sompa – v. to ask someone wearing a Star Wars shirt if they saw Star Wars
Tag Archives: Star Wars
tataounie – n. a “love song” compilation album with the Star Wars Imperial March song on it
If you had a choice, who would you be?

Who is your dream guy?

Thumb Luke
Yoda Stoned
Star Fleet
Find Your Star Wars Name
It appears that Lucas uses a formula to create all those stupid names you see in the Star Wars trilogy and Phantom Menace (Jar Jar Binks, Obi Wan, etc.). To see what your Star Wars name is, follow the steps below…
Star Wars First Name
1. Take the first 3 letters of your last name.
2. Add to that, the first 2 letters of your first name.
Star Wars Last Name
1. Take the first 2 letters of your mother’s maiden name.
2. Add to that the first 3 letters of the name of the town or city you were born in.
There you go! There’s your Star Wars Name.
Leave a comment and tell us your Star Wars Name!
Squackle! Fans:
Hamje Hoble (Jen Hamblet)
Elrdo Pagal (Donald Elrod)
Essma Halos (stimpyismyname)
Amida Asgle (davepoobond)
Shini Miwal
Minsh Lasea
Berge Pawes (Holmes)
Piele Nucar
Newli Bemis
Milla Bumon
Neyhi Cobru
Garal WeHol
Brast Cakan
Solba Bacha
Hopst Koarl
Harda Ropho
Mikha Busco
Judla Rewar
Pareli Shmem
Jeill Sanma
Scuda Abbos
Koepe Culon
Terja Sytex
Bulas Sulas
Honeu Jalac
Cremersco Carco
Ooraa Holiv
Chami Rigar
Brewe Diroa
Kersa Oknep
Onema Hahel
Silky Mocol
Schde Zeiyor
Leyki Bewat
Curtis Quaker Church
Larda Krsag (David Millar)
Amsry Wodur (Ryan Adams)
Honde Smwil
Kimhy Leseo
Spely Sucha
Colel Saeph
Webal Pabil
Culhael Miver
Ausda Haper
Deima Tibet
Melsm Crgal
Whima Whgra
Stokr Calan
Brooba Mylksmak
Gonma Canew [Manuel Gonzalez]
Baspu Moalb
Kelso Tathe
Graja Diric
Strla Visal
Galmi Gachi
Perda Pilee (Darrel Pepper)
Danba Aldar (Daniel Bainbridge)
Lopel Lasan
Joyme Lywey
Leyju Jacuc
Gonju Zesan
Neear Camun
Mukli Chihar
Warri Secai
Found In an E-Mail:
1. Casan Maphi (Andy Castillo)
2. Trume Keoce (Megan Trudeau)
3. Walje Bopor (Jessica Wallace)
4. Finas Frbal (Ashley Finch)
5. Chach Pulex
6. Chabo Pulex
7. Gleje Peath (Jennifer Gleisner)
8. Gleas Pedoy (Ashley Gleisner)
9. Cifda Pipri (Dawn Cifone)
10. Glejo Pefai (Jodi Gleisner)
11. Hayca Grcor (Cathy Hayek)
12. Hoyke Ricor (Kenny Hoyos)
13. Marmi Accor (Michelle Maresh)
14. Permi Rocor- (Mike Perez)
15. Micni Smor-(Nicole Michaud)
16. Wheal Fanor (Alyssa Wheeler)
17. Hanca Finor (Crystal Haner)
18. Dunru Thcor (Ruth Dunn)
19. Milai Nacor (Aimee Millangue)
20. Demli Clcor [(Princess) Lindsay DeMoss]
21. Minka Racol (Katy Miner)
23. ROSCH WHALB (Cheryl Rosel)
24. Smokr Faaus (Kristen Smolik)
25. Malem Padal (Emily Maloney)
26. Blaka Hiaus (Kathleen Blackwood)
27. galmi ruaus (michelle galaviz)
28. Wadly Alpal (Lynsey)
29.Viobr Lipal (Brian Viola, Palm Springs)
30. Meani Buora (Nick Meade)
31. Whili Kahar (Lisa White)
32. Speli Comis ( Lindsay Spence)
33. Bluch Ibsan ( Christine Blue
34. Wislt Mopal (Stephanie Willis)
35.Fabur Snupl (Urs Fabiano)
36. Marau Elpal (Autumn Martino)
37. Breke Hepas (Kelly Bresanello)
38. Lotta Heriv (Tara Lotstein)
39. Batro Crhaw (Robert Bates)
Joke #6511
Q: Why is duct tape like “The Force”?
A: Because it has a Light side and a Dark side and it holds the Universe together.
tylanoss – n. a Star Wars character on drugs
lupton – v. to dress up like a Star Wars kinda looking bounty hunter
hilpnorka – n. a person who watches Star Wars two and a half times a day.
Ex. I hate hilpnorkas.