Tag Archives: Caca Master

#5879: Caca Master -> Ryu

Caca Master: Hey, Marco.

Ryu: Yo

Caca Master: Hey. I’m RPin’ Psychic Force 2012. It’s fuuunn.

Ryu: Coo’.

Ryu: Which char?

Caca Master: Heh. Richard Wong.

Caca Master: You know me a backroomguys. I always kick at’em.

Caca Master: By that, I mean big cheese characters. -.-

Caca Master: You’re always good at the main characters.

Caca Master: Bet ya’d wanna RP Burn.

Ryu: Burn I still remember from the first game.

Caca Master: Heh. I like Keith better.

Caca Master: Setsuna-“I am not your Puppet, WONG!!”

Richard-“Yes.. You’re right. A puppet without strings is a puppet no more.. it is nothing but a useless piece of wood.”


Caca Master: Heh.

Kyo-“::Walks in.:: Yagami!.. ::Blink.::”

Setsuna and Wong-“::Blink, blink.::”

Kyo-“::Sweatdrop.:: Oops. Wrong Game. Sorry. ::Walks out.::”


Caca Master: Iori-“Hmph. . ::Slams Sub-Zero’s knee into his own face.:: —I should’ve taken a right at Killer Instinct.”

Ryu: Heh.

Caca Master: Terry-“::Balls his fist.:: Geeeeessseee!! —::Realizes he’s in “Duck Hunter” for NES.:: —?”

Ryu: ROFLMFAO!!!!!!

Caca Master: Geese-“Hmph. Bogard.. ::Gets shot.:: Oof!!!”

Ryu: LMAO.

Ryu: (Ryo) ::scratches his head, reading the sign on the road.:: Choco Island…

Caca Master: LOL.

Caca Master: Ryu-“::Jumps ontop of Little mushroom like peoples heads and eats a large Red topped on, growing twice his size.:: This – – can’t be right.”


Caca Master: Ken-“::Dressed in Green with a Hat that has “K” On it.:: You’re telling me!”

Ryu: LOL!!!!!!!!!!!

Caca Master: Yamazaki-“::In a Mary Kate and Ashley Game.. Grins.:: EEEEHHHEHEHEHEHE!!! ::Begins killing the little blondes running around.::”

Ryu: Eww.. x_x

Caca Master: e.e;

Caca Master: Bison-“::Flies down from the Sky inside a big smiley face ship and throws ba-bombs at Ryu and Ken.:: Mwuahahaha!!”

Ryu: (Ryu) ::jumps on him.::

Caca Master: Bison-“*BO BO BOOOOO!!!* ::Shrinks.::”


Caca Master: Heh.

Caca Master: Morrigan-“::In an H-Game.. Doesn’t mind.::”

Ryu: LoL.

Caca Master: Kim-“::Opens his mouth and sucks in vast amounts of air, eating apples and then pounding an over large Tree.:: ..”

Ryu: LOL.

Caca Master: King-“::Gets punched by Jin Kazama:: B–ah!”

Caca Master: Orochi-“::Has blue spikey hair and runs extremely fast.:: ?!”

Ryu: x.x

Caca Master: Rugal-“Wait up! I’ll get you! ::Is now in a Big Red suit with black shoes.::”

Caca Master: Vice-“::Flies over head with Two tails.::”

Ryu: Vice, LMAO.

#5878: Caca Master -> Ryu

Caca Master: Mark!

Ryu: Yea’?

Ryu: Can ya’ help me on my homework? x.x;

Ryu: Rob?

Caca Master: Sure, Mark.

Caca Master: Is it Sex Ed? ;o

Caca Master: Lmao.

Caca Master: The man sticks his whowhodilly, in the womans chacha.

Ryu: Well I need the steps of what happends when a pregnant woman takes a drug.

Ryu: and how it affects the baby.

Caca Master: LOL.

Ryu: Can ya’ help me there?

Caca Master: Alright.. “The inpregnated women.. shoots up, and da’t baby ge’s fucked up wi’t it, motha’ fucka’ haha. Aw, yea’. So, buy da’ baby a dime bag.” That, of course, is the drug dealers point of view.

Ryu: x.x;; Really, it affects my grade.

Ryu: I know it starts off the drug is inserted from the mouth.

Caca Master: ..It does?

Caca Master: Lmao.

Ryu: ….Rob, this isn’t funny

Caca Master: As if all drugs go in through the mouth. Lmao.

Caca Master: Woman-“::Swallows a Heroine needle…::”

Ryu: ….Rob.

Travelers Inn

OnlineHost: *** You are in “Arts and Entertainment – Travelers Inn”.


JonasTheElf: ((LOL sorry, trying to scare people away))

davepoobond: ::walks in::

davepoobond: hum dee dum dee doh

OnlineHost: Tsenn has entered the room.

LadyKatrina: ::shakes her head:: great, jonas is going isane

Mac: ::grins:: Rush? ::kisses her again, this time more deeply::

davepoobond: ::walks over and smacks Mac in the head::

JonasTheElf: ::he climbs onto his bed::

Mac: ::is upstairs::

davepoobond: ::is upstairs too then::

Caca Master: [Lmao. Not again, Dave.]

davepoobond: ((shhhhhhhhhh))

LadyKatrina: ::looks at Jonas:: good night

Mac: ::Pulls USP and blows Bond away::

davepoobond: whoa! ::blows up::

Tsenn: ((he got blown away lmao))

davepoobond: ::unblows up::

Chloe Steele: ((LOL…I can’t work with this people! LOL))

JonasTheElf: ::pats the bed next to him:: join me?

davepoobond: hey, that reminds me of a story

davepoobond: that story is “unblown up”

Mac: ((oh god))

Caca Master: [Lmao. Mac-“::Drops to his knees.. And blows Dave away..::”]

davepoobond: theres this guy you see

Caca Master: [Lmfao.]

LadyKatrina: ::looks at Jonas:: perphaps when we know each other more

davepoobond: he came to an inn

Tsenn: ((oh no bob its storytime))

davepoobond: and there was this guy

Caca Master: [Oh god.. Not story time.]

davepoobond: he didnt like men

davepoobond: so he took his gun

davepoobond: and blew him up

davepoobond: he blew him up so much, he unblowed up

LadyKatrina: ::stands up::

davepoobond: he got mad

davepoobond: thats it

Caca Master: [Rofl. I’m so tired, this is actually funny.]

davepoobond: ::sits on Mac’s head:: i know a person named Squack-Mack. do you know him?

LadyKatrina: ::watches for his reaction to what she had said::

davepoobond: that reminds me of a story about Squack-Mack

davepoobond: he came to a inn once

JonasTheElf: :::smiles and winks, takes off shirt::

davepoobond: there was this guy upstair

davepoobond: s

davepoobond: kissing a wall

davepoobond: i dont know what he was doing really

OnlineHost: Tsenn has left the room.

davepoobond: i think he was practicing to kiss the chair

davepoobond: so, anyway, he sold drugs, y’see

LadyKatrina: ::sighs as she prepares to walk out the door::

OnlineHost: Tsenn has entered the room.

davepoobond: so, he came to the room and before he could sell any drugs

OnlineHost: JonasTheElf has left the room.

davepoobond: the stupid guy blowed him up with his gun

Tsenn: ((bob hes at the stories again?))

OnlineHost: Mac has left the room.

OnlineHost: Chloe Steele has left the room.

davepoobond: then he blewn up

Caca Master: [Not for long.. Looks like everyone left.]

davepoobond: he got mad

Caca Master: [Good going, genius.]

OnlineHost: LadyKatrina has left the room.

Caca Master: [Lmfao.]

davepoobond: ((ahaha. my plan worked though)))

Tsenn: ((lmao you scared them))

davepoobond: ((i kill rooms))

davepoobond: ((i’ll look for another room))

davepoobond: ((just follow me))

UPDATE, week of 8-26-01

Caca Master: LADEPOOCA!

Adman: Waka Waka Waka

davepoobond: please please pleeeeeassee visit our sponsors, the one at the very top of the page, PLEASE. You DO want the pop ups and the big black bar thingy to go away dont you? The Bulletin Board is dead, go to it and post stuff.

stuff updated/put up:

SongsGreen Poopies, Pick of Bum

SBCGhostwroter Episode 1, Squackle! TV Show Episode 1, Movie: Pencil Eraser, Scluckle Episode 1, Short Film: Boy Bands, Short Film: Pikachu vs. Britney Spears

Stupid IMssPOtLiTEswEEtY IM, elementcky IM, doman IM, Crest kid IM, ~lil basketball gurl~ IM, seostar IM, Billling help 96 IM, YoursTruly IM, Lil Angel Gurl IM 2, mcbain IM, mcbain IM 2, Crest kid IM 2, AWSSkater IM, FrozenToThisWorld IM, a stray cat IM, JoyInLA IM, Fluffy Fox IM, MyLeftTesticle IM, Fast SEX 4 U 212 IM, Cute Horny Lara IM, elmoisfurry IM, Ryu IM, Ryu IM 2, MARCELY IM, Berrybud IM 2, Para IM 4, Berrybud IM 3, Figursk8r IM, Para IM 5, Fire IM, Vegichan IM, JenYourSexy21 IM, Mwahbabyxoxo21 IM, MyLeftTesticle IM, davepoobond IM 5, AWSSkater IM