blowthetoad: WAWAWA!!!!! I ATE A PINK TUNA!
ELeMenT: wtf dude thats sick
blowthetoad: not if you wear pink pants on your head and plug your nose, and look like rodger rabbit, and have a black dot on the tip of your nose!
ELeMenT: dude idk if its drugs you are taking or drugs you need to be takin, but do SOMETHING
blowthetoad: why, roger rabbit is a sex symbol!
ELeMenT: dude get some sleep
blowthetoad: why!!!!! im sexier than the poo in your bottox!
ELeMenT: holy shit dude lol
blowthetoad: but it’s true…..
ELeMenT: hahaa
blowthetoad: don’t laugh at me you bisexual ape with a pokédot pokémon bow in your hair!!!!!!!!!!
ELeMenT: ok
blowthetoad: promise?
blowthetoad: cross your heart?
blowthetoad: hope 2 die?
blowthetoad: stick a poo in your eye?
blowthetoad: DEAL
blowthetoad: :: SHAKES HANDS ::