Category Archives: Chat Logs

These are Lame Chats and Stupid IMs

#6438: Evil Hell Cow -> davepoobond

Evil Hell Cow: yano what ?

davepoobond: wut

Evil Hell Cow: I dunno…thats why I asked you

davepoobond: heh

Evil Hell Cow: name five girls you who you know, would take advantage of a poor defensless hockey stick

davepoobond: dont know any girls. sorry.

Evil Hell Cow: hmmm well I know one!!!

davepoobond: damn u

Evil Hell Cow: David (reokon) and Lila!

davepoobond: i thought you meant IRL

Evil Hell Cow: nuuu online

davepoobond: oh

davepoobond: no girls online

davepoobond: heh

Evil Hell Cow: o.o….dude… you live in a bubble!?

davepoobond: not really

#6436: collgehun18f165 -> davepoobond

collgehun18f165: Hey, this is Sarah. . I’m 18/F one of your friends gave me your screename, but I gotta bounce right now. . I just wanted to make sure you got a chance to see me, check out my site and lemme know if you’re interested in hooking up :-* My page (and its all free too) 😉 But only if your 18 or older, I don’t want to get in trouble for doin anything for anyone underage 😉

davepoobond: well, my friend is actually looking for you

davepoobond: why dont u give him ur crap

davepoobond: i cant take ur guys crap no mo, stop IMing me

#6432: davepoobond -> The Peaman Thats Not a Man

davepoobond: hey what’s up?


The Peaman Thats Not a Man: nothing really

The Peaman Thats Not a Man: i got back from the mall a few hours ago

The Peaman Thats Not a Man: it was a total bust

The Peaman Thats Not a Man: not one hot guy in the entire fucking mall

davepoobond: thats what happens at malls

davepoobond: REAL men dont go to malls but for maybe 10 minutes max

The Peaman Thats Not a Man: but it’s supposed to be “back to school shopping” and shit

davepoobond: most guys arent gonna b back to school shopping, cuz thats what you do with your mommy

davepoobond: i would know

davepoobond: >.>

The Peaman Thats Not a Man: …you still shop with your mommy?

davepoobond: not necessarily

davepoobond: only when she buys

davepoobond: there’s no shame in that

davepoobond: ::breaks down and cries::

The Peaman Thats Not a Man: ….yeah…sure…..uh huh…..right…..ok…..sure

The Peaman Thats Not a Man: ::hands him a hankie::

davepoobond: thank you

The Peaman Thats Not a Man: welcome

The Peaman Thats Not a Man: i’m going to dinner

davepoobond: k bye

#6431: davepoobond -> The Peaman Thats Not a Man

davepoobond: kusa la goopa goop

The Peaman Thats Not a Man: i love dexter’s lab

davepoobond: yaa

davepoobond: seen em all

davepoobond: except all of ego trip

The Peaman Thats Not a Man: yeah

The Peaman Thats Not a Man: i’m not that obsessed

davepoobond: heh

davepoobond: too bad they arent makin them tho

The Peaman Thats Not a Man: so what’s cookin’ good lookin’?

#6429: Holmes -> davepoobond

Holmes: i’m watchin the video

davepoobond: for what

Holmes: were not gonna take it

davepoobond: heh

Holmes: the fuck? the father looks like a psycho

davepoobond: lol i know

davepoobond: they did that beginning part in the lit video

davepoobond: my own worst enemy

Holmes: “i carried a m16 AND YOU…YOU…YOU CARRY THAT GUITAR!!!!”

davepoobond: lol


Holmes: and the father just fell out of the window for no reason

davepoobond: lol

Holmes: what an idiot!

Holmes: he got slammed by the door 6 times in a row!

Holmes: the father

davepoobond: lol

Holmes: heh he fell out of the window again

davepoobond: lol

Holmes: LMAPO!!!!!!!!

Holmes: LOL

davepoobond: he flew through the wall?

Holmes: He tried pulling of some tarzan shit and crashed into a wall!

Holmes: yeah lol

davepoobond: lol

Holmes: omg

Holmes: that was terrible

davepoobond: lol

davepoobond: i love that video

Holmes: i can’t stop laughing

davepoobond: did you see that part like he got cornered, and there’s no windows around him

Holmes: yeah

davepoobond: so he crosses his arms, and nods, smiling

Holmes: that was the end

davepoobond: then he flies through the wall

davepoobond: lol

Holmes: yeah lol

Holmes: that was hilarious

#6428: davepoobond -> wangerspanker

davepoobond: hey

wangerspanker: yep?

davepoobond: hi

wangerspanker: sup?

davepoobond: nothin much, you

wangerspanker: chillin

davepoobond: same

wangerspanker: im downloading kazaa

davepoobond: cool

wangerspanker: it seems nice.

wangerspanker: yo know whhat it is right?

davepoobond: yeah

davepoobond: i had it but my version got too old to be updated

davepoobond: so i said “screw it” and uninstalled it

wangerspanker: lol

wangerspanker: thats what im gonna do with winamp

davepoobond: uninstall it?

wangerspanker: yep

davepoobond: its a good program though

davepoobond: i think i got this plug in that you can see these cool colors on your screen

davepoobond: its pretty awesome for about 20 seconds

wangerspanker: yea i have that

wangerspanker: it gets old

wangerspanker: fast

davepoobond: yep

#6427: Evil Hell Cow -> davepoobond

Evil Hell Cow: how’s your job search goin ?

davepoobond: going nowhere

davepoobond: no one is hiring

davepoobond: i called taco bell and another restaurant today

davepoobond: asked them about my app

davepoobond: they said to call another day

davepoobond: both

davepoobond: that’s the only ones i can remember i gave my app into

davepoobond: my equal sign is stickin down

davepoobond: ======================—————————————————–

Evil Hell Cow: Alright

davepoobond: ==============]]]]]]]]

davepoobond: ]]]]]]][[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[

davepoobond: do you know if that white thing under the key comes off

davepoobond: =========================================================================

davepoobond: heh

davepoobond: =================

Evil Hell Cow: no it doesnt

davepoobond: ok good thing i didnt try takin it off

#6425: davepoobond -> Lil Angel Gurl

davepoobond: hey

Lil Angel Gurl: hey

davepoobond: what’d you say

davepoobond: i cant recognize you without shifting from capital to lower case

Lil Angel Gurl: haha

Lil Angel Gurl: o shuDdUps

Lil Angel Gurl: =)

davepoobond: thatsa girlllll

Lil Angel Gurl: haha

Lil Angel Gurl: o sHuDduPs

Lil Angel Gurl: =)

Lil Angel Gurl: uR jUsS jEaLoUs

Lil Angel Gurl: =Þ

davepoobond: so howsa girl

Lil Angel Gurl: im kOo

Lil Angel Gurl: n yOus?

davepoobond: all right

Lil Angel Gurl: kOols

#6424: Automatic Man -> davepoobond

davepoobond sent out a newsletter (which is pretty much once every 3 months) and Automatic Man was subscribed to it


Automatic Man: dont send me more emails

davepoobond: lol

davepoobond: y not

Automatic Man: cuz its annoying

davepoobond: comon that’s 1 since april. its the end of july now

Automatic Man: NO

Automatic Man: thats one small step for man, one giant step for………. i have a dream!

davepoobond: ok

davepoobond: thats nice

davepoobond: so whats up

Automatic Man: my dick

davepoobond: thats spectacular. how long did it take you this time

Automatic Man: only 10 mins with that new viagra