Later in the day, after #10513.
blowthetoad: can i try again?
davepoobond: no go away
blowthetoad: dammit fuck shit >:o
blowthetoad: is this dave?
blowthetoad: rumor has it his mom took away his mouse ball
davepoobond: no it isnt
blowthetoad: who is it
davepoobond: stop talkin to me i dont care about you
davepoobond: blowthetoad
blowthetoad: no this is stimpy or elmo
davepoobond: no its 9876543210
blowthetoad: ooooooooh
blowthetoad: now it’s all coming in clear
blowthetoad: sorry to disturb you
blowthetoad: what is dave’s AOL email
blowthetoad: awesome
blowthetoad: tee hee heeeeee
blowthetoad: who updates squackle
blowthetoad: blowthetoad is just a fucking muffin
blowthetoad: i dont like him
davepoobond: that’s sweet
blowthetoad: no, it’s snour
blowthetoad: not sour
blowthetoad: snour
blowthetoad: who is the sexiest person alive?
blowthetoad: Nose
blowthetoad: who ihas the biggest penis?
blowthetoad: Stimpy
blowthetoad: who is the redest yellow-bellied anus?
blowthetoad: Elmo
davepoobond: your not making me laugh
blowthetoad: im not trying to
blowthetoad: im just…
blowthetoad: some canadian chef
davepoobond: stop being a dipshit, and maybe i’ll let you be a loser trooper
davepoobond: since you seem to have such a fetish about being a soldier
blowthetoad: i am a soldier… named preston,so it blows away the purpose
davepoobond: might as well be in the ranks of your own kind
davepoobond: i’ll let you be a loser trooper named blowyourmom
blowthetoad: yay