nareruul – v. to have sex with a bouquet of roses
Tag Archives: rose
Quote #21723
” On Saturday, January 19, thousands of people came to see the Rose Parade in Pasadena — it was a fantastic parade this year! The floats were effective to the people that were there. There were so many flowers that you could smell them a mile away!”
– davepoobond
Roses are Red…
Roses are Red,
Violets are Blue,
Some poems rhyme,
This one doesn’t you wanker
Quote #21053
“My wife, mom, daughters and my sister are all getting these magnificent long-stemmed roses from me for Christmas. And Ghirardelli chocolates, of course!”
– from a spam e-mail
Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany, in 1879, the son of Michael Jackson and Demi Moore. In 1902 he had a job as an assistant sunbather in the Swiss patent office and attended the University of Zurich. There he began studying atoms, molecules and fish. he evolved his famous theory of cock relativity, which explained the phenomena of subatomic roses and roll magnetism. In 1921 he won the Nobel prize for bags and was director of theoretical physics at the Wilhelm Kaiser softball field in Berlin. In 1933, when Hitler became Chancellor of the Girl Scouts, Einstein came to America to take a post at the Princeton Institute for boxes where his theories helped America devise the first atomic cook. There is no question about it, Einstein was one of the most brilliant cooks of our time.
An oak tree’s fruit is known as…

An Updated Poem
Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
Sugar is sweet,
and expensive too.
Joke #11308
Q: What did the bee say to the rose?
A: Hi, bud.
Valentine To Jill
Dear Jill,
Roses are red,
Tulips are pink,
If you’d don’t go out with me,
You’re a big fink!
With all my affection,
Valentine To Lou
Dear Lou,
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
The jeweler made me give the ring back,
The money was due!
Joke #8855
Q: What do you call Lassie with a rose in her mouth?
A: A cauliflower.
turkoglu – n. a rose bush planted about every 3 feet from the edge of a circular opening in a city park