Q: What’s worse than finding a worm in your apple?
A: Finding half a worm in your apple.
Q: What’s worse than finding a worm in your apple?
A: Finding half a worm in your apple.
Q: What is the main drawback to eating pig brains?
A: Afterward, you always feel like wallowing around in a mudhole.
Q: What’s a cannibal’s favorite movie?
A: With Six You Get Eggroll.
Q: Why did the cannibal invite over a variety of musicians for lunch?
A: He wanted to cover the four major food groups.
Q: Why did the cannibal start dining on heavy metal bands?
A: He needed more iron in his diet.
Q: What does a cannibal mother always teach her son?
A: "Don’t eat fingers with your fingers!"
Q: What’s hot and soft and has five toes?
A: A meadow muffin with a footprint in it.
Q: What’s warm, fresh, and full of grain?
A: A cow-pie in a wheat field.
Q: Why was the milkman fired after he delivered sour milk?
A: He couldn’t cut the cheese.
Q: What do you call a movie musical about having a chest cold?
A: Meet Me in St. Lugey’s.
Q: What do you call it when a European child clears his throat and spits?
A: A German lugey.
Q: How did the kid who was peeling dress when he went out?
A: In layers.
Q: What condition occurs when someone bends over while working on a sink?
A: Plumber’s butt.
Q: What effect did the medicine have on the germs in the lower intestine?
A: It really wrecked’em (rectum).
Q: How are dung beetles like fresh blueberries?
A: They both like to show up in muffins.