davepoobond: blah
stimpyismyname: you should buy soldier of fortune: double helix
stimpyismyname: for pc
stimpyismyname: or doom 3
davepoobond: yes tell me more
stimpyismyname: stfu
stimpyismyname: poo
davepoobond: U
davepoobond: !
stimpyismyname: :-):-(;-):-P:-P=-O:-*=-O:-*>:o
davepoobond: :'(
stimpyismyname: :-):-(:-*>:o8-)
stimpyismyname: >:o:-P:-(;-):-*;-)8-):-*=-O
stimpyismyname: =-O:-P:-(:-*:-(:-P;-)
stimpyismyname: =-O;-):-(;-):-P;-):-(>:o:-(
stimpyismyname: im faaast
stimpyismyname: :-[:-!:-$:-[:-!:-$:-\:-[:-!:-[O:-):-[:-[O:-):-$O:-):-[
davepoobond: 1111
stimpyismyname: mmmhmm
stimpyismyname: “Let’s do the Fooka Fooka”
stimpyismyname: what game is that song from
davepoobond: i dont see those quote things ur doing
stimpyismyname: i’ll give you a hint
davepoobond: i see ”
stimpyismyname: its the only game u ever beat
davepoobond: super mario rpg?
stimpyismyname: yep
stimpyismyname: ha
davepoobond: ur mom
stimpyismyname: nope
stimpyismyname: urs
stimpyismyname: bitch
davepoobond: did u happen to catch today’s insallment of DBZ?
stimpyismyname: no
stimpyismyname: i dont watch that gay shit
stimpyismyname: andy does tho
davepoobond: did he record it
stimpyismyname: did u miss it or somethin
davepoobond: yea
stimpyismyname: no
stimpyismyname: who gives a crap
davepoobond: i need a recap from someone
stimpyismyname: its so gay
stimpyismyname: just watch the next episode
davepoobond: dude this is the episode where goku goes SSJ3! 3 goddamit
stimpyismyname: haha
stimpyismyname: uhhh
stimpyismyname: youre…. gay?
stimpyismyname: yeah
stimpyismyname: thought so
davepoobond: ur mom
stimpyismyname: nope
stimpyismyname: urs
stimpyismyname: bitch
davepoobond: URS
stimpyismyname: burn in hell
davepoobond: burn in ur moms womb
stimpyismyname: that took u a while, eh?
davepoobond: i was eating a klondike bar
stimpyismyname: uh huh
stimpyismyname: sure
davepoobond: i WAS
stimpyismyname: uh huh
stimpyismyname: sure
davepoobond: i’ll bring the fucking wrapper to school tomorrow
stimpyismyname: ok
stimpyismyname: i need it carbon dated
stimpyismyname: down to minutes
davepoobond: i need ur mom carbon dated
stimpyismyname: and get the papers notarized
stimpyismyname: u FAG
stimpyismyname: and gimme a bagel
davepoobond: from goldstein’s or just a reg. bagel
stimpyismyname: golodstiens
davepoobond: precut?
stimpyismyname: sure
stimpyismyname: brb!
stimpyismyname: ok!
stimpyismyname: im back!
davepoobond: ok! great!
stimpyismyname: yesss!!!
davepoobond: what?
stimpyismyname: huh?
davepoobond: 9
stimpyismyname: wheres my bagell
davepoobond: i’m sorry, i put my penis through the hole, and ur mom is trying to eat the bagel now
stimpyismyname: oh
stimpyismyname: im talking to her right now
stimpyismyname: ha
davepoobond: right..
davepoobond: i knew htat
davepoobond: that
stimpyismyname: she just saw what u wrote
davepoobond: crap
davepoobond: ummm
davepoobond: sorry
davepoobond: all fun and games,
davepoobond: yes…
davepoobond: la la la la
stimpyismyname: shes gonna beat your ass now
davepoobond: did she really?
stimpyismyname: yea
davepoobond: ah crap
davepoobond: i guess i’ll just stay away from ur house now
davepoobond: houses
stimpyismyname: good
davepoobond: no, but seriously she did
stimpyismyname: unless u want a pointy stick up your ass
stimpyismyname: no
davepoobond: good
davepoobond: u had me goin there for a bit
davepoobond: u ass
stimpyismyname: yea i know
stimpyismyname: it was funny
stimpyismyname: my mom was lughin too
davepoobond: wtf
stimpyismyname: *laughin
stimpyismyname: god ur too easy
stimpyismyname: ha…
davepoobond: ur moms easy
Auto response from stimpyismyname: wakka wakka do!!