Tag Archives: CapnChubby

#10685: CapnChubby -> stimpyismyname

CapnChubby: how can i contact the guy named stimpyismyname from Squackle?

stimpyismyname: thaaaats me

stimpyismyname: why

CapnChubby: o

CapnChubby: he gave my game a 5/10 and called it gay

stimpyismyname: which one

stimpyismyname: brb

CapnChubby: christmas crunch

CapnChubby: basically its because my foot needs to contact his ass but i 5got aboot it until 3day.

stimpyismyname: i see

CapnChubby: well not really

stimpyismyname: do you really care

stimpyismyname: you made it in a day or something

CapnChubby: no like 3 months

CapnChubby: for the contest

CapnChubby: at GMC

stimpyismyname: i thought you said 15 min

CapnChubby: no

CapnChubby: that was the snake one

stimpyismyname: how could it take you 3 months

CapnChubby: how can i make 75 levels in 15 minutes?

stimpyismyname: wow

stimpyismyname: i didnt play it that long

CapnChubby: yeah

stimpyismyname: hehe

CapnChubby: didnt think so thats kinda why im pissed but it still got on Gamehippo and got 5/10 there too and people still download it

stimpyismyname: …k

CapnChubby: so im not too mad

CapnChubby: and i wont beatyou to a bloody pulp

stimpyismyname: uh huh..

CapnChubby: ill kindly thank you for the constructive critism

stimpyismyname: it mostly was

stimpyismyname: i was just kidding on the end

CapnChubby: except the GAY GAY GAY GAY part

stimpyismyname: right

stimpyismyname: i can’t get my mail

stimpyismyname: its pissing me off

CapnChubby: o

#10586: CapnChubby -> davepoobond

CapnChubby: hahahhahhahahah hello kitty is japajanaesese

davepoobond: yeah..

CapnChubby: it rhymes with chinese

CapnChubby: like chinese food

CapnChubby: from the dollar store

CapnChubby: i bought it

CapnChubby: it was

CapnChubby: ummm

CapnChubby: a dollar

davepoobond: heh

CapnChubby: i think

CapnChubby: with the economics all screwed up, the dollar stores will either gain a lot of money because of low affordable prices, or go out of business because of lack of funding and high prices from inflation

CapnChubby: but they also have hair dye which surprised me and made me want to be a goth again

davepoobond: heh

End of IMs5.

Christmas Crunch (PC) Review

Developer: CapnChubby

  Christmas Crunch (PC) (664.5 KiB, 2,094 hits)

Game by capnchubby, made with GameMaker.


I couldn’t really read the menus, but you control a bunch of icons like socks and santa heads. They all move when you go left, etc. The goal is to get them into thier individual goals without hitting any diamonds.


menus are kinda cool, though hard to read. I don’t like to take off points for that kinda thing, though. The other stuff is pretty boring.


Really starts to piss you off, since it’s the same thing over and over. Well, actually more, but all Christmas songs sound the same.The scream when you die scares the crap outta you. who knew socks could scream so loud?


Original. Not too fun to play, but it makes you think. Sometimes it screws up and the block off guys you control split up a little.

Crappiest Part:

How it’s GAY! GAY GAY GAY!! There, I said it…

Overall Score:


  Christmas Crunch (PC) (664.5 KiB, 2,094 hits)

Game by capnchubby, made with GameMaker.

Popups are like mythical hydras

Popups are like mythical hydras. When you close a popup, two more open. It is the same way in the story Hercules. If you cut off a hydra’s head, two more headsa appear in the same place. That is because AOL lets the Atlantians from Ancient Atlantis put those popups there. So there are stil hydras today, but they are pop up ads, and someone should complain to AOL about it.