Tag Archives: stimpyismyname

#5994: stimpyismyname -> davepoobond

stimpyismyname: blaahhhh

davepoobond: wut game didja get>

stimpyismyname: craaaaazy taxi!!

davepoobond: oh

davepoobond: wuts it about?

stimpyismyname: driving taxis

davepoobond: btw, wanna say something for the update on squackle?

stimpyismyname: es muy chistoso

davepoobond: and what happens?

stimpyismyname: you drive people placxes

davepoobond: thats it?

stimpyismyname: you wouldnt undeerstand

davepoobond: ok…do you want to say something for Squackle?

stimpyismyname: yes

davepoobond: what is it?

stimpyismyname: “Squackle may not be funny but – – :: jumps out window :: hehehe!!”

stimpyismyname: k?

davepoobond: yep, got it

davepoobond: i played poopie and the gooey kablooie at my dad’s computer

stimpyismyname: oh

davepoobond: it went a lot slower

davepoobond: and i drove the tank into the bar

davepoobond: but i couldnt get it back out

stimpyismyname: how fast is ur dads comp

davepoobond: not that fast

davepoobond: 260 or so

stimpyismyname: how fast

stimpyismyname: oh

stimpyismyname: i found a way we can sell stuff on squackle

stimpyismyname: if we have anything

davepoobond: how?

stimpyismyname: ccnow

stimpyismyname: i set up an sccount

davepoobond: coo

davepoobond: can we have other people sell stuff on our site too?

davepoobond: we can have “Squackle Shop” or something

davepoobond: whee

stimpyismyname: why?

stimpyismyname: uhhh

stimpyismyname: no

stimpyismyname: that’s gay

davepoobond: no to what?

stimpyismyname: ha

stimpyismyname: haha

stimpyismyname: no

davepoobond: i have to go now, call me and tell me about it

stimpyismyname: but vat?

stimpyismyname: bout vat?

davepoobond: the ccnow thing

stimpyismyname: uh huh….>

stimpyismyname: <>

stimpyismyname: <<.


. .


stimpyismyname: hahaha

davepoobond: bye


_ _

\ /


#5993: stimpyismyname -> Berrybud

stimpyismyname: no

Berrybud: what did i do

stimpyismyname: dont play dumb with me

Berrybud: im not dumnb

stimpyismyname: …

Berrybud: …..well what?

stimpyismyname: just “…”

Berrybud: ok

Berrybud: so what cha do today

stimpyismyname: well first I — ::jumps out window:: HAHAHAHA!!

stimpyismyname: AHHH YES! I AM COUNT CHOCULA!!

stimpyismyname: BWA HA!!!

stimpyismyname: HA!

stimpyismyname: HA!

#5988: Berrybud -> stimpyismyname

Berrybud: hey who is this

stimpyismyname: ?

Berrybud: hello

stimpyismyname: yeah… ok….

Berrybud: just tell me who you are

stimpyismyname: leave me alone

Berrybud: y

stimpyismyname: BLAH

Berrybud: w/e ou were on my b list so i thought i woukd im you but nm

stimpyismyname: …what?

Berrybud: never mined

stimpyismyname: uh huh

Berrybud: i feel stupid when i talk to you

stimpyismyname: so what new with you

stimpyismyname: ?

Berrybud: not telling

stimpyismyname: oooh

stimpyismyname: secrets!

Berrybud: you hate secrets

stimpyismyname: i like secrets

stimpyismyname: …blackmail too…

Berrybud: o realoly ne on me

stimpyismyname: say something stupid

stimpyismyname: right now

Berrybud: piggily wiggily

stimpyismyname: ha

stimpyismyname: ur stupid

Berrybud: i hate u

stimpyismyname: hahaha

Berrybud: do you go to my school

stimpyismyname: probly not

Berrybud: what are yoyr school colors

stimpyismyname: pink

stimpyismyname: and polka dots

Berrybud: i hate u you wont tell me who you are

stimpyismyname: 🙂

Berrybud: thats not funny i swear

stimpyismyname: 😀

Berrybud: i really hate you now do you know me at all tho really

stimpyismyname: lets practice on trying to make sense

Berrybud: grr do you know me at all

stimpyismyname: okay iS tht wath u

stimpyismyname: ?

Berrybud: i dunno

stimpyismyname: 😛

Berrybud: lol nnott

stimpyismyname: dum dum dum

stimpyismyname: hello?

#5987: stimpyismyname -> Para

stimpyismyname: HI, IT’S davepoobond

stimpyismyname: HOW ARE YOU

stimpyismyname: …?

Para: Hi

Para: Sure.

Para: I doubt you are.

stimpyismyname: sure, sure…

stimpyismyname: sO hOw AbOuT tHeM DoDgErs?

Para: …

stimpyismyname: b

stimpyismyname: i

stimpyismyname: n

stimpyismyname: g

stimpyismyname: o

stimpyismyname: and bingo was his name

stimpyismyname: o

stimpyismyname: there was a farmer, had a dog

stimpyismyname: geez im stoned

stimpyismyname: not really…

stimpyismyname: just pumped on heroin

stimpyismyname: so, u wanna tell me why you IMed me?

stimpyismyname: cause ur really friggin annoyin

stimpyismyname: hi, im davepoobond!

stimpyismyname: news at ten

stimpyismyname: OR LATER

stimpyismyname: hmm hmm hmm

stimpyismyname: booyaka

stimpyismyname: wHy DoNt YoU tAlK tO mE (davepoobond), pArA?

#5986: stimpyismyname -> Berrybud


Berrybud: Brooke who is this

stimpyismyname: it depends

stimpyismyname: it all depends…

Berrybud: on what

stimpyismyname: …stuff…

Berrybud: like what give the specifics

stimpyismyname: i’d rather not, STU-U-UPID!!!

Berrybud: y

stimpyismyname: cause

Berrybud: y

stimpyismyname: STU-U-UPID

Berrybud: just tell me if you go to my school and what grade ur in

stimpyismyname: YES AND NO

stimpyismyname: …maybe…

Berrybud: your a dumbass

stimpyismyname: GASP!!!

stimpyismyname: PROFANITY!!

stimpyismyname: 3RD DEGREE!!

Berrybud: jus tell me what it is

stimpyismyname: what the who is?

Berrybud: who you are

stimpyismyname: …what…?

Berrybud: who are you?

stimpyismyname: …

stimpyismyname: my whosit is a whatsit?

Berrybud: whoisit

stimpyismyname: whosit, you say…

Berrybud: YES

stimpyismyname: a-whatsit-whosit, or a whosit-whatsit?

stimpyismyname: wassap???

Berrybud: pleeze just tell me who this is

stimpyismyname: whatsit ta yoo?”

stimpyismyname: whosit ta what?

stimpyismyname: vat???

Berrybud: you suck an jus tell me

stimpyismyname: OH OH OH????

stimpyismyname: I “SUCK”, DO I???

Berrybud: yeah

stimpyismyname: I’LL NEVER TELL YOU NOW….

Berrybud: o no im shakin in my boots

stimpyismyname: what?

Berrybud: nm loser

stimpyismyname: i’m an egiptian

stimpyismyname: eeeeeggggyyppttttt

Berrybud: no ur not stop ya liein

stimpyismyname: YOURE INSANE!!

stimpyismyname: I MUST GET OUT!!!

stimpyismyname: AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

Berrybud: your a freak

stimpyismyname: takes one to know that im rubber and you are bingo b-i-n-g-o!!!!!

stimpyismyname: CANT THINK…!

stimpyismyname: CAN ONLY SEND….

Berrybud: is this allyson

stimpyismyname: ….DUMB IMS!!!

stimpyismyname: thats great

stimpyismyname: ahem

stimpyismyname: i am paradox602

stimpyismyname: on my other sn

Berrybud: ok

stimpyismyname: i’m on both sn’s now

stimpyismyname: lets talk on both!!

Berrybud: just tell me who this is and ill stop bothering you

stimpyismyname: yeah, ud better, cause ur really annoying

stimpyismyname: geez

stimpyismyname: FREAK

Berrybud: DUMBASS

stimpyismyname: MORON

Berrybud: ASSHOLE

stimpyismyname: NINCOMPOOP

Berrybud: SHITHEAD

stimpyismyname: PUSSBUCKET


stimpyismyname: CATHEMROIDS

Berrybud: ok i dont have nemore

stimpyismyname: tuh

stimpyismyname: no wonder

stimpyismyname: POO…FACE

Berrybud: shut the hell up im not talking to you bye

stimpyismyname: alright, fuzzyfart

Berrybud: what the hell just tell me who you aer ……… stalker

stimpyismyname: ME???

stimpyismyname: A STALKER???

stimpyismyname: why…

stimpyismyname: ive…

Berrybud: yeah if you wont tell me who you are then im assunming your my stalker

stimpyismyname: yeah, whatever

Berrybud: yeah, ok

stimpyismyname: u were on my buddy list under “stupid”

stimpyismyname: heh heh

Berrybud: right just tell me who you are and ll leave you alone

stimpyismyname: whats the point?

Berrybud: i dunno jus te;ll me ill do anything

stimpyismyname: anything….??

Berrybud: yepp

stimpyismyname: hmmm

stimpyismyname: talk to paradox602 and say she’s stupid

stimpyismyname: haha ha

Berrybud: no nething but thar

stimpyismyname: uhhh

Berrybud: im not stupid

stimpyismyname: talk to my friend mrchubbybubbles when he gets on

Berrybud: ok no

stimpyismyname: just put him on your buddy list!

stimpyismyname: fine….

stimpyismyname: arghhh

Berrybud: hey i gtg bye

stimpyismyname: yeah….k

#5983: stimpyismyname -> davepoobond

Note: (stimpyismyname said stuff that davepoobond “said.” They are not blue-colored, and are smaller than regular text to distinguish they are not actually davepoobond)


stimpyismyname: https://www.squackle.com/stories/percy.html

stimpyismyname: nope

davepoobond: i know that

davepoobond: i’m still writing it

stimpyismyname: y u no fix

davepoobond: it was never there…..

davepoobond: i just put it there so i dont have to worry about it later

stimpyismyname: davepoobond: it was never there…..

davepoobond: i just put it there so i dont have to worry about it later

stimpyismyname: uh huh

davepoobond: it was never there…..

stimpyismyname: ok!

davepoobond: it was never there…..

stimpyismyname: alright!

davepoobond: it was never there…..

stimpyismyname: just shut up

davepoobond: no…

stimpyismyname: die!!

davepoobond: fine! with this dagger, i take my life

stimpyismyname: davepoobond: ARGH!!!

stimpyismyname: UHPS

stimpyismyname: ah haha

stimpyismyname: Miss Poodle was flabbergasted and said, “I’m flabbergasted,” she also added, “I have gas and my armpits are sweaty.”

#5982: stimpyismyname -> Para

stimpyismyname: hello

Para: Hello?

stimpyismyname: my name is Dingo

Para: Good for you.

stimpyismyname: how are you?

Para: Fine, yourself?

stimpyismyname: I’m good

stimpyismyname: davepoobond told me to call you a poo poo head.

Para: ok….

stimpyismyname: ……

stimpyismyname: I’m serious.


stimpyismyname: k, have fun.

Para: @$%@$&*%@^%@&^@%%$!!!!!!

stimpyismyname: heh.

#5981: stimpyismyname -> davepoobond

stimpyismyname: hey you suck

davepoobond: dingo eggs?

davepoobond: lol

stimpyismyname: die

stimpyismyname: bastard

stimpyismyname: I’M making fun of YOU

stimpyismyname: bit-cha

davepoobond: no

stimpyismyname: yeah

davepoobond: no

stimpyismyname: yeah

stimpyismyname: hah

stimpyismyname: i win

stimpyismyname: butthead

stimpyismyname: hoo boy am i funny!