SEMIjAZZ: The hottest, hardcore gay celebrity site on the web is just a click away! Click here
davepoobond: comon you know we dont click on that anyway
davepoobond: get a life
These are the Stupid IMs. They’re stupid, duh. 1 to 1 messaging.
SEMIjAZZ: The hottest, hardcore gay celebrity site on the web is just a click away! Click here
davepoobond: comon you know we dont click on that anyway
davepoobond: get a life
Holmes: pk
Holmes: ik
Holmes: ok,
Holmes: ok
davepoobond: heh
Holmes: i’m dead bored
davepoobond: sorry
Holmes: don’t be sorry
Holmes: my friends are sorry….they never have any good stories to fuckin tell
Holmes: always the same shit over and over again
davepoobond: heh
Holmes: “yeah this one time i ran over a…” “a squirrel, nick, yeah i know…that was back in april” “it was sooo cool!” “oh yeah….cool…..riiiight”
davepoobond: heh
davepoobond: oatmeal is such a pitiful food
Evil Hell Cow: indeed it is
davepoobond: you dont even eat it
davepoobond: you just put it down ur pie hole separate it with your tongue then swallow it
Evil Hell Cow: LOL
Evil Hell Cow: Wouldn’t it suck if the male sexual organ was their index finger ?
davepoobond: yeah
davepoobond: well maybe not
Evil Hell Cow: no ?
davepoobond: it’d be easier to masturbate
Evil Hell Cow: Oh yeah I can imagine all the boys masturbating in class
davepoobond: teachers would be like “stop doing that”
davepoobond: doing what
Evil Hell Cow: *Squirrrrrrrrt*
davepoobond: and they’re stickin it peoples ears and mouths
davepoobond: and poking them
davepoobond: like crazy
Evil Hell Cow: LMAO
Evil Hell Cow: you can give yourself oral
davepoobond: “i impregnated 45 girls today mom”
Evil Hell Cow: LOL!
davepoobond: “i have to get something out of the corner of my mouth”
davepoobond: “(oh baby)”
Evil Hell Cow: LMAO
Evil Hell Cow: If there was a fantasy creature that you had an infatuation with
Evil Hell Cow: what would it be ?
davepoobond: infatuation?
Evil Hell Cow: An extreme liking of
davepoobond: a fantasy character
davepoobond: that i liked a lot
davepoobond: what would it be
Evil Hell Cow: Creature
Evil Hell Cow: not character
davepoobond: hrmm
davepoobond: i dont really have one
Evil Hell Cow: Alrightie
davepoobond: y
Evil Hell Cow: Just curious
Evil Hell Cow: Pssst!
Evil Hell Cow: hey!
Evil Hell Cow: pssst!
Evil Hell Cow: you!
Evil Hell Cow: psst!
davepoobond: wut
Evil Hell Cow: You aren’t wearing any pants!
Evil Hell Cow: pssst
davepoobond: oh……no i’m not actually
davepoobond: howdja know
Evil Hell Cow: O.O;;;
davepoobond: i’m actually wearing shorts
Evil Hell Cow: Good! Glad ya noticed!
Evil Hell Cow: ^^;;
davepoobond: did you just IM me?
Evil Hell Cow: No I didnyt
davepoobond: i heard the ring
Evil Hell Cow: Moo
davepoobond: hmm
davepoobond: mmh golden grahams are sooo good out of milk
Holmes: golden grahams
davepoobond: ya
Holmes: there so crunchy -drolls on keyboard-
Holmes: -ggggggggggggggggggetgsgggggggggggg ggggg butggggggggggggtton stgggggggggggugggggggckgggggg-
davepoobond: me want GOLDEN GRAHAMS
Holmes: thats golden crisp
Holmes: silly
davepoobond: its actually honey comb
Holmes: …..shut up
davepoobond: golden crisp tastes like ass muffins
davepoobond: ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
davepoobond: for all i know u can be wearing a ballerina outfit anyway
davepoobond: PEMDASBSF – Acronym. Acronym for Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally Because She Farted
Holmes: heh
davepoobond: i hate that acronym
davepoobond: PEMDAS
Holmes: yeah
Holmes: whats that for again?
davepoobond: operations of math
Holmes: paranthesis, expoents, multriplication, division, addition, subtraction
davepoobond: ya
Holmes: i remebered!
Holmes: *high fives himself*
davepoobond: except multiplication and division and addition and subtraction you just do from left to right
davepoobond: so i could also be PEDMAS
Holmes: -runs around in ovals- weeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Holmes: what
davepoobond: Please Execute Dat Man and sister
davepoobond: i dont know
davepoobond: here’s a tongue twister of a word
davepoobond: gaugacgaagag
Holmes: i’m not even going to try and say it, it’ll tie my toungue in knots
davepoobond: lol
davepoobond: or how about
davepoobond: aauaacaaaaag
davepoobond: uguugcugaugg
Holmes: too many a’s
Holmes: too many u’s
davepoobond: cigucgccgacgg
davepoobond: aguagcagaagg
davepoobond: giguggcggaggg
Holmes: ahhhhhhhhhhh
davepoobond: zaybaxbiwt
Holmes: jimbjumbjewjeekjagkahrule
davepoobond: uuuuucuuauug, cuucuccuacug, auuauccauaaug, guugucguagug, ucuuccucaucg, ccucccccaccg, acuaccacaacg, uauuacuaauag, caucaccaacag, aauaacaaaaag, gaugacgaagag, uguugcugaugg, cigucgccgacgg, aguagcagaagg, giguggcggaggg
Holmes: ugh
Holmes: <-dizzy
davepoobond: lol
davepoobond: i dont think i know what i’m talkin bout
Evil Hell Cow: do you ever ?
davepoobond: half the time no
wangerspanker: Va is the most boring state
davepoobond: then again whats an exciting state
wangerspanker: texas
wangerspanker: no
wangerspanker: california
wangerspanker: no
davepoobond: well thats nice
davepoobond: since i live in ca
wangerspanker: lol
davepoobond: lol
wangerspanker: hey baby, dont forget to bring the wax and lube over
davepoobond: lets make it out
wangerspanker: oops wrong one
davepoobond: wtf
wangerspanker: lol, jokin
Phoenix: Got a question for you…
Phoenix: How do you not sexually haress a person applying to be a product tester at a dildo factory?
davepoobond: yeap?
davepoobond: uuhh
davepoobond: i dont really understand the question
davepoobond: is that a trick question
Phoenix: Well if some woman is applying to test dildos how exactly do you notsexually harass her?
davepoobond: dont talk to her?
Phoenix: It’s not really a trick question, I’m seriously wondering.
Phoenix: Well you’d want to um…. see how she’d handle the possition wouldn’t you?
davepoobond: just dont talk to her and dont say anything specific about her job like “how’s the dildos going”
Phoenix: No I mean if she were applying for this job, and you were the interviewer
davepoobond: ohh
davepoobond: ok
davepoobond: say something like “we test our products by actually using them, as you may know, since you’re applying to a tester”
Phoenix: but how would you know if she were good or not, she’d have to test them
davepoobond: you dont have to see if she’s good or not
Phoenix: you do if you want a quality operation!
davepoobond: its the same way with video game testers
davepoobond: you dont watch them play
davepoobond: so why would u watch someone sticking a dildo in them
Phoenix: to see if you tink they’d be hurt easily and sue you
davepoobond: they cant. you pry dont offer insurance in testing use
Phoenix: brb, need to roast 24 marshmallows on a stick
davepoobond: okkkk
Phoenix: mmm… yummy
Evil Hell Cow: Are you Raunchy for some bovine ass!?
davepoobond: oh yes, give it to me baby
Evil Hell Cow: Hey you want the ass! So you give it to me!
davepoobond: i dont give ass, i GET ass
davepoobond: thats just the way it is
Evil Hell Cow: =P