Category Archives: Chat Logs

These are Lame Chats and Stupid IMs

#10358: Tsenn -> davepoobond

Tsenn: Girl wrestling the schools wrestling captain well if that illegal how abou the hickory nut crunch… ::stompos on his balls and CRACK!!!::
Guy: ::high pitched:: yes thats definitely illegal!!

Tsenn: yeah i was watching beverlyu hiollbillies yesterday XD

davepoobond: heh

davepoobond: with jim varney or the tv series

Tsenn: jim varney of course

davepoobond: of course

davepoobond: wow look at that its 7:30

davepoobond [6:30 PM]: hmm…but its 6:30 on my IM…

#10357: davepoobond -> elmoisfurry

davepoobond: tell me some songs to download

elmoisfurry: bong sniffer by the fuckin cack’s

davepoobond: wat the fak

elmoisfurry: eat mah biznatch!

davepoobond: man crazytown – butterfly has such a good bass

elmoisfurry: man, your mom has such a good…well i wont get into that i guess

davepoobond: what what? what was that?

davepoobond: i’m gonna shoot an apple off ur head next time i see you

davepoobond: you have disgraced the family

elmoisfurry: blah blah

elmoisfurry: quiet johnny appleseed

davepoobond: if i flooded out your house, do you think you’d make it out or would you burn up as the water filled your lungs?

elmoisfurry: if i stomped on you face, would blood or tears fall out?

elmoisfurry: 8 questions down, 79 to go, boo yea grandma bacon!

elmoisfurry: oh yea, that foshee never came on friday, muahaha

davepoobond: ?

davepoobond: she wasn’t supposed to

elmoisfurry: she said she would you ass

davepoobond: no..

elmoisfurry: hey guess what? fo all that 14 question stuff, its supah skanky

elmoisfurry: yes she said so you poop, she said she would go that night, thursday, and friday, but not sat. or sun. cause she had some foshee shite to do

davepoobond: wuteverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

davepoobond: she never said anything of the sort

elmoisfurry: your mommmmmmm

elmoisfurry: yes she did

elmoisfurry: of the sort

davepoobond: ur mom pry said it to u and u got it mixed up

davepoobond: “i’m comin over (to your bed) on friday”

elmoisfurry: non, cause she doesnt look like a fo’d up bleached hair biatch, not anymore i mean

elmoisfurry: “im comin over(your mom) on friday”

davepoobond: well last time i saw ur mom she was a bleached hair biatch…

elmoisfurry: i said not anymore you fogin sloot

davepoobond: ya ya

davepoobond: tell me more swedish stories

elmoisfurry: i will when your old enough you flaming faggot

elmoisfurry: you know what is stupid? the keyboards on laptops, they are so small and stupid and suck shite on a cracker

davepoobond: they feel like crackers too

davepoobond: i mean, i wouldnt even be suprised to see a guy pick up a laptop and try to eat it

elmoisfurry: yea, like sweet ass crackers

davepoobond: i mean, they’re so black and yummy looking

elmoisfurry: i would you crazy funk

davepoobond: ya crackers for the crackas

#10356: davepoobond -> TBomb


TBomb: huh

TBomb: i dont get it

TBomb: polly wants a cracker?

davepoobond: you know what crackers are?

davepoobond: yeah that kinda cracker

davepoobond: and the cracka cracker is a white guy

davepoobond: comon, do i have to explain EVERY joke to you

TBomb: o

TBomb: dat was a joke?

TBomb: hahaha..

davepoobond: …..GET WIT IT RAYMO

TBomb: ha ha ha

TBomb: raymo?? HAHAHAHHAA now dat was funny

davepoobond: heh

davepoobond: that’s ur gangster name

davepoobond: Raymo Washington

TBomb: HAHAHAHHAHAH!! wat a cool gangter name

TBomb: raymo

TBomb: raymo

TBomb: raymo

davepoobond: yeah, its a god given talent to make gangster names

TBomb: god given talent.. hah, sure it is…..=/

davepoobond: sure it is, give me another name

TBomb: polly

davepoobond: Polezy Eleven

TBomb: po


TBomb: jack

davepoobond: Jack Off

TBomb: jackorus twelve


TBomb: HAAHHA!!!!!!!!!!!!1

davepoobond: jackorus is good too

davepoobond: Jackorus Off


davepoobond: colin’s gangster name is Bow-Tie H

TBomb: wow. im truly amazed

TBomb: bow-tie………….

TBomb: raymo………

TBomb: polezy

davepoobond: jackorus

TBomb: jack

TBomb: off

davepoobond: Jacoorus

davepoobond: Jakoorus

davepoobond: thats a good name too

TBomb: yep

davepoobond: O:-)

TBomb: did you read teh crucible last yr?

davepoobond: yup

TBomb: did you have to write an essy?

davepoobond: yeah

TBomb: wat was ur topic

davepoobond: always have to write an essay

davepoobond: i dont know…lemme look

davepoobond: hmm i dont have it..

TBomb: haha

TBomb: k

davepoobond: i dont think u do

TBomb: for wat

davepoobond: crucible

TBomb: yah, i hafta write an essay

davepoobond: o well. its pry somewhere, i dont know where i put it

TBomb: pry?

davepoobond: probably

TBomb: dats a good one

TBomb: im gonna use dat

davepoobond: i use it all the time

TBomb: ya, i use prolly, but pry’s shorter

davepoobond: prollys kinda old school

davepoobond: its not really gangsta

TBomb: haha

TBomb: icic

davepoobond: take it from the guy from the suburbs of LA

TBomb: haha

#10352: davepoobond -> stimpyismyname

davepoobond: tell me some songs to download

stimpyismyname: youre the best

davepoobond: any others?

stimpyismyname: no

davepoobond: k thanks. thanks a whole bunch. you were really helpful. thanks. thanks…thanks..

stimpyismyname: download it

davepoobond: maybe. i dont even like that song though…

stimpyismyname: have you heard it

davepoobond: yeah just a little

davepoobond: it was kinda dumb

davepoobond: i druther listen to cold play

#10350: elmoisfurry -> davepoobond

elmoisfurry: how do you make a new sn? lol

davepoobond: idiot..

elmoisfurry: shaddup

davepoobond: how could u forget

elmoisfurry: upgraded hehe, had to close

davepoobond: o…k…

elmoisfurry: soooo…yeya im outies bro bro dog schaafsma squackle bitche

davepoobond: wtf?

elmoisfurry: blah, no i dont remember you slut, now im gonna take sam for a freaking walk!!!!!!!1

elmoisfurry: have fun, bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

davepoobond: at 7:07?

davepoobond: isnt it kinda LATE

elmoisfurry: umm…yes! when else would i do it? 704?! muahahah you idiot…

#10345: davepoobond -> stimpyismyname

davepoobond: my answering machine says “everyone will suffer” whispering, and someone left a message saying “oh my god!” and then they hung up

stimpyismyname: who

davepoobond: i dont know some chick

davepoobond: it was funny

stimpyismyname: the FBI

stimpyismyname: haha

davepoobond: she’s like fumbling with the phone and then she says “oh my god!” and then hangs up

davepoobond: it IS a kinda creepy answering machine message to get when ur like calling a friend or something

davepoobond: lol

davepoobond: wrong number

davepoobond: always is

davepoobond: WHOA

stimpyismyname: call her back

davepoobond: do you want a Stripper Pole for Your House?

davepoobond: no

stimpyismyname: what

davepoobond: u can get one

davepoobond: dude thats cool

stimpyismyname: wtf

davepoobond: do you wanna get it

stimpyismyname: what are you looking at

stimpyismyname: gay porn again

davepoobond: just a sentence ont he clickxchange control panel

davepoobond: its a “new advertiser”

davepoobond: Stripper Poles for Your House!! $20.00 Sale

davepoobond: i didnt actually go

stimpyismyname: yea right

davepoobond: i didnt. i’m downloading stuff

davepoobond: did you go

stimpyismyname: like what

davepoobond: like song

stimpyismyname: no

davepoobond: transplants – diamonds and guns

davepoobond: man its such a cool song

#10343: stimpyismyname -> davepoobond

stimpyismyname: what are you doing

davepoobond: eating a nice bowl of your mom

stimpyismyname: so…. being a fag

stimpyismyname: got it

davepoobond: sure, i guess if your mom is a guy

stimpyismyname: or if youre a fag

davepoobond: or if you’re one too

stimpyismyname: or if not

davepoobond: sure

davepoobond: cum guzzling asshole

stimpyismyname: dildo

davepoobond: goozak

stimpyismyname: worms

davepoobond: cervesa

davepoobond: so the party for squackle’s birthday is at 10:00

davepoobond: right right

stimpyismyname: shut up or i’ll pop ur goozak

davepoobond: hey! u fuck. u told me this whole week “we’re gonna have a party for squackle” everyday

stimpyismyname: uhhhhh

stimpyismyname: no?

davepoobond: uhhhh

davepoobond: yes

stimpyismyname: uhhh

stimpyismyname: no

davepoobond: uhhh

davepoobond: no to your no

stimpyismyname: whats a sticky topic

davepoobond: its a special kinda

davepoobond: thing

stimpyismyname: oh ok

stimpyismyname: whatcha doin david

stimpyismyname: lol

stimpyismyname: yuna has a gun

davepoobond: que?

stimpyismyname: wtf

stimpyismyname: in the ffx side story

davepoobond: which is where

stimpyismyname: shut up

davepoobond: wait a sec

davepoobond: what are you talking about

stimpyismyname: havent u heard about the ffx side storys

davepoobond: no

stimpyismyname: stories

davepoobond: there’s side stories?

stimpyismyname: oh

stimpyismyname: well then

stimpyismyname: yeah

stimpyismyname: 2 comin out

davepoobond: can you do them w/out beating the main game?

davepoobond: oh..

stimpyismyname: (different games)

davepoobond: oh ok

davepoobond: they’re like sequels?

stimpyismyname: actually theres only one

stimpyismyname: yea

davepoobond: what are they gonna be called

davepoobond: FFX 2?

stimpyismyname: just one

stimpyismyname: and yes

stimpyismyname: probably

davepoobond: or Yuna’s Magical Journey

davepoobond: Yuna’s Gun-Weilding Journey

davepoobond: Tidus’ Tries to Get Some Ass

stimpyismyname: yuna gets buttraped by jehct

davepoobond: Auron Tries to Get It Up

davepoobond: (w/out viagra)

stimpyismyname: i didnt like ffx as much

davepoobond: as much as any of the sequels

stimpyismyname: they should make a new one altogether

davepoobond: ok whatever

stimpyismyname: as much as other ff’s

davepoobond: really. why not

davepoobond: i thought it was as good as the others

stimpyismyname: the voice acting

stimpyismyname: the story

davepoobond: the voice acting was good

davepoobond: the story was good

stimpyismyname: the dialogue

stimpyismyname: the battles were good tho

davepoobond: i dont know what the hell ur talkin about

stimpyismyname: like hell

davepoobond: sometimes they’re cheesy but that’s because its translated from japanese

davepoobond: and japanese are just like that

davepoobond: and they usually dumb down the fukin games y’know

davepoobond: fuckin japs

stimpyismyname: gay/

davepoobond: they wont let WW2 go

stimpyismyname: no

stimpyismyname: they dont do that anymore

davepoobond: so we dropped 2 nukes on them

davepoobond: who cares

stimpyismyname: Final Fantasy X: Another Lord – The Lord of Future

davepoobond: aint that swell..

davepoobond: how long is the game supposed to be

davepoobond: 20 hours?

stimpyismyname: 5 mins

stimpyismyname: it loads

davepoobond: yeah i shoulda thought so

stimpyismyname: then you get a 3 min cg

davepoobond: it loads for 5 minutes?

stimpyismyname: then credits

davepoobond: oh

stimpyismyname: no

davepoobond: ok

stimpyismyname: 1 min

stimpyismyname: yea…

davepoobond: and the 3 minute cg is tidus ass ramming rikku and yuna at the same time, right

stimpyismyname: really only 3 people post on the squackle board

stimpyismyname: yeah…

stimpyismyname: cant get that outta ur head, huh

davepoobond: with wakka and auron doing dotty or whatever

davepoobond: i forgot her name

stimpyismyname: your final fantasy?

davepoobond: oh hell ya

stimpyismyname: HAHAHAHAHAH

stimpyismyname: oh boy…

davepoobond: actually mine would be doin rikku, yuna, dotty or whatever, and tidus’ mom

davepoobond: gotta get some of that experience tossed in

davepoobond: with tidus’ mom

stimpyismyname: haha…no

stimpyismyname: shut up

stimpyismyname: enough

davepoobond: ok

davepoobond: it was funny though

#10342: davepoobond -> Tetsuya

davepoobond: WHY DO YOU build me up? buttercup baby

Tetsuya: O.o;;

davepoobond: i need you i need you darlin, you knew from the start

davepoobond: dont break my hearrttt

davepoobond: badadaaa!

Tetsuya: ……………..

davepoobond: i’ll make you (hey hey hey!)

davepoobond: hi

davepoobond: I CANT GET NO! satisfaction

Tetsuya: ………………

davepoobond: hey hey hey! that’s what i sayyy

davepoobond: whats up?

Tetsuya: Not much…

davepoobond: same with me