“I just love watchin’ people”
– Mrs. Dolt
Quotes, re-enactments, “real-life” chat logs.
“I just love watchin’ people”
– Mrs. Dolt
“maybe sittin’ on your tush the rest of the time”
– Mrs. Dolt
“I’m more visual anyway”
– Mrs. Dolt
“close your mouth and relax”
– Mrs. Dolt
“there’s a lot of grabbing, and yanking, and pulling…”
– Mrs. Dolt
“when he came out of the pool, his whole backside showed”
– Mrs. Dolt
“this is a student taping this”
– Mrs. Dolt
“or do you still play down?”
– Mrs. Dolt
“it was pretty obvious from where we were seated”
– Mrs. Dolt
“I brought a toy for me to play with while you guys are busting your butts!”
– Mrs. Dolt
“Water is high quality H2O!”
– ???
“yeah! we want top!”
– ???
“open up, pinkay”
– ???
“the liver delivers”
– ???
“its a God given thing. Everyone can eat the bread!”
– ???