Tag Archives: Blind Bubba


#10340: davepoobond -> stimpyismyname

davepoobond: boo

stimpyismyname: have fun

davepoobond: ?

davepoobond: stick that finger in deep

stimpyismyname: eww

davepoobond: where should i send your $79 bottle of lotion?

davepoobond: http://.org/dance.swf

davepoobond: go its funny

stimpyismyname: that turns you on, eh?

stimpyismyname: fuckin homo

davepoobond: lol no

davepoobond: someone gave it to me

stimpyismyname: i’m gonna show your mom

davepoobond: i got youuuuuuuuuu

stimpyismyname: im gonna call right now

davepoobond: fine

davepoobond: do it

davepoobond: assmunch

davepoobond: what the hell

stimpyismyname: what

stimpyismyname: did something happen

davepoobond: i KNOW that was you

davepoobond: i have caller ID

davepoobond: DUMBASS

stimpyismyname: what was me?

stimpyismyname: huh?

stimpyismyname: you like men?

stimpyismyname: you like to see assholes?

stimpyismyname: really?

davepoobond: ur mom likes to see assholes

stimpyismyname: youre gay?

stimpyismyname: im gonna make a special update for you on christophersoft

davepoobond: u better not

stimpyismyname: ha

davepoobond: i’ll make one for you

davepoobond: which MORE people will see

stimpyismyname: ur the gayass

davepoobond: no i’m not

stimpyismyname: not me

davepoobond: hey hey, you tried showing me that same picture a long time ago

davepoobond: thats the goatse picture, remember

stimpyismyname: no

davepoobond: yeah that was

stimpyismyname: u showed it to me

davepoobond: no i didnt

davepoobond: johnny did

stimpyismyname: eh, whatever

stimpyismyname: you went back

davepoobond: what do you mean went back

davepoobond: show it to Blind Bubba
stimpyismyname: why dont you show it during buttsex

davepoobond: why dont you show it during your buttbuddiness with SR71 Steve

davepoobond: he wants you

stimpyismyname: ur stupid

stimpyismyname: hes gay

stimpyismyname: u probly cyber with him

davepoobond: ur mom probably does

davepoobond: he’s the man

stimpyismyname: fuckin fagget

stimpyismyname: shut the hell up

davepoobond: jo mana

#6406: davepoobond -> Blind Bubba

davepoobond: elooooooo

Blind Bubba: this is Blind Bubba’s sister

Blind Bubba: who are you

davepoobond: um

davepoobond: my name is HM098-L, i’m an automatic response bot

Blind Bubba: whats that

davepoobond: i basically go around tell people random things

davepoobond: i get payed for it too

Blind Bubba: how much???

davepoobond: look at me. i’m a robot. wheeeeeee!

Blind Bubba: i want to be a bot

Blind Bubba: uh…

Blind Bubba: nevermind

Blind Bubba: bye

davepoobond: k bye

#6380: davepoobond -> Blind Bubba

davepoobond: are you done w/your chores

Blind Bubba: yep

davepoobond: wanna do something

davepoobond: i’m bored off my ass

Blind Bubba: got someone over

Blind Bubba: but if you have money

Blind Bubba: you could come over i suppose

davepoobond: heh. how much

Blind Bubba: 5 dollars

davepoobond: i’m in

Blind Bubba: ok

davepoobond: should i bring it in singles or something?

Blind Bubba: yes

Blind Bubba: oh’

Blind Bubba: you should put it like

Blind Bubba: i have these cement things that have wooden posts holding up the front

Blind Bubba: put it on that

Blind Bubba: back away

Blind Bubba: ill take the money

Blind Bubba: check if its real

Blind Bubba: then we’ll see

davepoobond: wtf

davepoobond: yer just gonna jack it from me

Blind Bubba: no, its a fee

davepoobond: to do what

Blind Bubba: to come over, wat do you think

Blind Bubba: or

Blind Bubba: wait

Blind Bubba: do you want to goto pc

Blind Bubba: o wait, do you caer

Blind Bubba: about 6 months

Blind Bubba: crap you do dont you

Blind Bubba: fudie

davepoobond: i dont REALLY care about it

davepoobond: i do if i get caught

davepoobond: but i doubt i will

davepoobond: y’want me to drive you somewhere or something

Blind Bubba: nah doyou want to pc201

davepoobond: what does that mean

Blind Bubba: nm

Blind Bubba: yah i guess u can come over till 3 or 3 30 or somethin

davepoobond: alright 45 minutes

davepoobond: whoo!

Blind Bubba: o

Blind Bubba: er

Blind Bubba: 4

Blind Bubba: or 4 30

davepoobond: k

davepoobond: whatever


That day, davepoobond, Blind Bubba and some other guy shot some BB guns at a wooden fence, then went to Burger King, then went to a PC “cafe” kind of thing. Isn’t that interesting?  Its the first time dave had been to one of those PC kinds of places.

#6378: davepoobond -> Blind Bubba

davepoobond: what are you doing today

Blind Bubba: Contemplating the ‘true meaning’ of this very old, ugly monitor in front of me. All other priorities I once held now pale in comparison. Thus, any IMs must wait awhile until I feel this ‘holy mission’ is complete.

be back in few hours…

davepoobond: ………WHAT THE HELL did you just say

#6362: Blind Bubba -> davepoobond

Blind Bubba: spanish hw? y/n

davepoobond: i didnt get it

Blind Bubba: oh

Blind Bubba: fuk neither did i

davepoobond: u never do

Blind Bubba: stfu

davepoobond: and ur implying that you did at one period of time, which you never did


Blind Bubba: yesi did

Blind Bubba: i do it occasionally

Blind Bubba: so I did

Blind Bubba: and do

davepoobond: to apply for a job at blockbuster, it takes 40-50 minutes

Blind Bubba: whoa

Blind Bubba: are you serious?

Blind Bubba: wtf do they do

davepoobond: yeah

davepoobond: i went there today

Blind Bubba: give you a fuckin drug test or somethin

davepoobond: to see if i could get hired

Blind Bubba: lol

davepoobond: and i started it, but it said it would take 40-50 minutes

Blind Bubba: oh

davepoobond: and i said screw dat

Blind Bubba: to just do the app?

davepoobond: its like this stupid phone thing

Blind Bubba: how much did it pay hourly

davepoobond: there is no application

Blind Bubba: oh

Blind Bubba: wtf

Blind Bubba: thats gay

davepoobond: its kinda like one

davepoobond: there’s this phone and you answer all these questions or something

Blind Bubba: omg

davepoobond: and i went to “last name, first name, middle name”

Blind Bubba: that is fucking gay

davepoobond: and i pressed numbers, and i couldnt figure out how to put letters in

davepoobond: cuz there are no letters by themselves

davepoobond: it pissed me off so i left


davepoobond: lol

davepoobond: yeah



davepoobond: or speak into it or something, but i didnt do anything with it really

davepoobond: i picked it up for 2 minutes

davepoobond: lol, i got an email titled “lose weight with hypnosis!!”

davepoobond: such crap

Blind Bubba: fuck, im doing FF4 right

Blind Bubba: and i am so fucking close to finishing it

davepoobond: what is ff4

Blind Bubba: but there is a fucking ilt

Blind Bubba: omfg

davepoobond: final fantasy 4?

Blind Bubba: final fantasy four

Blind Bubba: yah

Blind Bubba: there is a fucking sword

davepoobond: ROM?

Blind Bubba: but i need to fight

Blind Bubba: a snake before

Blind Bubba: yah

Blind Bubba: and the snake fucking rapes everything

davepoobond: i have it on PS

Blind Bubba: Final Fantasy FOUR?

davepoobond: i havent really played it too much

Blind Bubba: wtf

davepoobond: yeah

Blind Bubba: its onfucking ps

Blind Bubba: wtf

davepoobond: it came out with Chrono Trigger

Blind Bubba: how far didyou get

davepoobond: in Final Fantasy Chronicles

Blind Bubba: ah

davepoobond: i barely started

davepoobond: i had it on rom b4

Blind Bubba: its a fucking great game

davepoobond: yeah it is

Blind Bubba: omfg

davepoobond: its cool cuz there’s 5 guys



Blind Bubba: im gonna go try and kill it agian

Blind Bubba: cya

davepoobond: bye



Blind Bubba: 50

Blind Bubba: 30

Blind Bubba: 20

Blind Bubba: 50

Blind Bubba: 1300

Blind Bubba: WHAT THE FUCK

davepoobond: lol

davepoobond: level up

Blind Bubba: stfu

Blind Bubba: i dont want to lvl up

Blind Bubba: if he didnt pull so much bs crap

davepoobond: thats all u can do. you’ll never beat it otherwise

Blind Bubba: FUCK THE AI

Blind Bubba: STFU

davepoobond: what level are you at

Blind Bubba: ill get lucky and kick its ass

Blind Bubba: most are 40-50

Blind Bubba: im almost to last boss

davepoobond: ALMOST? then you’re gonna need to be level 70 to beat the boss..

Blind Bubba: wtf r u sure

davepoobond: yer gonna need to be 55 at least right now to kill the boss your at with a chance

davepoobond: or maybe you need a new strategy

Blind Bubba: I’v already figured hte fucker out

Blind Bubba: you cant cast spells on you

Blind Bubba: i mean

Blind Bubba: you cant cast spell son him

Blind Bubba: or else

Blind Bubba: he will do a fucking huge group spell on your ass

davepoobond: you can use reflect on one of ur characters

davepoobond: and then use the magic on them

Blind Bubba: it doesnt always work for some reason

Blind Bubba: if the guy

Blind Bubba: does a group spell to us

Blind Bubba: which guy needs wall

Blind Bubba: any?

davepoobond: i dont know i’m not there, but i know a lot of final fantasy strategy


Aren’t I smart? I’m a loser, what can I say.