Q: What did the garden snake say to his wife?
A: “I wear the plants in the family.”
One liner jokes.
Q: What did the garden snake say to his wife?
A: “I wear the plants in the family.”
Q: What do you take for snakebite?
A: Anti-hiss-tamines.
Q: What do country western snakes wear?
A: Venom (denim) jackets.
Q: What would you get if you crossed a tramp with a cow?
A: A bum steer.
Q: What is the golden rule for cows?
A: “Do unto udders…”
Q: Why is it so tough to make cows laugh?
A: Because they herd (heard) all the good ones.
Q: What do you call the winner of a barnyard beauty contest?
A: The Dairy Queen
Q: What did the mule say to the sheep?
A: “I get a kick out of ewe.”
Q: What did one mule say to the other?
A: “I get a kick out of you.”
Q: Who did the little girl horse fall in love with?
A: The bay (boy) next door.
Q: What do you get when you cross a toupee with a groundhog?
A: Six more wigs (weeks) of winter.
Q: What did the pet shop owner say when the boys fought over the rabbit?
A: “Stop pulling my hare!”
Q: How do rabbits go on long trips?
A: Via Trans-World Hairlines.
Q: Why did the rabbit go to the barber shop?
A: To get a hare-do.
Q: What do rabbits put on the back of their ears?
A: Thumper stickers.