“less than fifty…? digit numbers…less than 50…even number…how many? how can we do it?”
– Dr. OldNBald
Quotes, re-enactments, “real-life” chat logs.
“less than fifty…? digit numbers…less than 50…even number…how many? how can we do it?”
– Dr. OldNBald
“if he is allowed to have only one scoop, but has the choice to make it out of some of those…”
– Dr. OldNBald
“one scoop of one”
– Dr. OldNBald
“he can ask for one scoop of….one of those”
– Dr. OldNBald
“either she’s going to the supermarket and go to the bakery, unless she buys one at the supermarket and one at the bakery…
(a lot of rambling goes on here)
….but she’s not going to do that!”
– Dr. OldNBald
“Kelly must buy hamburger rolls for a barbecue”
– Dr. OldNBald
“How do you count things?”
– Dr. OldNBald
“the more VCRs you have, the more videocassettes you’re gonna sell. It makes sense, doesn’t it?”
– Dr. OldNBald
“this guy is selling videocassettes. He wants to anticipate the future selling”
– Dr. OldNBald
“Robert! you just moved yourself”
– Dr. OldNBald
“this is supposed to be symmetric”
– Dr. OldNBald
“there certainly isn’t anybody over this height”
– Dr. OldNBald
“I’ve never heard of anybody 6 inches tall”
– Dr. OldNBald
“randomness makes normal distribution”
– Dr. OldNBald
::reaching to the top of the chalkboard::
“waaaay big numbers!”
– Dr. OldNBald