blowthetoad: how’s carly?
KinkyKat: uMM iM SurE ShEs oK
KinkyKat: whoS Dis
blowthetoad: chicken little
blowthetoad: and you?
KinkyKat: uMM
KinkyKat: BoB
blowthetoad: wow
blowthetoad: my mom’s name is ‘BoB’!!! WITH A CAPITOL B!
KinkyKat: Coo Coo
blowthetoad: Si Si
KinkyKat: LoLz
KinkyKat: coMo eSTa (how are you?)
blowthetoad: asi asi (eh…i’m okay)
blowthetoad: y tu? (and you?)
KinkyKat: Mas o MeNos (:: shrugs ::)
blowthetoad: umm…. ok
blowthetoad: si* (yes)
KinkyKat: Naw FreaLz….
KinkyKat: wHo i S diS?
blowthetoad: CHICKEN LITTLE!!!!!
KinkyKat: oK
KinkyKat: Do i Noe u?
KinkyKat: asHLeY?
blowthetoad: AnD wHy Do yOu YoU tYpE LiKe ThIs?
blowthetoad: does it do it automaticly?
KinkyKat: uH No
KinkyKat: HaBiT
KinkyKat: i oNo
blowthetoad: habit?
KinkyKat: YeaH suRe
blowthetoad: weeeeee
blowthetoad: :: toots :: (habbit)
KinkyKat: ??
KinkyKat: oK
KinkyKat: iM coNFuSeD
blowthetoad: lets start from the top….
blowthetoad: i farted…..
KinkyKat: oK
blowthetoad: it’s a habbit…..
KinkyKat: oK
blowthetoad: got it?
KinkyKat: i caNt SPeLL?
blowthetoad: exactly
blowthetoad: thats my point
blowthetoad: duh
KinkyKat: oK TheN
KinkyKat: Too BaDD i Nu DaT ALreaDy
blowthetoad: alright
blowthetoad: yeah
blowthetoad: oh well
blowthetoad: lifes a big pickle….
KinkyKat: PiCKLeS R GrosS
blowthetoad: no
blowthetoad: i like them
KinkyKat: YES
KinkyKat: Woo Hoo FeR u
blowthetoad: cucumbers are also yummy
KinkyKat: oK
KinkyKat: do i Noe u??
blowthetoad: yes…. and a big H( o )( o ) TER PAIR FOR YOU!
blowthetoad: YeS No MaYbE So
KinkyKat: wtF!
KinkyKat: oK wHo r u?
blowthetoad: C
blowthetoad: H
blowthetoad: I
blowthetoad: C
blowthetoad: K
blowthetoad: E
blowthetoad: N
KinkyKat: uR MaKiNg MeeH MaD!!
blowthetoad: L
blowthetoad: I
blowthetoad: T
blowthetoad: T
KinkyKat: BYe
blowthetoad: L
blowthetoad: E
blowthetoad: WAIT!!!!!!
KinkyKat: wHAT
blowthetoad: REMEMBER ME!????
KinkyKat: uH No
KinkyKat: ………………………………….!!!!!!!!!!!!
blowthetoad: yes…..
blowthetoad: im sorry u had to hear that
blowthetoad: my dog farted in your face….
KinkyKat: wHaT
KinkyKat: oK
KinkyKat: NewaYz
KinkyKat: Bye
blowthetoad: thtinky poo
blowthetoad: WAIT!!!!!!1
blowthetoad: my name is….
blowthetoad: ASHLEY
KinkyKat: Too BaDD iTz NawT HuH
KinkyKat: …….. braNdon??
blowthetoad: i know :-\
KinkyKat: watEVeR
KinkyKat: Go awaY
blowthetoad: huh?
blowthetoad: where did u get brandon from?
KinkyKat: suM1
blowthetoad: oh, that one person…..
KinkyKat: YaH
KinkyKat: DiS oNe PeRsoN
blowthetoad: No LiMiT KuTHi?
KinkyKat: YaH
blowthetoad: i see
KinkyKat: woW
blowthetoad: what
KinkyKat: Bye
blowthetoad: wait
KinkyKat: oK
blowthetoad: bye, i THOUGHT this was michael…..
KinkyKat: NewaYz
blowthetoad: guess not
KinkyKat: GoodbYe!!
blowthetoad: tu gordo pito……
KinkyKat: sure
blowthetoad: asta lasanga, poopé face!