Q: Why did the young man go into the pizza business?
A: He wanted to make some dough!
One liner jokes.
Q: Why did the young man go into the pizza business?
A: He wanted to make some dough!
Q: Why did the doughnut shop close?
A: The owner got tired of the (w)hole business!
Q: Why did the audience throw eggs to the actor?
A: Because ham and eggs go well together.
Q: Why did the jelly roll?
A: It saw the apple turn over!
Q: Why wouldn’t the lemon help the orange?
A: It could sour their friendship!
Q: What fruit is on a nickel?
A: A date!
Q: What do we know about the insides of cherries?
A: They’re the pits!
Q: What is the best way to raise strawberries?
A: With a spoon!
Q: What food can never become heavyweight champion of the world?
A: The lollipop — it always gets licked!
Q: How do you make a raspberry swirl?
A: Send it to ballet school!
Q: Which candy can’t get anywhere on time?
A: Choco-late!
Q: Why are burgers fast food favorites in Hollywood?
A: They get all the meaty rolls (roles)!
Q: Which famous poet invented French fries?
A: Edgar Allen Poe-tato!
Q: How does a hungry ghost eat a hot dog?
A: By goblin’ it!
Q: How does a hungry man eat a hot dog?
A: With relish!