“…a deadly story, no pun intended”
– Ms. Boms
Quotes, re-enactments, “real-life” chat logs.
“…a deadly story, no pun intended”
– Ms. Boms
“demonstrates illustrates magnifies portrays acknowledges provides recognizes”
– Ms. Boms
“I don’t want you to do anything but get scared…maybe…”
– Ms. Boms
“I you”
– Ms. Boms
“no pun intended”
– Ms. Boms
“are is, was”
– Ms. Boms
– Ms. Boms
“go to chapter 3. go to chapter 3. go to where they tell you to….triangles!”
– Mr. P-yooson
“yeah, no picture no helping”
– Mr. P-yooson
“Its all right, more support for parents”
– Mr. P-yooson
“Andrew you’re still talking.”
– Mr. P-yooson
“I moved you there so you wouldn’t talk!”
– Mr. P-yooson
“is. half the………….sum!”
– Mr. P-yooson
“at the center it is………equal!”
– Mr. P-yooson
“you’ve done what? one?”
– Mr. P-yooson