“If I bet 3 heads are gonna come up, what should I win?”
– Dr. OldNBald
Quotes, re-enactments, “real-life” chat logs.
“If I bet 3 heads are gonna come up, what should I win?”
– Dr. OldNBald
“two tails and a head, three tails”
– Dr. OldNBald
“its got a tail and a head. Its called a fair coin”
– Dr. OldNBald
“after the…between the first two”
– Dr. OldNBald
“5 black 3 white 1 red 1 blue 1 orange”
– Dr. OldNBald
“all black balls are distinguished from each other. If you get a black ball then its a black ball”
– Dr. OldNBald
“we know what n-P-r is, but whats r-P-r?”
– Dr. OldNBald
“make out of n objects when I only wanna look at r at a time”
– Dr. OldNBald
“I can take it out 3 factorial ways”
– Dr. OldNBald
“do you understand the concept of one and many?”
– Dr. OldNBald
“A is a subset of itself”
– Dr. OldNBald
“that’s 30 there”
– Dr. OldNBald
“how many ways can 6 books be arranged on a shelf”
– Dr. OldNBald
“For all some none”
– Dr. OldNBald
“and 2 u’s are identical, they’re interchangable”
– Dr. OldNBald