#10547: blowthetoad -> davepoobond

This entry is part 8 of 8 in the series blowthetoad Wants to Be a Poop Troop

blowthetoad uses a screen name davepoobond hasn’t seen before.

blowthetoad: Hey can I join Squackle.?

davepoobond: stop asking, i know its you

blowthetoad: Who is me?

blowthetoad: blowthetoad? nah

blowthetoad: not me

blowthetoad: i thought you only accepted those who you knew in real life

davepoobond: i never said anything about him

blowthetoad: and Holmes…….

blowthetoad: you dont know him in real life

davepoobond: i never said anything about btt

blowthetoad: btt?

blowthetoad: when i was like 12……

blowthetoad: yeah 12…

blowthetoad: i asked why i was a poop troop

blowthetoad: you said “cuz squackle members are people we know in real life”

davepoobond: i dont need to explain myself to you

blowthetoad: =-O

blowthetoad: haha, remember when i talked to your mom?

blowthetoad: she was like “why can’t you have a civil conversation?”

blowthetoad: then thats the last i’ve ever talked to you

davepoobond: oh wow

davepoobond: is that supposed to be funny

blowthetoad: this was your old font

blowthetoad: aaaah the good days

blowthetoad: NOW SHUT UP

blowthetoad: if it was funny i would have said ‘lol’

Series Navigation#10546: blowthetoad -> davepoobond

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