Category Archives: Other Junk

Random junk that doesn’t go anywhere else.

How to Make Dalek Juice

1 – find a Dalek
2 – exterminate it before it exterminates you
3 – open the head hatch and shove a blender in
4 – blend the Kaled mutant inside until it’s completely juiced
5 – add lots of sugar
6 – ad yeast
7 – throw in some hops
8 – store the Dalek in a cold dark basement for 6 months so it ferments
9 – after fermenting carbonate the juice
10 – shove a long straw into its eye-piece
11 – DRINK DRINK DRINK Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

This is a Dalek:

Fun Stuff To Do

– Keep telling the same person that they have bad breath even if they don’t, then punch them in the face.

– Announce in a meeting that you have AIDS. Then after everyone gives you sympathy remarks tell them you were just kidding and tell them they are all a bunch of queers.

– Before a meeting, fill your mouth with custard.  Then during the meeting put one finger in the air and make like you are hocking up a big loogie. then spit the custard into a clear glass and hand it to the person next to you and say “beat that.”

– Inform a co-worker that he wouldn’t make a good hooker then piss in his coffee and tell him he needs a good ass-fucking.

– Walk around with a big smile on your face while keeping one hand down your pants.

– Answer every question with “fuck if I know” then call the person a racial slur that doesn’t even match their race.

– Brag about the fact that you own a gun and keep playing with your nuts, get them really sweaty , then walk around shaking everyone’s hand.

– Shit on the floor of your office and when someone comes in and sees it tell them that it’s the fake plastic kind.  When they try to pick it up and realize that their hand is full of shit, laugh and point.

– Run down the hall with your dick out while pissing all over the place and yell “It won’t stop!” then when it stops, look down and say “oh.”

10. ask to borrow someon’es pen. take it to the bathroom and stick it in your ass. return it and tell the person to smell it. when they tell you it smells like shit say ” it should i had it in my ass !! “





































































































































































































































What the Critics Say About Squackle

“Ummm…….can we all say that’s a fucked up site??” – whitemagic

“I never squackled in public until I saw this site.” – BALTAUR SAMA

“Squackle just SQUACKS me up!” – D-Fiance

“Squackle made me piss myself, now i laugh wet” – D-Fiance

“o.o;; no” – Korinu

“Um, a collection of odd stuff?” – Para

“Squackle is God” – Vegichan

“Squackle is the place to go to find the cheapest chicken and turkey prices” – Valin Consulting

“Its…weird?” – Ko-chan

“Its a nice funny site with funny stuff there” – Jippii CEO the CEO of Jippii

“Heh…I dunno” – Bob

“This site has a very deep, profound point. No, I have no clue what it is either and if you know commit yourself. As for me, I submitted stuff to this site and am going to take a bath… I feel all dirty.” – Phoenix

“Every time I’m sitting on the pot and taking a dump I think of Squackle” – MyLeftTesticle

“I want to marry squackle!!!!” – The Peaman Thats Not a Man

“I like squackle… in spanish ducks go cua cua…I have mad cow disease…I like chinese.. WOW that rhymes!” – doughnut

“I love peas, well actually I dont, they are gross, and i also like unicorns and long walks on the beach, and um, also, mmmm.. animal sex.. I love squackle.. mooo” – The Peaman Thats Not a Man

“You are all evil … its great!! I love your site” – Stevo

“…Good….[not] bad…..kill [er]…person who made this site [rules]” – Sane Times

“hi my name’s ralph an i think your site sicks ass.  =D” – Poophead

“I’m not gonna waste my data for your stupid web site” – Add None

Find Your Porn-Star Name

To find your Porn-Star name, you take your middle name and your street name. Like if your middle name is David and your street name is Oakwood, your Porn Star name would be David Oakwood.

Leave a comment and tell us your Porn-Star name!

Squackle! Fans:

Suzanne Olive

Nicole Carle

John Carmel

Renee Fiore

Buys Springhill

Michael Southwold

Kathryn Jefferson

James Linden

Peter Gould

Robert Blue Devil

Mikey Chestnut

Giljam Wildzang

Noelle Hickory Tree

Jeannie Walker

Marie Durand

Dale Mainsail

Jane Second

Reece Carr

Benjamin Romayne

Timothy Duchamp

Anne Mt Blanc

Thomas Route

Ashley Enchanted

Aloha Rowell

Linda Pearson

James Elevvven

William Oakes

Heidi Nykvist

Mannie Williams

Tom Blackstone

Eyre Accent

Michael Ridge

Marie Lake

Sailor Joe

Jo Baker

Tobias Ekman

James Eleven

Lynn Robertson

Kaye Irvin

Allen Irvin

Evangeline Memorial

James Guadalupe

David Little John

Lynn Watertree

Hope Robin

Moses Upland

Martin Glenfield

Melissa Peters

Donald Huntington

Ann Creekstone

Albert Starlane

Dowe Park

Ashley West Broad

Robert Finale

Elaine Sentry

Elaine MidBluff

Earl Prospect

Franklin Crest

Paul Ash

Nicole Sawyer

Matthew Merritt

Robyn Durham

Leigh Mingo

Irena Berkely

Nichole Verner

Ann Stope

Lynn Stancil

Joseph California

Allen McCarthy

Marie Contut

Lee Cainbridge

Gabrielle Owens

Edward Hill View

Geoff Warner

Anthony Hancock

Taylor Timberwood

Ann Brownstown

James Buena Vista

Xizhe Palmerston

Louise Tiffany

Merritt Smurf

Joseph Carefree

Leeann Sunset

Irma Ashberry

Roger Oak

Jess Villa

Scott Andy Holt

Michael Goldstream

Anne Virginia

Richard Satellite

Reene Jones



William Hillside

James Diablo

Avalon Squaw

Ann Walnut

Allen Briarbrook

James Viper

Edward Jammit

Mike Hunt

Marie Cameron

Mandy Nordegg

Marguerite Bethany

William Woodhaven

John Spring

John Horseshoe

Priscilla Mandelion

Tommy Tough Nuts

Anne Stavanger

Louise Everton

Krista Longwoods

Aurore Haynes

Grace Sugar Hill Circle

Marie Main

Scott Hillcrest

Micheal South

Kennith Ridge

Astra Cindy

Matt Rogers

Danielle 5th

Arthur Kraft

Lynn Smurfsucker

Jin Pwoooooby

Dewey College

Marie Olympia

Gretchen Woodman

Conrad Harper

Rob Rock-et

Hayley Hill

Allyse Chilton

John Harmony

Marcin Driftcurrent

Louis Dunkirk

Damian Simpson

Ellie Minerve

Jane Lakewood

Grenadina Likurmixer

Scott Rodecker

Joey Baseballs

Micheal Torris

Anthony Oak

Rose Northminster

Jacob Roweland

Up-er-lee-os up the Arse

David Kendal

Manny Amherst

Steven Grand

Kathleen Prescott

Anne Embarcadero

Brandi Johnston

Lisa O’Bannon

Kristopher Robinwood

Elizabeth Tadcaster

Scott Newton

Joe Cortes

Catherine Coralridge

Michelle Elizabeth Grange

Barbie Bushwaker

Giles Schirmer

George Steamboat

Rex Vicksburg

John Homes

Steven Nicoll

Toby Citation

Ashley Linden

Sarah Bluebonnet

Dick Hyde

Cherry Poppins

Thomas Trask

Elizabeth River

Elizabeth Glass

Indee Avenue

Misty Circle

Joel Stanton

Ruth Jenwood

Marshall Bitchtits


John School

Gregor Lochbridge

Avery Montgomery

Valerie Woodswallow

Alan Oxford

Allen Blossom

Eric 450 E

Joseph Suzanne Ridge

Nicole St. Rd. 252

David Cortez

Wayne Timberlake Trail

Brandon Thickety Trace

Jarrett Landry

Raymond Mainsgate

Allen Ramblewood

Michael Vista

Alexander Garrison

Jake Paradise

Brooke Cherry

Scott Woodhaven

Newell Marquis

Anthony Marion

Anthony Palm

Allan Oliver

Daniel Valiant

Chris Carver

Garland Harmony

Ann 17th

T Cranbrook

Most Famous (and Funny) porn-star names:

1. Dave Cottage

2. Butch Quaker

3. Lucy Sixety-nine (Street in New York City)

4. Bill Hardman

5. Scott Prospect (Sounds more like a rapper)

6. Kelly Hamburg

7. Johnathon Johnson

9. Dale Kingston

10. Lisa Trout Brook

11. Jamie Frankfurt

12. Mei Huron

13. Marie Peartree

14. Annie Squidwash

15. Tina Liverworst

16. Trinie Deluxe

17. Toaster Funk

18. Arnie Bigass

19. Fredrick Starpool

20. Ghandi Flavah

21. Squakle Squickle

22. Osama Cavehunter

23. Barbie Bushwacker

24. Melanie Mackit

25. Betty Boligrafo

26. Prissy Emberly

27. Ronnie Emberly

28. Edith Crumpowski

29. Lady Dorothy

30. Chet Farquirk

31. Melissa Stookface

32. Shelly Tarpit

33. Megan Bloomers

34. Hardwood Longjohnson

Mind Trick (Or Not)

Have you ever wondered if your mind is normal or different?

Well, do this little mind exercise and find out at the end! Free will or synaptic wiring? You be the judge.

Check out the following exercise, guaranteed to raise an eyebrow. There’s no trick or surprise. Just follow these instructions, and answer the questions one at a time and as quickly as you can. Again, as quickly as you can but don’t advance until you’ve done each of them…really.

Now, scroll down (but not too fast, you might miss something)

> What is:

> 1+5













> 2+4


















> 3+3





















> 4+2


















> 5+1



















> Now repeat saying the number 6 to

> yourself as fast as you can for 15 seconds.

> Then scroll down.


















































> QUICK! THINK OF A VEGETABLE! Then arrow down.




































> Keep going.




























> You’re thinking of a carrot, right?






If not, you’re among the 2% of the population whose minds are different enough to think something else.

98% of people will answer with carrot when given this exercise. Freaky, huh?

Keep this message going. Tell all people you know and see if they can see if they are all normal or not WELL, I’M NOT NORMAL…….BUT, WE ALL KNEW THAT………….

Top 10 Excuses To Use If One Game Remains and Two People Want It

10. you have to have the barcode battler to play that game

9. that game isn’t compatible with any nintendo system

8. that game is already reserved for me

7. (offer a bribe)

6. execute a psycho crusher through this person to the game

5. take a hostage

4. i lost a contact lens — dont move!

3. sneeze on the game

2. hey! is that cindy crawford?

1. i’m buying the game for an orphanage

The Missing Dollar!

3 men go into a motel. The man behind the desk said the room is $30, so, each man paid $10 and went to the room.  A while later the man behind the desk realized the room was only $25, so he sent the bellboy to the 3 guys’ room with $5.

On the way the bellboy couldn’t figure out how to split $5 evenly between 3 men, so he gave each man a $1 and kept the other $2 for himself.

This meant that the 3 men each paid $9 for the room, which is a total of $27. Add the $2 that the bellboy kept = $29.


Find Your Star Wars Name

It appears that Lucas uses a formula to create all those stupid names you see in the Star Wars trilogy and Phantom Menace (Jar Jar Binks, Obi Wan, etc.). To see what your Star Wars name is, follow the steps below…

Star Wars First Name

1. Take the first 3 letters of your last name.

2. Add to that, the first 2 letters of your first name.

Star Wars Last Name

1. Take the first 2 letters of your mother’s maiden name.

2. Add to that the first 3 letters of the name of the town or city you were born in.

There you go! There’s your Star Wars Name.


Leave a comment and tell us your Star Wars Name!


Squackle! Fans:

Hamje Hoble (Jen Hamblet)

Elrdo Pagal (Donald Elrod)

Essma Halos (stimpyismyname)

Amida Asgle (davepoobond)

Shini Miwal

Minsh Lasea

Berge Pawes (Holmes)

Piele Nucar

Newli Bemis

Milla Bumon

Neyhi Cobru

Garal WeHol

Brast Cakan

Solba Bacha

Hopst Koarl

Harda Ropho

Mikha Busco

Judla Rewar

Pareli Shmem

Jeill Sanma

Scuda Abbos

Koepe Culon

Terja Sytex

Bulas Sulas

Honeu Jalac

Cremersco Carco

Ooraa Holiv

Chami Rigar

Brewe Diroa

Kersa Oknep

Onema Hahel

Silky Mocol

Schde Zeiyor

Leyki Bewat

Curtis Quaker Church

Larda Krsag (David Millar)

Amsry Wodur (Ryan Adams)

Honde Smwil

Kimhy Leseo

Spely Sucha

Colel Saeph

Webal Pabil

Culhael Miver

Ausda Haper

Deima Tibet


Melsm Crgal

Whima Whgra

Stokr Calan

Brooba Mylksmak

Gonma Canew [Manuel Gonzalez]

Baspu Moalb

Kelso Tathe

Graja Diric

Strla Visal

Galmi Gachi

Perda Pilee (Darrel Pepper)

Danba Aldar (Daniel Bainbridge)

Lopel Lasan

Joyme Lywey

Leyju Jacuc

Gonju Zesan

Neear Camun

Mukli Chihar

Warri Secai

Found In an E-Mail:

1. Casan Maphi (Andy Castillo)

2. Trume Keoce (Megan Trudeau)

3. Walje Bopor (Jessica Wallace)

4. Finas Frbal (Ashley Finch)

5. Chach Pulex

6. Chabo Pulex

7. Gleje Peath (Jennifer Gleisner)

8. Gleas Pedoy (Ashley Gleisner)

9. Cifda Pipri (Dawn Cifone)

10. Glejo Pefai (Jodi Gleisner)

11. Hayca Grcor (Cathy Hayek)

12. Hoyke Ricor (Kenny Hoyos)

13. Marmi Accor (Michelle Maresh)

14. Permi Rocor- (Mike Perez)

15. Micni Smor-(Nicole Michaud)

16. Wheal Fanor (Alyssa Wheeler)

17. Hanca Finor (Crystal Haner)

18. Dunru Thcor (Ruth Dunn)

19. Milai Nacor (Aimee Millangue)

20. Demli Clcor [(Princess) Lindsay DeMoss]

21. Minka Racol (Katy Miner)


23. ROSCH WHALB (Cheryl Rosel)

24. Smokr Faaus (Kristen Smolik)

25. Malem Padal (Emily Maloney)

26. Blaka Hiaus (Kathleen Blackwood)

27. galmi ruaus (michelle galaviz)

28. Wadly Alpal (Lynsey)

29.Viobr Lipal (Brian Viola, Palm Springs)

30. Meani Buora (Nick Meade)

31. Whili Kahar (Lisa White)

32. Speli Comis ( Lindsay Spence)

33. Bluch Ibsan ( Christine Blue

34. Wislt Mopal (Stephanie Willis)

35.Fabur Snupl (Urs Fabiano)

36. Marau Elpal (Autumn Martino)

37. Breke Hepas (Kelly Bresanello)

38. Lotta Heriv (Tara Lotstein)

39. Batro Crhaw (Robert Bates)