davepoobond: faaaackk
manceman: what?
davepoobond: tim probably won’t be at school tomorrow
davepoobond: and we have next wednesday off
davepoobond: teacher sell back day
davepoobond: last time they had a buy back day
davepoobond: next wednesday its sell back day
davepoobond: har har har
manceman: haha
manceman: so whats the problem?
davepoobond: aahhh
davepoobond: did i tell you tim’s not gonna be at school tomorrow probably
manceman: so?
davepoobond: aaahhhhhhhh
manceman: i dont get it?
davepoobond: you’re damn right
davepoobond: you dont get a lotta things
davepoobond: like ass, is probably the #1 thing
manceman: ya from guys fag
davepoobond: =-O