badward – v. a smart and intelligent boy in TCH. He is one of a kind as he is so smart.
Ex. Badward has calculated 753648 multiplied by 76438537647 in one second.
These are the words from the Squackle dictionary.
badward – v. a smart and intelligent boy in TCH. He is one of a kind as he is so smart.
Ex. Badward has calculated 753648 multiplied by 76438537647 in one second.
ba-doop – n. the sound of a turd striking the water
badcter – n. the nectar of an enraged badger used as a common ointment
;} a person who cannot act
Ex. Bob was a badcter when he bumbled all the lines
badaluovo – n. a bunch of horny men with torches chasing after hot greek girls who are singing and dancing
badafuko – v. to hold French bread over your head
bacteriamab – n. bacteria on drugs
bactena – n. 2 ghosts having sex. They do it every night and you can’t join in.
backwash – v. to take a mouthful of drink from a container (cup/glass/bottle) and spit it out back into the container in which saliva and bits of food go in with the drink.
Ex. Someone eats a carrot sandwich and becomes an arsehole by taking a mouthful of their mate’s drink from their cup and spitting it back in which bits of bread and carrot go into the drink with saliva
bachimba – n. a chimp named Bach
bacgij – n. a dildo made out of snow
bacbid – v. to actually use a box and whisker graph
babooshk – n. 4 hours or more of commercials
bababoowhat – n. a word to say when you don’t know what the #$%* you’re talking about!
b4 – Contraction. short for “before”
azkaban – n. a $23.95 double CD