Tag Archives: Blind Bubba


#6347: Blind Bubba -> davepoobond

Blind Bubba: hey waht chapters is bio test on

Blind Bubba: 39 and 43/

davepoobond: yer mom

Blind Bubba: say the chapters sampfag

davepoobond: wats a sampfag

Blind Bubba: you have 10 seconds to say the chapters

Blind Bubba: 10

Blind Bubba: 9

Blind Bubba: 8

Blind Bubba: 7

Blind Bubba: 6

Blind Bubba: 5

Blind Bubba: 4

Blind Bubba: 3

Blind Bubba: 2

Blind Bubba: 1.75

Blind Bubba: 1.50

Blind Bubba: 1.25

Blind Bubba: 1

Blind Bubba: 0

Blind Bubba: ok thats is dave

Blind Bubba: 2morrow you feel the wrath of johnny

davepoobond: …i dont even fuckin no the chaps

Blind Bubba: thats it

Blind Bubba: call me a bitch do you

davepoobond: i said no such thing

davepoobond: ya bastard

Blind Bubba: call me a bastard too?

Blind Bubba: thats it

davepoobond: ok ok sorryyyyyyyyyyyy

Blind Bubba: o its cool

davepoobond: ok

#6310: davepoobond -> Blind Bubba

davepoobond: the girl scout cookies “tagalongs” cost 20 cents each to us

Blind Bubba: davepoobond , Sorry, I’m not here right now cuz…

“I can form a coherent sentence. In fact, the doctor said next week I can try a coherent thought, as long as it is ok with Moo-Moo, my invisible panda familiar. Just don’t tell the neighbors, they already look at me funny. ”

Moo-Moo, the Panda Bear

Git back to you asap

davepoobond: wtf

#6276: davepoobond -> Blind Bubba

davepoobond: the universe orignated from hot gas!

Blind Bubba: stfu

davepoobond: aww…..

Blind Bubba: I SAYD STFU

Blind Bubba: BIUOTCH

Blind Bubba: fuk

Blind Bubba: nm

Blind Bubba: i spelled

Blind Bubba: biotch wrong

Blind Bubba: ruined the effect

davepoobond: HHAHAHAH

davepoobond: loooooooooooss—eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrr

Blind Bubba: stfu ass

davepoobond: ineffable

davepoobond: lol. debauch means orgy

Blind Bubba: wtf

Blind Bubba: go find a sheep debauch

davepoobond: at least i got mary and her little lamb

Blind Bubba: lol

Blind Bubba: that shouldnt be funny

davepoobond: ok

#6272: Blind Bubba -> davepoobond

Blind Bubba: wah wah wah wah ah ahhhhh

davepoobond: i saw you at the assembly today running, cuz you were behind. that was kinda funny.

Blind Bubba: bah

Blind Bubba: yah it was a bitch

Blind Bubba: fukin basses cut in front of me

Blind Bubba: so i was lik

Blind Bubba: ‘EY’


Blind Bubba: ey whats squakle’s add again, sister deleted all bookmarks on this comp

davepoobond: what a buncha basstards. ahahaha get it?

Blind Bubba: yes i do

#6226: davepoobond -> Blind Bubba

davepoobond: do you need the spanish homework?

Blind Bubba: no

Blind Bubba: i need to kno waht #6 was

davepoobond: i dont know it

davepoobond: all i gotta do for the group is get pics

Blind Bubba: your dumb

davepoobond: YOU are.

davepoobond: cuz YOU don’t know it either

Blind Bubba: Of course I do

Blind Bubba: I am testing you

davepoobond: surrrrrrrrrreeeeeee

Blind Bubba: All right

Blind Bubba: Ignorance isn’t a very attractive trait in a person, you realize

Blind Bubba: o

Blind Bubba: i do need to spanish hw

davepoobond: ahhhhhhhhhhhhaaaa

Blind Bubba: what

davepoobond: you need the spanish hw again

Blind Bubba: so

davepoobond: u said you didnt need it b4

Blind Bubba: I lied

davepoobond: lying isn’t a very attractive trait in a person, either.

Blind Bubba: Creativity is, which you have just shown a lack of

davepoobond: Redundancy isn’t, which you have just shown a lot of over the past few months, asking what the spanish hw is.

Blind Bubba: I have simply relied on a readily available resource, you to provide the homework

Blind Bubba: If it is redundant, so be it. Saves me time

davepoobond: it isnt that hard to rely on another resource, which most people do in the first place, but it seems that you havent gotten the hang of looking at yet. the white board that is dedicated for homework

Blind Bubba: I have the hang of it

Blind Bubba: I just choose not to use it

davepoobond: You must call me “Fantomaster” if you want me to resume to tell you the homework

Blind Bubba: Resume telling me the homework?

Blind Bubba: k Fantomaster

davepoobond: Yeehaw. i’m Fantomaster

davepoobond: dun dun dunnnnn

#6202: Blind Bubba -> davepoobond

Blind Bubba: Yea well, you suck AIM HELL 2000 v³ Mass IM

Blind Bubba: Yea well, you suck AIM HELL 2000 v³ Mass IM

Blind Bubba: Yea well, you suck AIM HELL 2000 v³ Mass IM

Blind Bubba: Yea well, you suck AIM HELL 2000 v³ Mass IM

Blind Bubba: Yea well, you suck AIM HELL 2000 v³ Mass IM

Blind Bubba: Yea well, you suck AIM HELL 2000 v³ Mass IM

davepoobond: ehhh…..stop

Blind Bubba: Yea well, you suck AIM HELL 2000 v³ Mass IM

Blind Bubba: Yea well, you suck AIM HELL 2000 v³ Mass IM

Blind Bubba: Yea well, you suck AIM HELL 2000 v³ Mass IM

Blind Bubba: Yea well, you suck AIM HELL 2000 v³ Mass IM

Blind Bubba: Yea well, you suck AIM HELL 2000 v³ Mass IM

#6181: Blind Bubba -> davepoobond

Blind Bubba: HUZZAH

davepoobond: HOO HA!

davepoobond: how’s it been jelly bean?

Blind Bubba: im doing the goddamn fuckin math


davepoobond: damn you ::yawn::

davepoobond: i did it all in half an hour

davepoobond: so ha


Blind Bubba: WHAT THE HEL


davepoobond: heh

Blind Bubba: i even didi it in an algebra calculator

Blind Bubba: then a graphing calculator


davepoobond: thats your problem

Blind Bubba: yea stfu

Blind Bubba: i wasnt talking to u

Blind Bubba: wrong IM box

davepoobond: lol

davepoobond: took a while

Blind Bubba: I was leading you on

davepoobond: sureeeeeee ya were

Blind Bubba: see, I made you say that

Blind Bubba: I manipulated the conversation so you would say those exact words

davepoobond: and you made me say this too?

davepoobond: OOGA BOOGA PIZZA HUT!

davepoobond: how about that?

Blind Bubba: bah

davepoobond: gtg bye

Blind Bubba: I curse the malformed sperm that somehow beat out all the healthy ones and created you in some horrible genetic accident

Blind Bubba: HA!

davepoobond: see you at summer school ::snicker::

Blind Bubba: HA!

#6005: stimpyismyname -> Blind Bubba

stimpyismyname is on an sn Blind Bubba doesn’t know him on


stimpyismyname: hi

Blind Bubba: who is this?

stimpyismyname: its mr lievre

Blind Bubba: what the fuck, lievre

Blind Bubba: when the fock did you get an SN

stimpyismyname: hey

stimpyismyname: bad languige

Blind Bubba: ey

Blind Bubba: ok this isnt lievre because first off

stimpyismyname: you suck at drums

Blind Bubba: he has better grammar then YOU

stimpyismyname: so does vjay

Blind Bubba: his grammar isn’t very good

Blind Bubba: but is DEFINETLY not THAT bad

stimpyismyname: i do my wife every night

Blind Bubba: omfg is this vijay

Blind Bubba: did you get an AIM clone or some ass

stimpyismyname: go to my site

Blind Bubba: lol, your stupid

Blind Bubba: think i dont check the links eh

stimpyismyname: its for diablo 2

Blind Bubba: its goatse you stupid ass

Blind Bubba: you are a newbie as well

stimpyismyname: no….

Blind Bubba: ok FAG right click on your link

Blind Bubba: then do SHOW HYPERLINK

stimpyismyname: i dont know why it says that

Blind Bubba: because you’re stupid, thats why

stimpyismyname: it just goes to aol hometown for me

Blind Bubba: haha, you ARE a newbie if you use AOL

Blind Bubba: n00b

Blind Bubba: now go away and masturbate to goatse or something

stimpyismyname: thats no way to talk to your teacher!

Blind Bubba: not only are you stupid, you aren’t very funny

stimpyismyname: i have a bunghole

Blind Bubba: this is stimpyismyname or one of his friends

Blind Bubba: i know it isnt matt lew because he doesnt know what a bunghole is

stimpyismyname: hey

stimpyismyname: i know what it is

Blind Bubba: and davepoobond is a bit more intelligent then that

Blind Bubba: yah sure

Blind Bubba: its stimpyismyname i think

Blind Bubba: Matt even has better grammar

Blind Bubba: and don’t sday

Blind Bubba: *say

Blind Bubba: “We’ll stimpyismyname is on his SN”

Blind Bubba: because you CAN go on two SNs at once, just get a cloner

Blind Bubba: *well

stimpyismyname: uhhhhh

stimpyismyname: what?

Blind Bubba: and if this IS matt, whats the list i want you to give me

Blind Bubba: omfg you are so stupid

Blind Bubba: what is on the list i want you to give me

Blind Bubba: that you were supposed to have today but didnt

stimpyismyname: i’ll give it to you tommorow

Blind Bubba: shut the fuck up he said he would give it to me online

Blind Bubba: so what is on the list, asshole

stimpyismyname: yeah, well too bad

stimpyismyname: hahahaha

Blind Bubba: haha, this isn’t Matt

stimpyismyname: stimpyismyname sent me a picture of a butthole

stimpyismyname: :-!

Blind Bubba: well theres 4 punches on stimpyismyname 2morrow

stimpyismyname: on matt