Tag Archives: Mr. C Fat Nuts

What Mr. C Fat Nuts Eats For Lunch and Such

Made in conjunction with davepoobond.

This is a documentary of what Mr. C Fat Nuts eats everyday (or mostly everyday) for lunch, while elmoisfurry is in his computer class thingy, bored off his ass. he was inspired to do this when he saw Mr. C Fat Nuts eating like a lion through the window that separates his class from Mr. C Fat Nuts’ class. And other random occurrences with this fat nutted man.


– September 4, 2001 – What he ate for lunch: 1. Corn on the cob. 2. Some weird little soup thingy out of a foil bowl (a TV dinner kind of thing). 3. Some weird cake or something he was ripping apart

elmoisfurry: As I looked through the window to the other class, I saw Mr. C Fat Nuts going “RAWM-RAWM-RAWM” and chewing his corn. Then he ate his soupy thingy, I didn’t really watch what he did with that, I just saw him eat it sort of. Then he started eating some cakey thingy, ripping it apart, and jamming it in his mouth.


– September 5, 2001 – What he ate for lunch: 1. A bag with some type of paste in it 2. A TV dinner-type-bowl-type-thing

elmoisfurry: There was a bag on his desk and near the bottom of the bag and there was an inch of some weird yellow paste, and it looked like he had a whole bag of paste for lunch. Then I saw him eat some goopy chicken type thing, I had no idea what the fuck it was. I saw him hold his fork really tightly, then Mr. C Fat Nuts stuck his fork into the food in the bowl, into whatever was in the bowl, took it out, and I saw that it was all clumped together in one slab of slop. Then, in one hand he held the thingy on his fork, and was eating it, going “AWM AWRM AWM AWRM,” with the other hand he was typing on his computer, as he ate. That’s all I saw.


– September 7, 2001 – What he ate for lunch: 1. Diet Mountain Dew

davepoobond: Today elmoisfurry was being a bitch, so this is all that davepoobond can remember, and elmoisfurry is such a bastard, that he wouldn’t tell him what he had on the 6th either


– September 10, 2001 – What he ate for lunch: 1. A huge plate of taquitos 2. A huge bowl of guacamole 3. Diet Mountain Dew

davepoobond: elmoisfurry said something about Mr. C Fat Nuts dipping taquitos into the bowl of guacamole and eating half of the taquito, then dipped the taquito back into it, and then he chugged his diet Mountain Dew. Again, elmoisfurry was being a bitch so he wouldn’t give a quote


davepoobond: well, what turned out to be something that was supposed to be an everyday thing for his lunch, turned out to not be something that will be done with everyday because stupid bitch elmoisfurry was moved from his seat in his class, so he can’t see Mr. C Fat Nuts eating lunch anymore….oh well. We’ll post whatever if we see Mr. C Fat Nuts or whatever…..


– September 18, 2001 –

davepoobond: I saw Mr. C Fat Nuts all jolly and happy because he was driving a new Honda Accord that had a really gay blue color, and he was really far away from the steering wheel, but his stomach was only about 2 inches away from the steering wheel. Haa…..


Funny – some guy told us he and his brother followed Mr. C Fat Nuts around to different chat rooms, and Mr. C Fat Nuts was saying “15/m wanna cyber” in chat rooms. pretty nasty.