davepoobond's font (17.6 KiB, 1,902 hits)
this was made by davepoobond, with his own handwriting, so now you can type in your idol's handwriting.
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davepoobond's font (17.6 KiB, 1,902 hits)
this was made by davepoobond, with his own handwriting, so now you can type in your idol's handwriting.
tel'Mithrim Elven Phrase Book (57.1 KiB, 1,956 hits)
A phrase book using elven language or whatever, made by Grey Company elves...yay...Handy phrases and sayings
tel'Mithrim Elven Dictionary (85.2 KiB, 2,152 hits)
A dictionary made by Grey Company elves so you can speak like an elf. Whoo hoo. Common to Elven and Elven to Common