Q: What’s a scarecrow’s favorite fruit?
A: Straw-berries.
One liner jokes.
Q: What’s a scarecrow’s favorite fruit?
A: Straw-berries.
Q: What do you think of this joke?
A: It’s eggs-ellent!
Q: Where do gangster chickens live?
A: Chickago!
Q: Where do cauliflowers love to vacation?
A: Caulifornia!
Q: Where does a pickle love to eat?
A: In a dilly-catessen!
Q: How does celery celebrate Christmas?
A: It hangs up its stalking!
Q: How do vegetables trace their ancestry?
A: They go back to their roots!
Q: How do you learn to eat spaghetti?
A: By using your noodle!
Q: How do lawyers buy food?
A: By the case!
Q: How can you turn a tomato into squash?
A: Throw it up in the air — it will come down SQUASH!
Q: Which vegetables can’t be trusted with state secrets?
A: Leeks!
Q: Which vegetables can you buy in jewelry stores?
A: Carats, of course!
Q: Which vegetable shouldn’t be allowed to fight in Madison Square Garden?
A: Spinach — it can get creamed!
Q: Which food is essential to good music?
A: The beet!
Q: Which foods got to go to the best colleges?
A: The Grade A foods!