Written in the profile field “Marital Status:”
“To my dirt bike, im 19 cmon, now”
– from the internet
Quotes, re-enactments, “real-life” chat logs.
Written in the profile field “Marital Status:”
“To my dirt bike, im 19 cmon, now”
– from the internet
Written in the profile field “Hobbies:”
– from the internet
Written in the profile field “Hobbies:”
“I like to sh**it. I will sell my poop to anyone who is interested. I take great sloppy dumps.”
– from the internet
Written in the profile field “Hobbies:”
“doing any thing with women (guys are fun, women are better)”
– from the internet
Written in the profile field “Hobbies:”
“Eating ice cream, scooping ice cream, licking ice cream, poop…i hate that damn word”
– from the internet
Written in the profile field “Hobbies:”
“i’m tRyInG tO taKe oVer tHe WOrLd ! ! ! nAH. . . tOo mUch thInKinG invOLvEd !”
– from the internet
Written in the profile field “Hobbies:”
– from the internet
Written in the profile field “Hobbies:”
“going and fetching water, i also enjoy pondering on the toilet with a newspaper”
– from the internet
Written in the profile field “Occupation:”
“a monkey named chim chim on the show, ‘speed racer'”
– from the internet
Written in the profile field “Occupation:”
“your poop”
– from the internet
Written in the profile field “Occupation:”
“i’m a full time superhereo but i moonlight as an international spy”
– from the internet
Written in the profile field “Occupation:”
“I scoop ice cream!!!!!!!”
– from the internet
Written in the profile field “Occupation:”
– from the internet
Written in the profile field “Occupation:”
“Mal & Cait – MEAT me at the WEINER stand! get it?!”
– from the internet
Written in the profile field “Occupation:”
“shoveling elephant poop for the circus across the street”
– from the internet