Q: Did you know that a man once flew off the top of the Empire State Building and lived?
A: He lived until he hit the ground!
Q: Did you know that a man once flew off the top of the Empire State Building and lived?
A: He lived until he hit the ground!
“This book started from something that ahppened in my family. My brother started thinking he was a chicken. We probably should have taken him to a doctor. But we needed the eggs!”
– RL Stine (from the book Goosebumps Chicken Chicken)
urma – n. clothing made from plastic bottles
The control of American culture comes from the government, and those who have influence on our everyday lives. For example, the government imposes dress codes, bans books, etc. So that eventually one day these things will come into normal practice without second thinking their choice, as if these bans on laws on ridiculous things were never there. With the dress code for instance, they intend to make everyone not wear certain types of clothing.
Since students can’t wear them, demand for them goes down and eventually is erased from existence, as habits are built on the next generation to not wear these types of clothing ever again. This goes for anything else that is trying to alter the way we think or how we want to do things so that they will have more and more control over culture, and us, according to an unknown group controlling it all.
“Mr. Pillips philosophy for writing well:
It is easier to edit than it is to create”
– Mr. Pillips
“She gave me those wieners so that I could be a champion, and I’m not going to let her down now!”
– from the television
Q: True or False? Dinosaurs made their nests in the same place every year.
A: True! Just like birds today, some dinosaurs would return to a nesting site year after year.
Q: When did dinosaurs first become popular?
A: Over 150 years ago — thanks in part to a London exhibit in 1851 that included full-size replicas of dinosaurs
Q: When and where was the first stegosaurian found?
A: In 1877 in Colorado
Q: When scientists see ripple marks near a dinosaur fossil, what do they know?
A: The dinosaur lived near shallow water.
National Hug Week – n. a holiday in which everyone just hugs each other for no reason. It is the 2nd week of March.
Be Mean Tuesday – n. a holiday in which everyone is mean to each other intentionally. It is the 2nd Tuesday of March.
Corporations represent the newly changed American society, from World War I, because of the many ways that the people not in charge of the way things are running it, can take charge and be a small part of it.
The Corporation, being a new thing, brought many new businesses into the fray. Larger sums of money and capital were made. The hiring of more workers i these newly formed corporations increased the amount of industrial productivity, though most of the workers in the corporation were white collar workers. The economy of United States fluctuated because of the internationalism, as it got easier to transport goods. Industrialists were the ones that sold to other countries of the world.
As society changed, new ideas changed with it. It gave birth to radicals and anarchists. The radicals were for the disarmament of military weapons all over the world. Now more locally, they were for prohibition. These new changes were meant for the good of the people. But every good thing has a repercussion. For prohibition lead to lawbreakers and a higher amount of crime. The corporations also had multiple repercussions, such as taking away the business of the smaller non-corporate businesses.
The progression of business to corporation is an example of how America progressed itself, during the years after World War I. America ame from a rural to urban society, and for the first time, electricity was able to flow through the cities. Due to the corporations and their rapidly changing technology, they invted the radio. The radio helped in increasing the number of billionaires, which raised 400% from previous years, because everyone wanted a radio.
The development of corporations in the business world itself changed American society.
– davepoobond
“it velps tun wiuscles”