Category Archives: Chat Logs

These are Lame Chats and Stupid IMs

#10941: Automatic Man -> davepoobond

Automatic Man: dave, im fucked.

davepoobond: why

Automatic Man: cuz i have an essay due in history tomorrow and i didnt do the reading

Automatic Man: and its online, but theres no NOTES on it

Automatic Man: and im not reading 40 pages, and THEN writing an essay

davepoobond: otherwise you’re fucked

davepoobond: so do it

Automatic Man: im trying but i didnt read so im getting chahines cock in my ass tomorrow

davepoobond: you won’t care about these last 3 hours that you spent on a sunday night

davepoobond: once its over

Automatic Man: no, but i still gotta do my physics HW

davepoobond: it’ll take you an hour tops to read it

davepoobond: and then another hour to do the essay

davepoobond: physics HW isn’t due until the test

davepoobond: that’s how it always is isn’t it

Automatic Man: no, i need to do all of the stuff i havent turned in

davepoobond: oh

Automatic Man: but ur right, imma go read it

Automatic Man: goddamn book

davepoobond: dave – the man with all the answers

Automatic Man is away at 7:27 PM

#10940: stimpyismyname -> davepoobond

stimpyismyname: major in medieval studies

davepoobond: yeah right

stimpyismyname: how bout music with an Oboe Emphasis

davepoobond: how would anyone use either of those for anything

stimpyismyname: people on conquest

stimpyismyname: that show on the history channel

stimpyismyname: and people in orchestras that have oboes i guess

stimpyismyname: 😎

#10936: DailyDraw -> davepoobond

DailyDraw: AIM caused an invalid page fault in
module MSVCR70.DLL at 0187:7c01054b.
EAX=013a0078 CS=0187 EIP=7c01054b EFLGS=00010206
EBX=08080808 SS=018f ESP=0063ee94 EBP=0063eeb0
ECX=00000030 DS=018f ESI=014e47dc FS=12df
EDX=08080808 ES=018f EDI=00000006 GS=1346
Bytes at CS:EIP:
89 5a 04 8b 55 0c 8b 5a 04 8b 52 08 89 53 08 89
Stack dump:
014e47e0 00000000 00000032 013a0dd4 00000000 00000041 00000030 0063ef10 7c00dbe8 014a000c 014e480c 014e47e0 014e47a0 014e47e0 00000030 00000000

davepoobond: ok

#10934: davepoobond -> manceman

davepoobond: remember that candy, String Thing

davepoobond: ?

manceman: what candy string thing?

davepoobond: yeah it was a candy

manceman: not really

manceman: what s it fronm?

davepoobond: like the 90s

davepoobond: it was in a box

davepoobond: there’s like a carton

davepoobond: and inside a package

davepoobond: and on the carton there was these designs

davepoobond: that were made with the candy

manceman: nope

manceman: i dont remember that

manceman: y?

davepoobond: just wondering. it just popped into my head after 6 years

manceman: haha

#10933: davepoobond -> Phoenix

davepoobond: y’know what would be cool

davepoobond: Kazaam on DVD

Phoenix: lol

Phoenix: What about Steel?

davepoobond: Steel just sucks

Phoenix: But it was politically correct

davepoobond: Steel doesn’t come out of a freakin boombox

Phoenix: Girl in wheel chair loves big black man

davepoobond: same thing in Kazaam

davepoobond: half the white girls in the club loved him

davepoobond: oh well. I can’t wait till all the crappy movies reach it to DVD

davepoobond: 10 bucks a pop

davepoobond: with extra features you know you’ll love

Phoenix: Thats how I got Ghost Dog, way of the samurai

Phoenix: 6 bucks on dvd

davepoobond: they have TMNT 1 and 2

davepoobond: not sure about 3

Phoenix: TMNT’s are on DVD?

davepoobond: yep

Phoenix: I literally watched 1 and 2 three days ago

davepoobond: saw it at Target

Phoenix: Dancin’ ninjas are funny.

davepoobond: i want the cartoon series on DVD

Phoenix: “Quick throw a smoke bomb at them!”

davepoobond: the older one

Phoenix: “Success! Now we can’t see them! Wait….. no…. thats bad”

davepoobond: heh

#10927: Izumo Etsuko -> davepoobond

Izumo Etsuko: dude…

davepoobond: what

Izumo Etsuko: the world today is fucked up

Izumo Etsuko: o.o

davepoobond: and its all because of imperialism

Izumo Etsuko: this 18 year old kid is looking at 10 years in prison for simply editing the MSBlaster source code…

Izumo Etsuko: o.o

davepoobond: heh

Izumo Etsuko: thats friggin insane dude…

Izumo Etsuko: oo

Izumo Etsuko: the majority of rapists don’t even get that long

davepoobond: ok thats nice

davepoobond: gonna play a game bye

Izumo Etsuko: o.o;

Izumo Etsuko: k