In Trade:
davepoobond: WTS [Knotted Handwraps] 125g
Invisibad: il lgive ya 50
Invisibad: il lgive ya 50
davepoobond: nah
Invisibad: 60?
davepoobond: 125
davepoobond: its 150 on the ah
Invisibad: now ur stretching it ill go 85
davepoobond: im not stretching it, that was the original price
Invisibad: check my lvl
Invisibad: ok?
I do a /who and sees that he is level 45…
Invisibad: iaint rich homie
davepoobond: well, i am
davepoobond: and id rather keep it than sell at that price
Invisibad: lol hunter leather
davepoobond: yes, lol 😛
davepoobond: cause i would never have an alt rogue