Q: What do you call the football player who guesses the other team’s plays?
A: The hunchback.
One liner jokes.
Q: What do you call the football player who guesses the other team’s plays?
A: The hunchback.
Q: What should a fullback do when he gets a handoff?
A: Go to a secondhand store.
Q: How is an airline pilot like a football player?
A: They both like to make safe touchdowns.
Q: What is a pigskin for?
A: To hold a pig together.
Q: What has eighteen legs and catches flies?
A: A baseball team.
Q: What do you call a player who falls asleep in the bullpen?
A: A bulldozer.
Q: Where should a baseball team never wear red?
A: In the bullpen.
Q: What do you get if you cross a lizard with a baseball player?
A: An outfielder who catches flies with his tongue.
Q: What is chocolate and is in the Baseball Hall of Fame?
A: Babe Ruth
Q: Why does it take longer to run from second base to third base than it takes to run from first base to second base?
A: Because there’s a shortstop between second and third.
Q: How should a girl flirt with a baseball player?
A: Bat her eyelashes.
Q: Why was the new shortstop like Cinderella?
A: He ran away from the ball.
Q: Why does a baseball pitcher raise one leg when he pitches?
A: If he raised both legs, he would fall down.
Q: Where is the headquarters of the Umpires’ Association?
A: The Umpire State Building.
Q: When does a baseball player wear armor?
A: To play the knight games.