They claim an Army travels on its stomach, and with the price of gas, it’s much cheaper.
Tag Archives: military
Joke #12070
A private was reading a letter from home and was heard to comment, “There has to be insanity in my family. They keep writing me for money.”
Joke #12069
SERGEANT (on rifle range): “Get set, aim, fire at will.”
PRIVATE: “Which one is Will?”
Joke #12068
I joined the WAVES because I didn’t want to be an ordinary housewife and what happened? I ended up peeling potatoes and scrubbing decks.
Joke #12067
If the Air Force had a K-9 Corps, their pilots would be in more dog fights.
Joke #12066
Sergeants in the K-9 Corps have to bark orders.
Joke #12064
Rumor has it the Army K-9 Corps is going to the dogs.
Joke #12063
In the WACS, they teach raw recruits how to put on makeup correctly. This training is known as the art of camouflage.
Joke #12055
The general has a military figure. Most of his weight is at the front, but substantial reinforcements are building up in the rear.
Joke #12054
PVT.: “I’m a buck private.”
GAL: “Golly! Is that all they pay you?”
Joke #12051
MESS SGT: “Do me a favor, Weaver. Taste what’s in that pot over there.”
PVT WEAVER: “Yech! It tastes like dish water.”
MESS SGT: “Thanks! It must be the stew because the pea soup tastes like mud.”
Joke #12050
When I joined the Navy, my recruiter promised me I’d see the world. After I signed my enlistment papers, he kept his promise. He took me in a back room and showed me a globe.
Joke #12049
FATHER: “Is it true the navy has a submarine that can stay underwater for months?”
SAILOR SON: “Yes, we have one that now only comes up so the men can vote in a presidential election.”
Joke #12048
SERGEANT: “What can I do for you, Skiles?”
PVT. SKILES: “I was wondering if I can take a tank home tonight. I’m teaching my wife to drive.”
Joke #9311: Fresh Popped Colonel
A lieutenant was brilliant in military matters, but lacked a few social graces. One day he called a soldier in to the office and said “Kramer, your grandmother died.”
The soldier fell apart. After he left, the colonel told the lieutenant, “You could have been a little more tactful. I have some books at home that could help you.”
The lieutenant read the half-dozen books lent him by the colonel and was ready for the next crisis. Private Taylor’s grandfather had passed away.
The next morning, at reveille, the lieutenant said, “Men, how many of you have a grandfather still living? Not so fast, Private Taylor!”