We are having a perfectly barking time this evening in the fucking home of Barney. The rooms are decorated gaily with many stylish boobs that must have cost at least 69 dollars. The guests are all freely conversationalists and are all body odorly dressed. Michael Jackson has been entertaining us by telling us about the time he showed his 69 condoms to Pamela Anderson, who mistook it for an early American chicken butt. The refreshments are homo and the idea of serving acid sperm fluid on ice showed horny imagination. Visiting here is always a corny experience.
Tag Archives: body odor
Extreme body odor is a sign that

Joke #11192
Q: Why are kids with rotten teeth more popular now?
A: Because with really rotten teeth, you don’t notice the body odor.
Joke #11058
Q: What are three things we know about body odor?
A: You can’t Ban it, you can’t keep it a Secret, and it affects Mennen women.
Joke #11056
Q: How is body odor like growing peaches?
A: They both come from the pits.
orinouce – n. the odor of sweating testicles
guntei – n. a high school cheerleader that drops her deodorant outside a crowded bus stop that fell out of her makeup bag
fugas – n. the odor secreted by two people having sex
feegas – n. a smell of perspiration that rises from one’s feet. Feepew is a derivitive of feegas. <see feepew>
;} the odorous smell of Zach after he has not taken a shower for a given period of time.
Ex. Farren released feegas from his sweaty body.
difucttie – n. what happens when odor hits the power stripe
daniloag – n. a museum that smells like BO