Q: What is a bow that you can’t tie?
A: A rainbow.
One liner jokes.
Q: What is a bow that you can’t tie?
A: A rainbow.
Q: What do ghosts like on their roast beef?
A: Grave-y
Q: What did one autumn leaf say to the other?
A: I’m falling for you!
Q: How do mules open locked barns?
A: With don-keys
Q: What did the digital clock say to its mom?
A: Look mom, no hands!
Q: What doesn’t get wet when it rains?
A: The ocean.
Q: What did the crop say to the farmer?
A: Why are you always picking on me?
Q: What does a television have in common with a rabbit?
A: His ears!
Q: Why did the boy throw butter out his window?
A: He wanted to see a butterfly.
Q: What were Tarzan’s last words?
A: Who greased the vine?
Q: Why was the tomato blushing?
A: It saw the salad dressing.
Q: Why was the student’s report card wet?
A: Because his grades were below C-level.
Q: What do pigs give on Valentine’s Day?
A: Valenswines!
Q: What did Delaware?
A: She wore a brand New Jersey.
Q: What do you call a bird with glasses?
A: A bird watcher.