Tag Archives: Urisoft

Urisoft Monopoly (PC) Review

Developer: Urisoft

  Urisoft Monopoly (PC) (708.3 KiB, 1,646 hits)

Game by Urisoft, made with Game Maker.


This is a recreation of the ever-popular Monopoly game. Instead of fake places like Monopoly has, this Monopoly has real countries (yay). So I can buy India for like 750 dollars. Ain’t that swell?


There’s no effort in making any thing. The only thing that is original is the board.


There’s no sound. This is kind of bad, because it gets really boring after a while, with no music to shake your ass to while buying the countries of the world.


Long and boring. You can’t trade property, buy houses, or nearly 3/4 the things you are able to do in Monopoly. And when you go to Free Parking, you lose 3 turns. Its free parking, why the hell would I have to stay there for three turns?! FREE PARKING IS GOOD, AND YOU PARK THERE CAUSE ITS FREE GODDAMITTT!

Crappiest Part:

The boringness of the game.

Overall Score:

When you get down to it, this game is just boring. There’s no way to trade your properties to other people or computers, like it is in the Monopoly games, so that makes it kind of limited to only two things you can do: roll your dice to move and pay money.


  Urisoft Monopoly (PC) (708.3 KiB, 1,646 hits)

Game by Urisoft, made with Game Maker.

Super Carrot (PC) Review

Developer: Urisoft

  Super Carrot (PC) (2.8 MiB, 1,664 hits)

Game by Urisoft, made with Game Maker.


You are Super Carrot. Super Carrot is a really cool character and this game, coming from Urisoft, is really good compared to the other games this guy has made. Super Carrot starts out in Iraq, and he’s out to make ketchup out of all the tomatos, jump over boiling oil, and run over retractable spikes.


The graphics aren’t very special, but at least they’re mostly original.


The music is pretty good, but the sound effects are really good…except for repetitive gun shot noise. Super Carrot sounds like a surfer, and he says all these cool things like “no respect!” or “see ya later alligator, wah!” and “die you mutha!” and “ya’ll die in hell!” and “I feel good!” and “I’m dead!”


Simple enough. Space jumps and Ctrl shoots the magnum. You have to kill tomatos to get through the level and jump over boiling oil as well. Its sorta funny that Iraq just leaves their oil out like, y’know…and they put boards into the oil so you can jump across it, and its really hard to do that…yeah…

Crappiest Part:

The crappiest part would be how I can’t get past the retractable spikes in the 2nd level.

Overall Score:

This game is swell! This is probably Urisoft’s best game…ever… 8/10.

  Super Carrot (PC) (2.8 MiB, 1,664 hits)

Game by Urisoft, made with Game Maker.

Cyclop Force (PC) Review

Developer: Urisoft

  Cyclop Force (PC) (1.5 MiB, 2,120 hits)

Game by Urisoft, made with Game Maker.


wow…where to start? i dont know what to say. In this game, you’re a cyclops….and….you shoot…..a gun….that’s about it. There’s only 2 modes, a Vs. mode (against someone on the same computer, using the same keyboard) and “training” in which you shoot a target, that half the time is hard to get to in the time allowed or is somewhere you cant get to.


The graphics are not that great at all. I liked the idea about all the different types of characters and maps. Though, you can’t really even tell that the characters ARE cyclopses, because you only see them from a side view. They just look like eggs…


The music is the best thing about this game. This game actually has the best music in a Game Maker game i have ever played.


Ok, the gameplay sucks so much. The controls are HORRIBLE and it took me at least 10 or 15 minutes just to get the hang of it. It could’ve been done a lot better. The aiming system is also really bad, because its hard to control your aiming WHILE you are trying to move and jump around. The training mode is bad, too. The actual good things about this game, is that it has a nice split screen for the Vs. Mode, a lot of different characters to choose from (with different “special” abilities each), and again, the music. Jumping is very hard to do in this game, because you cant land on the place that you’re supposed to jump onto, but have to kind of get onto the side and then jump again to get on the ledge.

Crappiest Part:

How there’s no musical jukebox thing that you can just listen to the music. But, the real crappiest part is the whole game.

Overall Score:

This is really one of the worst games i’ve ever had the nightmare of playing, with only the music to really say “hey that was good” about, I give it a:


  Cyclop Force (PC) (1.5 MiB, 2,120 hits)

Game by Urisoft, made with Game Maker.

Battle Bees (PC) Review

Developer: Urisoft

  Battle Bees (1.7 MiB, 2,077 hits)

Game by Urisoft, made with GameMaker.


Battle Bees is a mediocre Real Time Strategy game, set in a mediocre world with mediocre missions. But don’t let that stop you from playing this game. This is actually a fairly involving game that takes a little too much clicking to do what you want to do.

You are the commander of some survivor bees fleeing from their home after a mysterious plague destroyed their livelihood. All the bees that were survivors wandered the world for years, and finally came upon a grand field, that seemed to stretch for miles and miles. It looked like the perfect place to settle down, other than the fact that there was a huge war between all the other insects in the field. As an external force, you’re going to have to destroy all the insect factions in your way and claim the field as your own, for future generations to come.


The graphics are ok. They could have definitely been polished up a bit, and some of them seem to be rushed or not even made by the game creator, like the spider.


The sound is alright, and there isn’t anything annoying. When you get into a battle, battle music starts playing. Sometimes this can lag the game though, because a swinging spider can keep going in and out of your “battle zone” (I guess you would call it a battle zone). This really started to show in the 3rd level.


The gameplay is pretty good. You can direct where units can go, and highlight a big group of units and then tell them where to go. When you have a young bee that becomes an age 3 bee, they are able to become one of 2 bee classes, worker and fighter. When you choose which each one will become, a little box opens with your choices. The box would have been better if it appeared near the bees, and in the same place, but instead it jumps around the screen, and you’d be really lucky if it appeared close to where the previous one was. Supposedly a worker bee is able to get honey, but I didn’t see any real use for it because there weren’t any “base” missions I played so far. They may be used just to get the honey from the flowers, and then right on the spot some bees would pop up. It didn’t really explain that part too well.

Crappiest Part:

The crappiest part of the game is how the game wasn’t polished enough. There’s a huge amount of spelling and grammar errors that make it so you can just barely understand it when reading. The drawings as well could have been polished a little bit too.

Overall Score:

There aren’t too many games that are RTS games made in Gamemaker. Partly because they probably go a little slow, but this game is pretty good for what it is. It’s worth playing through if you have the patience to read bad grammar. There’s also a lot of levels, so you can play with your bees for a while, and find out what actually happens to the colony.


  Battle Bees (1.7 MiB, 2,077 hits)

Game by Urisoft, made with GameMaker.