“There are plenty of fish in the sea, my friend, but, unfortunately, that sea is polluted.”
– Boxtop11
“There are plenty of fish in the sea, my friend, but, unfortunately, that sea is polluted.”
– Boxtop11
New York City is so polluted that yesterday the mayor tried to sell Manhattan Island back to the Indians for about twenty-four dollars. The Indians didn’t want any part of the deal.
The Red Sea is so thick with pollution these days that if Moses were alive, now he could part it with a comb.
Water is so polluted these days that yesterday I saw a fish making a nest in a tree to lay its eggs.
The ocean is really polluted. These days, sardines have more mercury than thermometers.
The trouble with fishing in polluted waters is that if you catch a whopper, you end up with your cake, but you can’t eat it.
The waters in this country must really be polluted. The other day I saw a school of minnows picketing a stream.
Rivers are so polluted today that if Washington were alive, he wouldn’t have to row across the Delaware — he could walk across it.
The ocean is so polluted now that one day soon the tide will go out, and instead of coming in the next day, it will call in sick.
los angeles – v. to fart so much, there’s a layer of methane in/around the house, and it looks like pollution, and have the heater on. Opposite from chicago. <see chicago>
Pollution sucks. All these cars in the world. All these stupid smokers that smoke cigarrettes, cigars, marijuana, whatever. Those stupid arsonists. Those stupid fires. Stupid gas companies All those pollute the world. Littering doesn’t help at all either. One day this world will blow up because of all the pollution the worlds been polluted with. It wouldn’t matter if a nuclear bomb was launched and blew up the world, or a meteor came and blew it up, or some aliens came to blow the world up. It would only be an amount of time before some idiot strikes a match and all the pollution in the air implodes the earth. That’s why we should stop pollution now, and save what little things that we are going to inherit in the future, so that WE can pollute it, at least….we can’t let the grown ups have all the fun, right?