Category Archives: Stupid IMs

These are the Stupid IMs. They’re stupid, duh. 1 to 1 messaging.

#10900: Charger979 -> Spike52688

Charger979: hi

Charger979: hi

Charger979: hi

Charger979: hi

Charger979: hi

Charger979: hi

Charger979: hi

Spike52688: whos this?

Charger979: names frank

Spike52688: umm ok?

Charger979: do you like speedy ganzoloaz?

Charger979: or whatever the fuck tht thing’s nam is

Charger979: well?

Charger979: you pussy, won’t say anything

Spike52688: why?



Spike52688: fuck u

Charger979: fucking pussy that got beaten up by a kid half his size

Charger979: fuckin loser

Spike52688: where do u go to school?

Charger979: brentsville district high school

Charger979: why?

Charger979: what about you?

Charger979: horizon!

Charger979: fucking AZ loser

Charger979: Virginia is way better

Charger979: fucking loser

Charger979: getting beat up by a kid half your size

Charger979: that’s unheard of!

Charger979: that’s exactly why its known coast to coast i guesss…

Charger979: but still

Charger979: i can’t believe how much you suck

Charger979: you suck at life

Charger979: you deserve to die

Spike52688: u wanna fight me or somethin

Charger979: yeah

Charger979: i’m more then half your size, so there’s no way i’ll lose

Charger979: too bad i’m across the country you fuck

Spike52688: when r u in az?

Charger979: although it would be fun to kick your ass

Charger979: never

Charger979: idiot

Charger979: never have been

Charger979: news of you though has made it over here

Spike52688: i can kick ur ass

Charger979: so, of course i took the time to find your sn from some people i met who used to live here

Charger979: bull shit!

Spike52688: im stronger now

Charger979: you fucking loser!

Charger979: don’t even talk

Charger979: that’s pussy talk

Spike52688: SCREW YOU TOO

Spike52688: u to pussy to come to az and fight me?

Charger979: it doesn’t matter how strong you are if you kid has to jump to punch you in the head

Charger979: ha!

Charger979: i’m not going to waste my time and money

Charger979: fucking loser

Spike52688: im stronger and faster now

Charger979: i can’t believe your up for another fight

Spike52688: i can kick ur ass

Charger979: oh no, i’m so scared

Spike52688: u better be stupid fuck

Charger979: the kid who got beaten up be a kid half his height has gotten stronger

Charger979: i fight for a living you ass hole

Spike52688: fuck off

Charger979: oh no. . .

Charger979: please

Charger979: actually, wait

Charger979: that’s a good point

Spike52688 signed off at 1:34:25 AM.

Best part about this one is that i gave him the illusion that news of his fight has reached virginia. Which is beyond awesome, and, now it has. MWUHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAAA!!! It’s a true story incase you didn’t realize. Kid’s name is Will. Spread the word. Please.

#10899: Charger979 -> MonkeysAreComing

Charger979: hi

Charger979: hello???

MonkeysAreComing: hey?

Charger979: hi

Charger979: what’s up

MonkeysAreComing: who may this be?

Charger979: i like pie, and stuff

Charger979: don’t know who this is

Charger979: some one i guess…

Charger979: kinda a nobody

Charger979: do you like pie?

Charger979: i just happened to have your SN, i don’t know why

Charger979: pretty weird if you ask me

Charger979: but anyways

Charger979: you don’t talk much do you

MonkeysAreComing: do you know a keith?

Charger979: not much of a jedi obviously, bec/ hell, i’ve met a lot of jedi in my day, and they never shut up

Charger979: no

Charger979: don’t know a keith…

MonkeysAreComing: beef?

Charger979: beef is good

Charger979: beef is very good

Charger979: you can eat it…

Charger979: play games with it. they kinda suck at scrabble though

Charger979: you can throw it at people too though

Charger979: that’s always fun

Charger979: anyways

Charger979: hi

Charger979: hi

Charger979: hi

Charger979: hi

Charger979: hi

Charger979: hi

MonkeysAreComing: WHO IS THIS?

Charger979: are you gay by any chance? lots of canadians are gay

MonkeysAreComing: grady?

Charger979: no, gay, homosexual

Charger979: are you?

Charger979: i mean, you never know

MonkeysAreComing: no

Charger979: it’s kinda creepy when you figure out you’ve been talking to a homosexual, so…

Charger979: okay

Charger979: that’s good to hear

MonkeysAreComing: who are you?

Charger979: …haven’t come out of the closet yet have you?

Charger979: umm…

Charger979: hmm….

Charger979: some guy…

Charger979: damn it!

Charger979: wtf was my name again? i don’t really remember

Charger979: hold on

Charger979: let me ask my brother

Charger979: he remembers things

Charger979: i tend to forget things

Charger979: now what was i going to do again?

Charger979: did you know

MonkeysAreComing: what is your name?

Charger979: i dream of my own death over, and over, and over and over again every night?

Charger979: my names dan

Charger979: what’s yours?

Charger979: what’s yours?

Charger979: what’s yours?

Charger979: what’s yours?

Charger979: what’s yours?

Charger979: what’s yours?

Charger979: what’s yours?

Charger979: what’s yours?

MonkeysAreComing: keith or beef, whichever you prefer

Charger979: oh

Charger979: i’ll try to remember that

Charger979: i better right it down

Charger979: keith or beef = monkeysarecoming on AOL Instant Messenger

Charger979: maybe i should write it down somewhere else, huh?

Charger979: so you like star wars?

Charger979: i like star wars

MonkeysAreComing: dan?

Charger979: yeah

Charger979: dan

Charger979: that’s my name

Charger979: good call

MonkeysAreComing: last name?

Charger979: i’ll ask my brother

Charger979: hi

Charger979: what’s your name?

Charger979: oh

Charger979: my bad

Charger979: now i remember

Charger979: anyways

Charger979: what was i going to do again?

Charger979: oh, right

Charger979: i actually remembered!

Charger979: that’s like the 1st time ever!!!!

Charger979: yeah!

Charger979: woohoo!

Charger979: wait, why am i happy again???

Charger979: damn…

Charger979: that sucks

Charger979: anyways

Charger979: what’s going on?

MonkeysAreComing: UHH


Charger979: do you like star wars?

MonkeysAreComing: tell me

Charger979: oh, right

Charger979: real name

Charger979: dan harrison

Charger979: why?

Charger979: does it really matter?

Charger979: i woke up one day

Charger979: and BAMN!

Charger979: your name is on my screen name

Charger979: err….

Charger979: buddy list

Charger979: hehe

Charger979: anyways

Charger979: answer the damn question! i answered yours!

Charger979: do you like star wars!!!!!

MonkeysAreComing: do you ever get tired of hearing yourself talk?

Charger979: hmm. . . .slow typer arent we

Charger979: no, not really, bec/ i always remember myself

Charger979: thats always good

Charger979: so no

Charger979: now answer the question punk ass!!!

Charger979: do you like star wars!?

MonkeysAreComing: hey, bud dont talk to me like that

Charger979: . . . .why not?

MonkeysAreComing: im really not in the mood

Charger979: . . . . what mood?

Charger979: why won’t you just answer the question?

Charger979: huh?

Charger979: i’m sorry for being so rude

Charger979: won’t happen again

Charger979: omfg! say something!

MonkeysAreComing: yes, ok

Charger979: was that so hard?

Charger979: nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd nerd

Charger979: that was fun

Charger979: hehe

Charger979: anyways

Charger979: what’s new?

Charger979: live in canada eh? like me?

Charger979: i do

Charger979: it’s cold

Charger979: i don’t like it

MonkeysAreComing: grady?

Charger979: i used to live in the institution, they had heaters there

Charger979: who’s grady?

Charger979: do you like video games? like, metroid? i like metroid\

MonkeysAreComing: actually, metroid sucks

Charger979: i’m serious when i say that i don’t know who grady is

Charger979: fuck you bitch!

Charger979: i can’t believe you’d say such a thing!

Charger979: oh, sorry

Charger979: forgot

Charger979: am i annoying you?

MonkeysAreComing: uh yeah

MonkeysAreComing: but thats obviously your goal, so congrats

Charger979: ty

#10894: davepoobond -> MyLeftTesticle

davepoobond: jenny jenny, you are the girl for me

davepoobond: you dont know me, but you make me so happy

davepoobond: i tried to call you before, but i lost my nerve!

davepoobond: i tried my imagination, but i was discerned!

davepoobond: jenny….i got your number!

davepoobond: i need to make you mine!

davepoobond: jenny don’t change your number!

davepoobond: 867-5309!!

MyLeftTesticle: That song’s silly.

davepoobond: for a good time calllllllllll!!!

davepoobond: yeah. but i like it

#10893: davepoobond -> SEAN

davepoobond: heyyyy buddy

SEAN: why hi

davepoobond: i’m bored

SEAN: same here

davepoobond: i dont know if i told you about it, but i finished these dvds of all the movies me and my friends made

davepoobond: isn’t that spectacular

davepoobond: its a 2 dvd set

SEAN: not really

SEAN: berb. ima game a bit

davepoobond: k..

davepoobond: wait…its not really spectacular?

davepoobond: its hard making your own dvd man

#10892: blowthetoad -> davepoobond

blowthetoad was on a different screen name than he usually used.  Not to mention, he was saying he was someone else (another persona, basically) that davepoobond knew. davepoobond didn’t know that “larkin” was blowthetoad at the time.

blowthetoad: …how did you know?

davepoobond: how did i know what

blowthetoad: <larkin

davepoobond: what about him

blowthetoad: i am larkin

davepoobond: oh ok

davepoobond: how did i know what

blowthetoad: that madman knew flash

davepoobond: uhhh

blowthetoad: i’m not making any sence am i?

#10891: davepoobond -> Phoenix

davepoobond: MY GOD! I’M SO BORED


Phoenix: Be dumb and play it

davepoobond: NOT THAT BORED

Phoenix: lol

Phoenix: You know you want to.

davepoobond: i know i dont want to

davepoobond: its stupid

davepoobond: i’d rather tan my white legs

Phoenix: Thats the disease talking.

davepoobond: which i’m doing now

davepoobond: 😉

#10890: dvs -> sisterpoobond

dvs: cani ask u something

dvs: im bored

sisterpoobond: sure

dvs: im askin this to girls

dvs: ok?

sisterpoobond: gr8

sisterpoobond: lol yea

dvs: if i got u like a bra or a thong would u try it on infront of me xP?

sisterpoobond: o no problem of corse id do that

sisterpoobond: :-\

dvs: is that a yes or no?

dvs: i dunno really care dont worry

dvs: im not going to bujy u something

dvs: lol

dvs: jk

sisterpoobond: well then im not

dvs: so u wouldn’t

dvs: if i bought u something?

sisterpoobond: umm no

sisterpoobond: 😉

dvs: ok

dvs: huh

dvs: im confused

#10889: davepoobond -> stimpyismyname

davepoobond: my sister wants to go to Old Pasadena

davepoobond: and she was asking me to take her there before i went to work

davepoobond: and its the totally opposite way from where i need to go

davepoobond: and i dont even know how to get there

stimpyismyname: k

davepoobond: so she said get directions there

davepoobond: and i said “you have to have an address to somewhere in old pasadena”

davepoobond: she said “use the address”

davepoobond: i said “address to what? Old Pasadena? let’s just put in the address to a city!”

davepoobond: and she proceeded with being a bitch

davepoobond: and then called me a dipshit and left

davepoobond: funny huh

stimpyismyname: yep

#10888: davepoobond -> Return of the Dragon

This entry is part 3 of 4 in the series Can I Has Kidz Bop?

davepoobond: do you know where i can get all the Kidz Bop albums for free

Return of the Dragon: LOL

Return of the Dragon: HAHAHAHAHA

Return of the Dragon: thats good

davepoobond: i’m serious…

davepoobond: i want all 6

davepoobond: kidz bop

davepoobond: more kidz bop

davepoobond: kidz bop 2

davepoobond: kidz bop 3

davepoobond: kidz bop 4

Return of the Dragon: lol

davepoobond: and kidz bop christmas

Return of the Dragon: !!!!!!!!

Return of the Dragon: na dude

Return of the Dragon: can’t help you there

Return of the Dragon: go to make a wish foundatiuon

Return of the Dragon: ask for the albums

davepoobond: hey hey!

davepoobond: that’s a plan

davepoobond: people will probably want to get rid of them anyway

Return of the Dragon: lol yea

davepoobond: i can’t believe anyone actually had an idea for kidz bop

davepoobond: having a middle aged man and 50 children singing

Return of the Dragon: seroiusly

Return of the Dragon: if you want the god damn songs

Return of the Dragon: buy them from the real albums

Return of the Dragon: whats really embarassing

davepoobond: they’re 25 bucks

davepoobond: total rip off

davepoobond: for such crap

Return of the Dragon: is that the artists sign away the songs rights

Return of the Dragon: yea i know

Return of the Dragon: but better than a kidz bop collection

davepoobond: oh

davepoobond: i thought you meant the real kidz bop albums

Return of the Dragon: you should put that some where in your comedy books

Return of the Dragon: yea

Return of the Dragon: what did YOU mean

davepoobond: ahhh

davepoobond: ok i thought you were talking about getting the actual kidz bop albums

Return of the Dragon: yea

Return of the Dragon: thats what you said

davepoobond: i thought you might’ve been talking about the actual albums

davepoobond: by the real artists

Return of the Dragon: davepoobond: do you know where i can get all the Kidz Bop albums for free

Return of the Dragon: no

davepoobond: i searched for google in google

davepoobond: guess what was the first result

Return of the Dragon: ahahhaa

Return of the Dragon: yea what

davepoobond: my web site.

Return of the Dragon: u serious?

davepoobond: which just happens to be google!

Return of the Dragon: ahahaha

davepoobond: i own google, donchaknow

davepoobond: There, Google Blows


davepoobond: isn’t that great

Return of the Dragon: thats your website?

davepoobond: no

davepoobond: i was kidding

davepoobond: about my website thing

Return of the Dragon: oh ok

davepoobond: i searched for google sucks

#10887: davepoobond -> MadManWithAnAxe

This entry is part 2 of 4 in the series Can I Has Kidz Bop?

davepoobond: do you know where i can get all the Kidz Bop albums for free

MadManWithAnAxe: ……………………….. no

MadManWithAnAxe: kazaa maybe

davepoobond: i know that, but riaa

davepoobond: and also i dont think many people will want those songs to be distributed anyway

davepoobond: cause they’re so horrible

MadManWithAnAxe: yeah