Category Archives: Chat Logs

These are Lame Chats and Stupid IMs

#6153: davepoobond -> Vegichan

davepoobond: Mr. Peach Juice, i presume?

Vegichan: strawberry shortcake tastes goooood. So LEAVE ME ALONE TO EAT IT!

davepoobond: never!

Vegichan: hee hee


Vegichan: yes I did, damn it

Vegichan: no thanks to you


davepoobond: !!

davepoobond: !!!!!!!


#6151: elmoisfurry -> davepoobond

elmoisfurry: wuts a good song

davepoobond: umm…..American Hi-Fi – Flavor of the weak

elmoisfurry: nooooppeeeee

davepoobond: Beatles – Can’t buy me love

elmoisfurry: no

davepoobond: Camp Kill Yourself – 96 quite bitter beings (jackass shopping carts theme)

elmoisfurry: no

davepoobond: Castlevania – Bloody Tears Heavy Metal Version

elmoisfurry: i said good, not gay

davepoobond: heh

davepoobond: Cold Play – Shiver

elmoisfurry: no

davepoobond: Linkin Park – In the End

elmoisfurry: no

davepoobond: AFI – Days of the Phoenix

elmoisfurry: u dumbass i already have that

davepoobond: KMFDM – Mortal Kombat Theme

elmoisfurry: fuk off!

davepoobond: lol

davepoobond: i dont know what the hell you like

elmoisfurry: ungay songs

davepoobond: Pilot Fisch – Tarot Card Song

davepoobond: its a good song…

elmoisfurry: go

elmoisfurry: to

elmoisfurry: hell

elmoisfurry: beotch

davepoobond: no

elmoisfurry: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

elmoisfurry: yea

davepoobond: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhno

davepoobond: how about The Union Underground – Natural High

elmoisfurry: no

davepoobond: Killing The Fly?

elmoisfurry: no

davepoobond: Strait Up – Angel’s Son

elmoisfurry: no

davepoobond: Cold – No One

elmoisfurry: no

davepoobond: At the Drive In – One Arm Scissor

elmoisfurry: no

davepoobond: do you like Japanese songs?

elmoisfurry: no

davepoobond: dramarama – Anything anything

elmoisfurry: nononononononono

davepoobond: lol

davepoobond: RATM – guerilla radio

elmoisfurry: nein

davepoobond: Sublime – April 26, 1992

elmoisfurry: i no!

davepoobond: what?

elmoisfurry: the i wus supposed to be an upside down !

elmoisfurry: duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh

davepoobond: oh

davepoobond: Jeniffer Lopez – if you had my love

davepoobond: backstreet boys – i want it that way

elmoisfurry: i got tha cd and the video alrwady

elmoisfurry: for both

davepoobond: oh…

davepoobond: thats unfortunate for you…

elmoisfurry: ur the one that gave um to me

davepoobond: ………………………………………………………oh yeah

elmoisfurry: from ur “secret stash”

davepoobond: my secret stash is LEGOs…

elmoisfurry: …….and BSB and “JLo”

davepoobond: get Blink182 – Rock Show

elmoisfurry: i told u

elmoisfurry: no gay

davepoobond: its not gay…

elmoisfurry: lol

davepoobond: its a story about a guy that fell in love with a girl at the rock show!

davepoobond: whats so gay about that?

elmoisfurry: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwgay

#6150: Cute Horny Laura -> davepoobond

Cute Horny Laura: Click Here! LIVE SEXY WOMEN are waiting for YOU! CUM on in and play with us! CLICK HERE to see!!

davepoobond: but but but

davepoobond: are you actually laura?

davepoobond: i doubt you are. i think that you are a guy

davepoobond: and i doubt your horny, because you go around sending links to everyone and they dont even click it

davepoobond: look at yourself! what if your parents saw you now

davepoobond: sending links to people you dont even know


davepoobond: i think not

davepoobond: go out and get a job at McDonalds or something

#6148: MyLeftTesticle -> davepoobond

MyLeftTesticle: Dave

davepoobond: you

MyLeftTesticle: Me

davepoobond: no

davepoobond: me

davepoobond: me is me and you is you, you cannot be me, when you are you and me is me

MyLeftTesticle: But I am me and you are you, me is me and you is not me when you is me then I am you

davepoobond: but then me is me and you are you, but me is not you and you is not me, because me is me and you is you are you and me is me are me and I am not you, but me, and me is me not you

MyLeftTesticle: But you are you and I am me, me is me so you are you, if you were me then I’d be you and you’d be me and we’d be each other, so if we were you and me then we’d be me and you, so you are you and me is me not me is you and you is me

davepoobond: i am i and you are you, and me is me, and he is not you, because he is he, and me is me, and and and

MyLeftTesticle: And

MyLeftTesticle: she is she and he is he

MyLeftTesticle: Unless

davepoobond: …

davepoobond: die

MyLeftTesticle: he is she and she is he

MyLeftTesticle: I am dead

#6147: davepoobond -> Fluffy Fox

davepoobond: Brooks…wheres my money? i know you were out last night, workin’ the streets! WHERES MY MONEY, BITCH!

Fluffy Fox: ROFL

Fluffy Fox: Hell ya!

Fluffy Fox: I was bending over ;x

Fluffy Fox: Got me some big furry cock.

Fluffy Fox: Who the fuck are you?

davepoobond: the King of Bahrain

Fluffy Fox: o_O;;

Fluffy Fox: kawaii oi?

Fluffy Fox: nani e.e

davepoobond: yes

Fluffy Fox: nani??

davepoobond: nani crackers are good

Fluffy Fox: nani is japanese for what, weridie.

davepoobond: i’m not japanese, ass

davepoobond: i’m arabian

Fluffy Fox: Lol !

davepoobond: bahrainian, to be exact

Fluffy Fox: Mike?

Fluffy Fox: Zortho rather?

davepoobond: so you Fluffy Fox go butt poop out

davepoobond: the hell

davepoobond: i’m not Zorro

Fluffy Fox: Lol!

davepoobond: what are you talking about

davepoobond: i’m the fuckin king of bahrain

Fluffy Fox: who are you?

davepoobond: king of bahrain

davepoobond: you’re funny

davepoobond: FUNNY LOOKING

davepoobond: ahahahahaha

Fluffy Fox: o_o;;

davepoobond: yeah you better o_o;; you bitch

Fluffy Fox: Tragon?

davepoobond: fluffyyyy

Fluffy Fox: Teferi?

Fluffy Fox: Mykon?

davepoobond: fluffyy fluffy

Fluffy Fox: Alomoe?

davepoobond: fox fox fox

davepoobond: do you have beer

davepoobond: infidel

Fluffy Fox: yea

davepoobond: guess what

davepoobond: do you want some more beer?

Fluffy Fox: Yes.

davepoobond: THEN GO BUY SOME!

Fluffy Fox: Yes I do.

davepoobond: ahahahaha!

Fluffy Fox: O_o;;

davepoobond: did you see the one with the Italian guys?

Fluffy Fox: o_O what?

davepoobond: it was……pizza-rific!

davepoobond: ahahahaah!

davepoobond: some Bahrainian jokes for you

davepoobond: freee

davepoobond: they say i am the funniest man in all of Bahrain

davepoobond: because if you’re funnier than me, i kill you

davepoobond: i kill you like the bitch you said you werent

Fluffy Fox: o_o

davepoobond: o_o<^>

davepoobond: oh oh

davepoobond: whats this?

davepoobond: <^>

davepoobond: ahhaah

Fluffy Fox: ,,|,,(^_^),,|,,

davepoobond: no

davepoobond: thats not right

davepoobond: you suck

davepoobond: you’re gay

davepoobond: and you poop out the wrongggg way

davepoobond: ahahhh!

davepoobond: i rhymed

davepoobond: isnt that funny?

Fluffy Fox: Ya

Fluffy Fox: Funnnny

davepoobond: no it isnt

davepoobond: you suck

davepoobond: thats why you’re gay

davepoobond: and you have to pay

Fluffy Fox: yea

davepoobond: me more mon-ay

Fluffy Fox: Im getting offline now.

davepoobond: no you’re not

davepoobond: you’re going to block me

davepoobond: and i will use all of Bahrain’s treasures to kill you

Fluffy Fox: Isn’t Bahrain that fat ass from final fantasy 9?

davepoobond: ….

davepoobond: here, we have no such things as “final fantasy 9s”

davepoobond: i dont even know how the world can have such a crazy idea

Fluffy Fox: yes you do

davepoobond: how can you have 9 final fantasys

Fluffy Fox: your Final Fantasy number 9

Fluffy Fox: all the others were rejected

Fluffy Fox: your 9th is getting gang banged.

Fluffy Fox: By a pack of savage wolves.

davepoobond: there can only be 1 final thing, and that means 1 final fantasy

davepoobond: are you leaving yet?

davepoobond: leave

davepoobond: now

Fluffy Fox: In a few

davepoobond: i order you to leave

davepoobond: NOW

davepoobond: not in a few, NOW

davepoobond: good bye, bitch. i’m leaving you, and the house you came in

#6146: davepoobond -> JoyInLA

davepoobond: hello?

JoyInLA: who is this


davepoobond: i might be asking the same question

davepoobond: who does this be

JoyInLA: this is kristi and this is…3

davepoobond: 3?

davepoobond: theres a person named 3

davepoobond: ?

JoyInLA: sorry typo

davepoobond: people call me DBM

JoyInLA: which means….

JoyInLA: o i get it

davepoobond: Dooby Booby Mafooby

davepoobond: duhhh

davepoobond: everyone knows that. its a rappers name

JoyInLA: well i might have to block u if u don’t tell me who u r?

davepoobond: i told you. its Dooby Booby Mafooby

davepoobond: i have my own record deal and everything

davepoobond: and i rap

davepoobond: yo yo yo

davepoobond: look at my dough

davepoobond: it flows

davepoobond: like a…crow

JoyInLA: ummm right……….

davepoobond: see? i rap

JoyInLA: yeah… me 2

davepoobond: no

davepoobond: you cant

davepoobond: only men with tutus on can

davepoobond: and i am wearing a tutu right now

davepoobond: so…..pow!

JoyInLA: well your stupid

davepoobond: no i’m not

davepoobond: i’m phat

davepoobond: see? i used a rapping term

davepoobond: it PROVES i’m a rappa

davepoobond: hi

JoyInLA: right

JoyInLA: well i’m a zoo keeper…..

davepoobond: wanna know where i learned my skills?

davepoobond: IN THE HOOD, OF COURSE!

davepoobond: what are you doing right now, this very instance

JoyInLA: i train monkeys

davepoobond: i’m smoking a seegar

davepoobond: you must be that weird lady that carries a bucket around at the LA Zoo

davepoobond: i see her on Discovery Channel all the time

davepoobond: or you

davepoobond: i think you married the Crocodile Hunter

JoyInLA: yep thats me

davepoobond: when are you going to get eaten? you’re really annoying

davepoobond: i hate your austrailian accent

davepoobond: and you have an ugly face

JoyInLA: i don’t have an accient

davepoobond: sure sure

davepoobond: i hear it all the time

davepoobond: and its all make-up-y-like

JoyInLA: yeah i know i’m ugly…… ugly as your mom

davepoobond: hey! dont be talkin bout my mamama

JoyInLA: how can i not? every where i go i see her

davepoobond: i rhymed

davepoobond: how?

davepoobond: you cant

davepoobond: no one can

davepoobond: not even me

davepoobond: i shot her in the head yesterday

davepoobond: and i buried her in my roof

JoyInLA: is she dead too?

davepoobond: no…

davepoobond: she’s not…..dead…..

davepoobond: have you ever been pumped with 345 ccs of tranquelizer medicine?

JoyInLA: uh no>

davepoobond: i have

davepoobond: its not very pleasant

davepoobond: pleasant rhymes with peasant

davepoobond: i have to write that down

davepoobond: hold on

davepoobond: ok

davepoobond: back

JoyInLA: k freak

davepoobond: i have a cup

davepoobond: with a…

davepoobond: pup

davepoobond: i like to rhyme

davepoobond: i have a dime

davepoobond: i think i can rhyme

davepoobond: every tyme

davepoobond: hello?

JoyInLA: you can shut up

JoyInLA: i don’t give a fuck

davepoobond: yes i can

davepoobond: yes you dont

JoyInLA: get your ass in a truck

JoyInLA: and go fuck

davepoobond: a duck

davepoobond: ahahahaha

JoyInLA: in the muck

davepoobond: with a farmer?

davepoobond: hi?

#6145: a stray cat -> davepoobond

a stray cat: who r u?

davepoobond: depends on who you are

davepoobond: bitch

a stray cat: eh?

a stray cat: im just some kid who wants to play q3, who r u?

davepoobond: eh eh eh eh

davepoobond: THE HELL

davepoobond: you keep sending your fuckin icon

a stray cat: *shrug*

davepoobond: i’m a rapper

a stray cat: really?

davepoobond: yes

a stray cat: right, rap then.

davepoobond: chicka chicka chicka

davepoobond: yo yo yo

davepoobond: look at my hoe

davepoobond: its shiny

davepoobond: with a slimy

davepoobond: thing on it

davepoobond: i have a fit

a stray cat: ….

davepoobond: when i am bit

a stray cat signed off at 12:00:11 AM.

davepoobond: the hell

Previous message was not received by a stray cat because of error: User a stray cat is not available.

#6144: davepoobond -> FrozenToThisWorld

davepoobond: Mildrid? Mildrid? is that you?

FrozenToThisWorld: no

FrozenToThisWorld: go away

davepoobond: wait

FrozenToThisWorld: on?

davepoobond: it IS you

davepoobond: you use that same font and that same sn

FrozenToThisWorld: nope.. it’s not..

davepoobond: yes….it is

FrozenToThisWorld: nope

davepoobond: hmm

FrozenToThisWorld: not me

FrozenToThisWorld: sorry

davepoobond: how about Henry?

FrozenToThisWorld: go away

davepoobond: or Jack?

davepoobond: or maybe Gilbert?

FrozenToThisWorld: block this

davepoobond: no

davepoobond: blah blah blah

FrozenToThisWorld signed off at 11:45:40 PM.

#6143: davepoobond -> AWSSkater

davepoobond: hello

AWSSkater: HI

davepoobond: im the king of bahrain

davepoobond: how are you

AWSSkater: me too

davepoobond: you cant be the king of bahrain, i’m the king of bahrain

AWSSkater: im fine, you?

davepoobond: you cant be me, and you cant be me, cuz me is me and you cant be me because i am me, and you are not me

AWSSkater: okay

AWSSkater: who are you?

davepoobond: told

davepoobond: you

davepoobond: king of bahrain

AWSSkater: k

davepoobond: have you ever “poked the pork?”

davepoobond: hello?

davepoobond: i asked a question

AWSSkater: in what sense

davepoobond: i’m the king of bahrain



AWSSkater: i dont know what you mean

davepoobond: i dont know what you mean by i dont know what you mean

AWSSkater: ditto

davepoobond: oh ho!

davepoobond: you use my same words against me

davepoobond: or are you talking about a Pokemon

AWSSkater: no pokemon

AWSSkater: ::barfs::

davepoobond: i outlawed them from my country

davepoobond: we were losing too much capital

davepoobond: we only get 32 dollars a year per capita

AWSSkater: oh

AWSSkater: whats your name

davepoobond: its too hard to explain

davepoobond: it starts with a s, and ends with a c

davepoobond: be scientific and call it SCAT!

AWSSkater: what is it

davepoobond: sreckinic crickinick

AWSSkater: then my name is Hugh G. Rection

davepoobond: ok

davepoobond: how do you feel about hard labor?

davepoobond: i could really use someone like you in the oil fields

AWSSkater: tis bad

davepoobond: how about hard labor with no pay, and your only clothes are thumbcuffs

AWSSkater: you’re gay

davepoobond: how DARE YOU

davepoobond: ::beat down::

davepoobond: pooooo

davepoobond: you suck

davepoobond: Kix is a cereal

davepoobond: kid tested, mother approved

AWSSkater: ::takes out an extremely large wiffle bat and beats in the head extremely violently::

AWSSkater: now what

davepoobond: …

davepoobond: how dare you

davepoobond: howww DAREEE YOUU

davepoobond: hi

AWSSkater: hello

#6139: Lil Angel Gurl -> davepoobond

Lil Angel Gurl: =P

davepoobond: =P

Lil Angel Gurl: =D

davepoobond: =D

Lil Angel Gurl: =O

davepoobond: =O

Lil Angel Gurl: =(

davepoobond: =(

Lil Angel Gurl: =()

davepoobond: =()

Lil Angel Gurl: 😛

davepoobond: 😛

Lil Angel Gurl: 😀

Lil Angel Gurl: O:-)O:-)O:-)

Lil Angel Gurl: 😉

Lil Angel Gurl: 🙂

davepoobond: O:-)O:-)O:-)

davepoobond: 😉

davepoobond: 🙂

Lil Angel Gurl: bLaH

davepoobond: bLaH

Lil Angel Gurl: fArT

davepoobond: fArT

Lil Angel Gurl: oK?

davepoobond: ok

Lil Angel Gurl: JHJhHGiugugUGyfYvfhKhguKJkIjhHGgFK;:PMhHhLKhH

davepoobond: JHJhHGiugugUGyfYvfhKhguKJkIjhHGgFK;:PMhHhLKhH

Lil Angel Gurl: ioUIyUTuytFytYTfYTrYjk(*790OPlk()098)pi[oOJu*^(75GlkPp[i)0-*(TgR86(*yiKLHpo)80-&75&TYr6IUGIO

davepoobond: ioUIyUTuytFytYTfYTrYjk(*790OPlk()098)pi[oOJu*^(75GlkPp[i)0-*(TgR86(*yiKLHpo)80-&75&TYr6IUGIO

Lil Angel Gurl: hEhE

davepoobond: hEhE

Lil Angel Gurl: HeY

davepoobond: hi

Lil Angel Gurl: bLaH

Lil Angel Gurl: yooh

Lil Angel Gurl: cant say dat

Lil Angel Gurl: cuz i haf

Lil Angel Gurl: a copy righrt

Lil Angel Gurl: *copyrihgt

Lil Angel Gurl: **copyright

davepoobond: hEhE

davepoobond: hEhE

davepoobond: a copyright on what?

Lil Angel Gurl: on mai word ‘blah’

davepoobond: oh

Lil Angel Gurl: hEhE yUp YuP

davepoobond: i think i made that before you were born though

davepoobond: so i copyrighted it first

Lil Angel Gurl: nOoOOO

Lil Angel Gurl: i dId!

davepoobond: yes

Lil Angel Gurl: :'(

davepoobond: i did

davepoobond: not you

davepoobond: but me

Lil Angel Gurl: ::sNiFf sNiFF::

Lil Angel Gurl: da world goes ’round ‘n ’round but sum things neva change

davepoobond: this is the way we brush our teeth, brush our teeth, brush our teeth

davepoobond: so early in the morning!

Lil Angel Gurl: hEhE

Lil Angel Gurl: yUmMy!

davepoobond: …ok?

Lil Angel Gurl: hEhE