“there’s noises coming out of your mouth. When you stop making noises out of your mouth, stop talking”
– Dr. OldNBald
Quotes, re-enactments, “real-life” chat logs.
“there’s noises coming out of your mouth. When you stop making noises out of your mouth, stop talking”
– Dr. OldNBald
“its playing with your calculator”
– Dr. OldNBald
“ok? ok?”
– Dr. OldNBald
“you just throw away 360”
– Dr. OldNBald
“…so that you won’t bother my little friends”
– Dr. OldNBald
“cause you go up 2…the positive x axis”
– Dr. OldNBald
“here’s minus 70”
– Dr. OldNBald
“its BOTH your faults”
– Dr. OldNBald
“you HAVE to learn how to use the calculator, and if you don’t know how, there’s no point in having it, and ladies STOP talking. And that means YOU”
– Dr. OldNBald
::talking about the calculator manual::
“go buy the book”
– Dr. OldNBald
“…which is the same as zero degrees”
– Dr. OldNBald
“what does that mean what does each of those mean?”
– Dr. OldNBald
“you write that number you use that number and it gives you the little cosecant”
– Dr. OldNBald
“the calculator will calculate real fast when you want it to calculate”
– Dr. OldNBald
– Dr. OldNBald