“did you sneeze the right answer”
– Dr. OldNBald
Quotes, re-enactments, “real-life” chat logs.
“did you sneeze the right answer”
– Dr. OldNBald
“that tells you you have one somethingth”
– Dr. OldNBald
“because you bing! you solve the quadratic!”
– Dr. OldNBald
“I don’t understand what you said, but I’m sure its wrong”
– Dr. OldNBald
“if we don’t find rational roots, we’re dead in the water”
– Dr. OldNBald
“dot dot dot are en”
– Dr. OldNBald
“does everyone see that (see that)?”
He kind of echoes himself.
– Dr. OldNBald
“a number that!”
– Dr. OldNBald
“what does rational roots means? mean…”
– Dr. OldNBald
“yes that’s true…yes that’s true….
::looking up::
Is that true? no its not true…”
– Dr. OldNBald
“ok, I think we’ve milked everything we can out of this equation…”
– Dr. OldNBald
“did you notice? bang bang bang bang bang bang–its done!”
– Dr. OldNBald
“this is now, just a bare x”
– Dr. OldNBald
“put away all the eats”
– Dr. OldNBald
“pretty slick, huh?”
– Dr. OldNBald