Tag Archives: Liberty Freak

GMPet (PC) Review

Developer: Liberty Freak

  GMPet (PC) (577.6 KiB, 1,095 hits)

Game by Liberty Freak, made with Game Maker.





This is a game about a pet- NO! this is a game about a young boy… and a computer. It all started like this (names have been changed to protect the innocent):

Melvin: Blegh!

Melvin had a mom

Melvin: Life sucks!

His mom hated animals

Melvin: She thinks they cause homosexuality!

Melvin never had that cute little puppy in the window, or that great big dog next door.

Melvin: I did have a computer!

Thats right Melvin. You hung in there and made your own pet!

Melvin: I’m like.. GOD or something!

You da man! …anyway… after Melvin had years of feeding then bathing then feeding his pet again and again… he decided to bless everyone on his block with his NEW kind of pet.. the kind you can kill or turn off, then load back up in a year and still have a healthy relationship with– speaking about health… Melvin was about to die.

Melvin: Oh god!

God: Oh god? don’t you mean oh you?

Melvin: I didn’t mean it! it’s just a computer program! It’s not blasphemy!

God: BLASPHEMY?! You stupid– you can go to HELL!

Melvin: NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

Overall Score:

I give this game a 2/10 because it inspired me to put off my english essay.

  GMPet (PC) (577.6 KiB, 1,095 hits)

Game by Liberty Freak, made with Game Maker.

Ghostie 2 (PC) Review

Developer: Liberty Freak

  Ghostie 2 (PC) (655.9 KiB, 1,199 hits)

Game by Liberty Freak, made with Game Maker.

I made this title, I guess he was too lazy to put a 2 on the end


This is exactly like Ghostie, but with a few little additions…like slime and gas as new enemies! whoa! i didn’t see them because I couldn’t figure out how to get past the first level! And supposedly you can kill the snowmen and some “secrets” that are probably non-existant


The same as Ghostie, but oh, what’s this? I see 3 new, original (most likely) sprites? hallelujah! a different colored Ghostie ghost, some blue star thing that kills you on touch and a skull that’s in the way of you getting to the second level if there is one! YAY!!


The sound is good. Its another song from the vast library of Liberty Freak. yeeehawww…give me more songs! or tell me where you get them…


wow, you can move AND if you press the space bar, you get a little surprise…..YOU COMMIT SUICIDE! WHAT A GREAT CONTROL!!!!! WHY THE HELL IS THIS A CONTROL?!!!111!!!111 (the ones are intentional)

Crappiest Part:

Contrary to what I said for Ghostie, I said there was no story. Well now that there IS one, its the crappiest part. This is the story (copy and pasted): After your recent success at making everyone miserable, you take a trip to your homeworld to relax for a while. As you arrive, you suddenly realise that things are wrong. Your world is a total wreck. All your fellow ghost have disappeared. You see a new, dirty skyscaper towering above you. You go inside.

Overall Score:

Ghostie 2 is a little bit better than its predecessor, but not by much. With vast additions, such as suicide, a new song, and 3 snowmen in a row throwing presents simultaneously, this is a 5 STAR DOWNLOAD! YAAA! not really. I give it a:


  Ghostie 2 (PC) (655.9 KiB, 1,199 hits)

Game by Liberty Freak, made with Game Maker.

Ghostie (PC) Review

Developer: Liberty Freak

  Ghostie (PC) (591.2 KiB, 1,139 hits)

Game by Liberty Freak, made with Game Maker.


This is…a kinda weird game. Its a maze game…I think…and clowns, fire, evil aliens, mines, stars, and presents launched by snowmen are your enemies. The point is to get to the black dot. The weird blue clowns give you points for some reason…and I don’t know how many levels this thing has…it seems like it goes on forever…


Average. I don’t know what to say. It looks like all these except maybe the ghost were all taken from the sprites included in the game maker package.


I actually like the sound a lot. It goes well with a “ghost” themed game…but this isn’t much of one to say the least, besides the fact the character is a ghost. If you replaced Ghostie with a piece of crap, it’d be Poopie and it wouldn’t do anything more than Ghostie would.


there’s 4 controls….up….down….left…………………………………..and……………………….man i can never remember the last one…

Crappiest Part:

I don’t know what the hell is going on!

Overall Score:

Ghostie is pretty dumb, but I SUPPOSE its a little fun…I give it a:


  Ghostie (PC) (591.2 KiB, 1,139 hits)

Game by Liberty Freak, made with Game Maker.

Annihilation (PC) Review

Developer: Liberty Freak

  Annihilation (PC) (1,008.2 KiB, 2,031 hits)

Annihilation by Liberty Freak. Made with Game Maker.


You are supposed to shoot people or something. I don’t read “story screens”.


ok.. It’s all birds eye perspective, so i guess you can’t expect that much, but infiltrator looks much better.


Not that great. Kinda sucks. Actually the menu sounds ok… alright i don’t really remember the sound and i don’t want to play it again.


Arg! i hate it! it was a good effort but it plays really bad.i hate the RE style controls (rotate, walk forward,backward) i could think of some better schemes… in fact i might just make a game like that to prove it!…anyway it’s hard to shoot anyone and they see you no matter what direction you’re facing… I couldn’t get past the first mission. some doors dont open… i’m not sure what you’re sposed to do with those. if you hit a wall, you stick to it… you walk too fast.. rotate at the wrong speed, i’d say… just not very enjoyable.

Crappiest part:

The sticking to walls thing. And the title. i hate it when people make these stupid titles to hype up their games. arg! also you get all these training missions for the different weapons, then on the first level all you can buy is a pistol. since i coulnt beat that level…. i never really got to “annihilate” everyone!! HAHAHAHA!!!! there’s your stupid review dave. hey evryone, go look at my “AMIGOS” flash movie.

Overall Score:

I give this a 4/10 for effort. there’s probably more levels… so yeah.

  Annihilation (PC) (1,008.2 KiB, 2,031 hits)

Annihilation by Liberty Freak. Made with Game Maker.