

blowthetoad: should i do that?

davepoobond: in real life i go around saying poop all the time and annoying the shit-ka-doodles out of people

blowthetoad: lol

blowthetoad: or is that just to your friends?

davepoobond: no….usually to people i dont know, or people that i hate

blowthetoad: or people on the streets

blowthetoad: ?

davepoobond: at school

blowthetoad: heh, i did that

davepoobond: ok

blowthetoad: has your mom ever been to Squackle?

davepoobond: 1 time

blowthetoad: did she like it?

davepoobond: doubt it.

blowthetoad: can she breakdance?

davepoobond: hahaaaaaaaaaaaaa no.

blowthetoad: aw well

#5936: davepoobond -> Kaz

davepoobond: hiiii

Kaz: Hello mr Moron

davepoobond: boo!

davepoobond: moron with two rs

davepoobond: to u

davepoobond: mister

Kaz: Boo? ECUUSE ME?

davepoobond: ::Fart::

davepoobond: notice the capital


davepoobond: boy that was a stinky one

davepoobond: geez

davepoobond: what the hell

davepoobond: gawd!

davepoobond: help me!

davepoobond: i’m choking!

Kaz: Oh mr big shot with two rrs and capital farts…

Kaz: Hah

Kaz: Ive delt with your kind

davepoobond: ::takes out lysol:: i dont care about my grandkids, it stinks now

Kaz: Your the kind who stops by just for free nachos..

Kaz: But SOMEONE has to pay for them!!!!!!

davepoobond: buenas nachos!

davepoobond: ffffffffffffffffooooooooooood~

Kaz: is good

davepoobond: like toods



davepoobond: noooo!

davepoobond: ::FarT::

davepoobond: ouch!

Kaz: No you cant have two capitals!

Kaz: Thats against the rules!

davepoobond: i can have two fuckin capitals if i want them

Kaz: You… you…


davepoobond: oh nooo

davepoobond: please, not that

Kaz: Fine if you get two capitals I get two ToO

davepoobond: NOOOOOO

Kaz: MuahaHahahaaa

davepoobond: only morrons can have them!

Kaz: NoooOOOooooOOOoooOOO

Kaz: (0_0_0)

Kaz: heh heh siamese twins

davepoobond: oh on

davepoobond: no

davepoobond: -_-_-_-_-

davepoobond: 4 people attatched to each other

Kaz: Ouch that must be hard to walk with all them legs…

davepoobond: they only have 2

Kaz: Whoops gtg

davepoobond: shoee!

davepoobond: ok bye

Kaz: Bye bye

#5933: Holmes -> davepoobond

Holmes: hey

davepoobond: hi

Holmes: thats just plain wrong

davepoobond: what is

Holmes: i type three letters, “hey” and you only type 2 “hi” wtf is that!!!!!

davepoobond: sorry

davepoobond: hellomporoo

Holmes: good

Holmes: but not god enough for me

Holmes: good*…

davepoobond: well its gonna hafta do

Holmes: them’s fightin words

davepoobond: when i got into my hotmail account

davepoobond: i had 254 junk mails

Holmes: lmao

Holmes: holy shit

davepoobond: thats from 2 days of not checking every hour

davepoobond: every hour i get maybe 50 mails

Holmes: i don’t know whether to laugh or cry

davepoobond: and i got a couple of dictionary submissions from this guy that just copied and pasted everything that was on the submit page

davepoobond: what a loser

Holmes: yeah

davepoobond: beef – whats for dinner?

davepoobond: dun dun dun

Holmes: um isn’t that a rhetorical question……

Holmes: if i only knew what rhetorical meant

davepoobond: lol

Holmes: i’m like dead tired, like a zombie

davepoobond: thats my life

Holmes: i feel your pain

#5914: elmoisfurry -> davepoobond

elmoisfurry: gimmie 1000 bucks

elmoisfurry: ho

davepoobond: screw u

davepoobond: pimp

davepoobond: . . .

elmoisfurry: y thank u

elmoisfurry: ceaser is the salad dressing dude

davepoobond: watch Adult Swim

davepoobond: at 10

elmoisfurry: k fine

elmoisfurry: ho

elmoisfurry: when is brak

elmoisfurry: on

davepoobond: 10:30

elmoisfurry: wuts 1st

davepoobond: Home Movies

davepoobond: its still pretty good though

elmoisfurry: u mean

elmoisfurry: poop

elmoisfurry: hahahahahahaha

elmoisfurry: get it

elmoisfurry: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

elmoisfurry: wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

davepoobond: right

davepoobond: me and mark made 2 movies in an hour

davepoobond: one was a skit pretty much since it was so short

davepoobond: it was called Mr. Burner is the Devil

elmoisfurry: me and me made 2 kicke the crap outta u if u keep talkin’s in an hour

elmoisfurry: wut a coincidence

davepoobond: coooooool

elmoisfurry: beyatch

elmoisfurry: well well well

elmoisfurry: if it isnt mr popinfresh

elmoisfurry: making croisants no doubt

davepoobond: lol

elmoisfurry: hoohoo!

elmoisfurry: shutup

elmoisfurry: ive had it with ur laughing

elmoisfurry: its driving me insane!!!!!!!!!1

elmoisfurry: hoohoo

elmoisfurry: arrrrrrrrrrrrg

elmoisfurry: !!!!!!!!!

elmoisfurry: crash bang boom

elmoisfurry: hoohoo!

elmoisfurry: damn u doughboy

elmoisfurry: ill get u next time

elmoisfurry: hoohoo!

elmoisfurry: (end)

elmoisfurry: (editing)

damn u doughboy


damn u and the roll u rode in on, doughboy

davepoobond: haha

davepoobond: my sister is walking around in her PE clothes

davepoobond: its dumb

elmoisfurry: llllllooooooolllllllllllllll

davepoobond: just cuz i was wearing my old PE clothes earlier

elmoisfurry: yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

elmoisfurry: u dumbass

elmoisfurry: llloooooolllllllllll

davepoobond: i can wear whatever i damn want to

davepoobond: thats why

davepoobond: they still fit, so i wear them at home

elmoisfurry: yea, except for pe clothes

elmoisfurry: dumbass

davepoobond: i dont care, its not like they’re not clean

davepoobond: what’s so bad about wearing them?

elmoisfurry: they

elmoisfurry: suck

elmoisfurry: balls

davepoobond: wah wah cry me a river. go tell someone who CARES

elmoisfurry: the first part made no sense

elmoisfurry: dumbass

elmoisfurry: stuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuupid

davepoobond: ummm………………………………………………………………….THATS IT! YOU GO TO THE PIE POD

davepoobond: ::grabs you, and jams you into the pie pod, restraining him in it::

davepoobond: ahahah! ::starts it::

elmoisfurry: gets out

elmoisfurry: stabs dave

elmoisfurry: throws him down the pie coaster

elmoisfurry: laughs


elmoisfurry: haha

elmoisfurry: ur dead

elmoisfurry: wut a looser

davepoobond: ::gets out, and jumps into the air, putting you into the Pie Wash:: AHAHAHAH

davepoobond: ::starts it, and he spins around::

davepoobond: ahahaha! ::pie stuff comes out of the hoses::

elmoisfurry: puts on speacial no pie suit

elmoisfurry: hahahahaha

elmoisfurry: not ur turn down the

elmoisfurry: …………

elmoisfurry: pie slide!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

elmoisfurry: picks u up with 2 fingers

elmoisfurry: climbs up the ladder

elmoisfurry: chuck u down the slide at 50 mph

elmoisfurry: pie goes all over the audience

davepoobond: ::jams him into the Wall of Stuff::

elmoisfurry: audience comes over and stabs u one at a time in the eye

davepoobond: SUFFER!!!

elmoisfurry: surfer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

davepoobond: no

elmoisfurry: wwwwwwwipe out!!!!!!!!


elmoisfurry: gasp

elmoisfurry: die!!!!!!!!!!!1

elmoisfurry: yay!!!!!!!!!!!

elmoisfurry: ::u die::

elmoisfurry: ::never comes back to life……..ever!::

davepoobond: ::comes back to life anyway::

davepoobond: AHA!

elmoisfurry: ::remids dave hes dead::

elmoisfurry: ::dave remembers falls down and dies again::

elmoisfurry: ::never to return!!!!!!!!!!!!!::

davepoobond: ::comes back to life again::

elmoisfurry: ::not::

elmoisfurry: heh heh heh

elmoisfurry: got ya

elmoisfurry: beyatch

elmoisfurry: u smell of rancid beffy logs!

elmoisfurry: muahahahahahaha