Q: Why is the Afghan Air Force easy to train?
A: You only need to teach them how to take off
Q: Why is the Afghan Air Force easy to train?
A: You only need to teach them how to take off
Q: Why is a black person like a vending machine?
A: Neither work, but both take your money
Q: How do you make a black guy wear a condom?
A: By putting a Nike logo on it
Q: Why don’t black people like heavy metal?
A: They get enough of it in jail.
Q: How do you know an Asian broke into your house?
A: When your computeer is upgraded, homework is done, and he’s still trying to back out of the driveway.
Q: How do you starve a Phillipino?
A: Lock up their dogs
Q: What do a black woman and a hockey player have in common?
A: They both change their pads after 3 periods
Q: What does a white woman make for dinner?
A: Reservations
Q: What’s the only thing positive about a Somalian?
Q: What’s the difference between Bigfoot and a hard working black person?
A: They have pictures of Bigfoot.
Another variation of this joke:
Q: What’s the difference between Bigfoot and a hard working black person?
A: Bigfoots been spotted.
Q: What kind of cans are in Mexico?
A: MexiCANS.
Q: Why don’t Mexicans have an Olympic team?
A: All of the ones that can run, jump, or swim have already made it across the border.
Q: Why do Mexicans have tamales for Christmas?
A: So they have something to unwrap.
Q: What are the first three words of the Mexican National Anthem?
A: “Attention K-Mart shoppers”
Q: How do you starve a Mexican?
A: Hide the food stamps under the soap.
Another variation of this joke:
Q: How do you starve a black guy?
A: Hide the food stamps in his work boots.