“call me Ishmael”
– Herman Melville, Moby Dick
Quotes, re-enactments, “real-life” chat logs.
“call me Ishmael”
– Herman Melville, Moby Dick
“Hitch your wagon to a star”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson
“hunger is the best pickle”
– Benjamin Franklin
“Life is made of marble and mud”
– Nathaniel Hawthorne, The House of the Seven Gables
“Welcome, Englishmen”
– Squanto
“they knew they were pilgrims”
– William Bradford, of Plymouth Plantation
“The first thing in the morning is drill, then drill, then drill again. Then drill, drill, a little more drill. Then drill, and lastly dril. Between drills, we drill and sometimes stop to eat a little and have roll-call.”
– from the Civil War
“I killed him. The company wanted him killed…I killed the son of a bitch and I was the only man in the company who had the heart to do it.”
– from the Civil War
“You order me! You ain’t worth a pinch of shit! You kiss my arse, you god damned louse!”
– from the Civil War
“I like cheese.”
– Boxtop11
“I think, therefore I pee, poop, fart, belch, and any other disgusting bodily functions you think are funny.”
– Boxtop11
– Boxtop11
– Boxtop11
“There are plenty of fish in the sea, my friend, but, unfortunately, that sea is polluted.”
– Boxtop11
“I’m just thinking these quotes up as I go along.”
– Boxtop11