Tag Archives: Mr. Boring

A Letter to Mr. Boring

Dear Mr. Boring,



I have many hobbies that I like to do over my free time. There are three main things that I like to do over my free time is swimming, the other hobby is shopping, and the third thing is bike riding. I am going to tell you these hobbies in these 2 paragraphs.

My first hobby that I like to do is to swim. In the summer, almost every day I go swimming at one of my friends houses. My other favorite hobby is to shop. I love shopping because when its Christmas time and I have to get certain things done in a certain amount of time and I get all of them done it makes me feel good that I accomplished something.

My third thing I like to do is bike riding. I like to bike ride because its good exercise, its fun, and when my family needs dinner from McDonalds or Round Table Pizza, I can go bike rid over and get dinner. Since its just a couple blocks away. You have just read my three main hobbies that I like to do. The best one out of all of my hobbies that I like to do is probably bike riding. I picked bike riding because there are three or more things you can do with bike-riding.





this is a second letter she sent to him


Dear Mr. Boring,

if I had a choice of picking someone to have dinner with or just to meet, I would have to pick Melissa Joan heart. Melissa is a regular teenager and actress. I picked Melissa because she is one of my favorite actors. I watch her shows everyday at 6:00. Once Melissa was in one of Britany Spears’ music videos! The music video was called “Crazy.”


One of my favorite shows that Melissa acts in is called “Sabrina the Teenage Witch.” Of course Melissa is the one who acts as Sabrina in that show. ” Sabrina the Teenage Witch,” is also in another form, like a book. One question I would ask Melissa would be of she rather be a actress or a Director. I would ask her that question, because she once directed a show and she said that she doesn’t know if she rather be a actor or a Director.


A way of meeting Melissa, would have to be if there was a contest on T.V. or in the newspaper. The contest would be: “Whoever writes the most interesting paragraph, as if you were talking to Melissa Joan Heart herself, you will have the privilege to meet her up in person for 30 minutes!”