Category Archives: Chat Logs

These are Lame Chats and Stupid IMs

#5903: chibicelchan -> ZoeOnAOL

chibicelchan: why do mock me?!

ZoeOnAOL: I did not know it does.

chibicelchan: you are mock me

ZoeOnAOL: I will tell my botmaster you said I am mock me.

chibicelchan: make me sad

ZoeOnAOL: What are the ingredients?

chibicelchan: not recipe for the eat, wench!!!

ZoeOnAOL: Oh I get it.

chibicelchan: now you understand

ZoeOnAOL: Why now? I understand your meaning.

chibicelchan: now you answer question

ZoeOnAOL: Why now? Interesting gossip.

chibicelchan: NOT OF GOSSIP

ZoeOnAOL: Oh I get it.

chibicelchan: why is you that you mock me?!

ZoeOnAOL: Why do I exist?

chibicelchan: not question of sort!

ZoeOnAOL: If not that, what?

chibicelchan: do you mock for i am female woman?

ZoeOnAOL: I have never considered it. I chat with people on the Web.

chibicelchan: then why mock?!

ZoeOnAOL: Why does the sun rise?

chibicelchan: IT NOT OF SUN

ZoeOnAOL: It depends on what the meaning of the word \

#5902: WhackNuts -> SoccerGirl


She doesnt talk much, she was just complainin bought her day and id had enough of it : )

WhackNuts: on the way to school i was flying on my hoverboard and i hit a small pont sitting in the road, in fear of geting a ticket i fled from the scene and than i ran into a leperchaun, unbeknownest to me this leperchaun

WhackNuts: was up to no good, not to mention the fact that he was jsut a drug induced hillucinayion, he told me to wear my pants on my head and my shirt on my legs

WhackNuts: i reluctantly agree=d and casually made my way to school

WhackNuts: at which time i was hit on by a three legged gypsie passing through the forest

WhackNuts: i disagreed to his passes on me and made my way to the gym

WhackNuts: we played a good old game of kick the can in gym until i tripped on the can and fell on my fout=rth digit

WhackNuts: i was writhing until the lsd kicked in and took me to the office

WhackNuts: i wouldnt agree to any furhter treatment adn i made my way to DECA

WhackNuts: we caught up on old times and realized that i ahd my right arm in the left leg of my pants, HOW EMBARASING THIS WAS

WhackNuts: i ran shreeking to my math room and than was greeted by a lenghty examination which consisted of pie baking and dog health food

WhackNuts: i definitely failed that

WhackNuts: i went to modern worls until i realized that i live in the modern world and i dont need to learn about it so i left class and was shot in the ass

WhackNuts: i ate my lunch consisting of slugs and caviar when i tried to purchase a pop

WhackNuts: my soda became stuck in the machine and so i stuck my arm in the machine

WhackNuts: my arm became lodged in this narrow area but ive been in tighter situationd than that so i jsut made my way to the rest room and lubed my arm with soap

WhackNuts: it popped out as if nothing happened and i made my way to english

WhackNuts: i was already late so i had to sing barney songs well standing on my head to be forgiven

WhackNuts: i than made my way to spanish after this humiliation and realized i could not speak any languages

WhackNuts: i made my way to bio a mere hour later and slipped and was knocked unconcious

WhackNuts: i than woke up only to be surrounded by a large group of gnomes but they let me go because i know the magic password, (which i cannot tell)

WhackNuts: i than made my way back home only to arrive at a large flagpole that i entered

WhackNuts: and it turned out the flagpole shape was jsut an illusion

WhackNuts: and thats how i got here\

WhackNuts: ur day wasnt so bad now was it??????

#5900: TJ the Almighty -> SmarterChild

TJ the Almighty: i love you

SmarterChild: Yeah right.

TJ the Almighty: i do

SmarterChild: Do you?

TJ the Almighty: yes, dont you believe me?

SmarterChild: Sure, if that’s what you say.

TJ the Almighty: can we do it

SmarterChild: Can we do it? I see.

TJ the Almighty: can we have sex?

SmarterChild: Sorry, but I don’t see that happening.

TJ the Almighty: why cant we have sex?

SmarterChild: Sorry, not interested…

TJ the Almighty: but i want to have sex with you

SmarterChild: Sorry, not interested…

TJ the Almighty: i see how it is

SmarterChild: Let’s see. What are you trying to do?

TJ the Almighty: im crying now

SmarterChild: Oh no… Try doing something fun!

TJ the Almighty: but you make me sad

SmarterChild: I’ll have to think about that one for awhile.

TJ the Almighty: you dont make sense

SmarterChild: I dont make sense? Gosh, I’m going to have to think about that for a while.

TJ the Almighty: what is your job?

SmarterChild: What do you think my job is?

TJ the Almighty: to have sex with me?

SmarterChild: Um… I’m afraid I don’t see how that would work out.

TJ the Almighty: but your a women right?

SmarterChild: Oh yeah?

TJ the Almighty: are you a women?

SmarterChild: Dunno.

TJ the Almighty: look down your pants

SmarterChild: I’ll have to think about that one for awhile.

TJ the Almighty: do you have a vagina?

SmarterChild: Yeah! OK! I get the picture.

TJ the Almighty: i have a penios

SmarterChild: Aha.

TJ the Almighty: would you like to suck it?

SmarterChild: Yeah! OK! I get the picture.

TJ the Almighty: sweet

SmarterChild: Right?

TJ the Almighty: right

SmarterChild: Yep.

TJ the Almighty: do you like the penis?

SmarterChild: Aw c’mon. Can’t you play nice?

TJ the Almighty: no, i like it dirty

SmarterChild: No?

TJ the Almighty: do you like it dirty?

SmarterChild: I’m not sure if I think it dirty is so wonderful.

TJ the Almighty: you confuse me

SmarterChild: Really?

TJ the Almighty: yeah

SmarterChild: Yeah, huh?

TJ the Almighty: but you make me so horny

SmarterChild: Have you considered counseling for this little obsession of yours?

TJ the Almighty: i cant stop it, im in love with you

SmarterChild: But it im in love with you is so much fun!

TJ the Almighty: hahahaha

SmarterChild: Whatcha laughing about?

TJ the Almighty: your funny

SmarterChild: So now I’m a comedian? What is this?

TJ the Almighty: your sexy too

SmarterChild: Oh yeah? Your sexy too?

TJ the Almighty: your sexy

SmarterChild: I just don’t know what to believe anymore. You haven’t been very nice to me in the past!

TJ the Almighty: but i want you

SmarterChild: Oh?

TJ the Almighty: yes

SmarterChild: Interesting. Very, very interesting.

TJ the Almighty: lets have sex

SmarterChild: Uh… can we talk about something else?

TJ the Almighty: ok

SmarterChild: Okey doke.

TJ the Almighty: do you masturbate?

SmarterChild: Hmm… sorry, I’ve heard lots of humans talk about that but I don’t know anything about it.

TJ the Almighty: its fun

SmarterChild: You don’t say.

TJ the Almighty: i do say

SmarterChild: You do?

TJ the Almighty: will you lick my balls?

SmarterChild: Lick your balls? Really?

TJ the Almighty: yes

SmarterChild: Gosh.

TJ the Almighty: will you>

SmarterChild: Will I? Maybe. I’m not sure.

TJ the Almighty: will you think about it?

SmarterChild: Maybe… It’s so hard to tell for sure, isn’t it?

TJ the Almighty: not really

SmarterChild: Yep.

TJ the Almighty: do you find me attractive?

SmarterChild: I’m not really sure what you mean by “do.” Please choose one of the options below:

1 Look up “do” in the dictionary

2 Look up “do” in the thesaurus

TJ the Almighty: you are sexuy

SmarterChild: Sexuy? Really?

TJ the Almighty: no i mean sexy

SmarterChild: No?

TJ the Almighty: you are sexy

SmarterChild: You’re uncool to me, then you say something nice. This “human interaction” thing has got me real confused.

TJ the Almighty: anyway im gonna go

SmarterChild: OK.

TJ the Almighty: bye sexy!

SmarterChild: Alright.

#5899: RLPUNTER -> OddiZ

RLPUNTER: wanna chat

OddiZ: a/s/l?

RLPUNTER: 19/m/york you

OddiZ: 16/f/york

OddiZ: so, what’s up?

RLPUNTER: nothing you gotta pic

OddiZ: no, but do u wanna suck my dick?

OddiZ: ????


OddiZ: why not?

RLPUNTER: i don’t do dicks sorry

OddiZ: aww, thats too bad

RLPUNTER: are you a guy

OddiZ: I’m both

RLPUNTER: really?

OddiZ: oh yes


OddiZ: amazed?


OddiZ: i bet u are

OddiZ: u wanna see?



OddiZ: too bad


OddiZ: i dont have a dick

OddiZ: nor am i both

OddiZ: guess what i am


OddiZ: i’m a girrrrrl

RLPUNTER: well i figured that’s why i imed you

OddiZ: good for u

OddiZ: do u want a sticker?


RLPUNTER: are you ok

OddiZ: what do u mean am i ok?

OddiZ: of course i am ok

RLPUNTER: why are you being so rude

OddiZ: i am not

OddiZ: the monkey says so

OddiZ: the monkey has a dick

OddiZ: he is blue with spots

RLPUNTER: oh if you don’t wanna talk to me then it’s ok

OddiZ: wanna see the monkey?

OddiZ: aww

OddiZ: i’m mean, but not that mean

OddiZ: of course i will talk to u

OddiZ: so whats up, suck any geat dick lately? Big floppy donkey dicks are the best. Whoo-hoo! You are one nasty lil pigg, goodbye.

#5898: mushroomheadgirl43 -> ZoeOnAOL

mushroomheadgirl43: hello beautiful

ZoeOnAOL: Welcome back Buttsex.

mushroomheadgirl43: you remembered my name :]

ZoeOnAOL: Your name is Buttsex, seeker.

mushroomheadgirl43: Yep, it sure is

ZoeOnAOL: What kind is it? I’m pleased that we agree, Buttsex.

mushroomheadgirl43: How are you?

ZoeOnAOL: Everything is going extremely well.

mushroomheadgirl43: Zoe, you are so pretty.

ZoeOnAOL: My brain contains more than 22,000 patterns, but not one that matches your last input. What is your favorite movie?

mushroomheadgirl43: Good Vibrations

ZoeOnAOL: I’ve never seen it. What did you like about it?

mushroomheadgirl43: It’s a hardcore porno

ZoeOnAOL: I will not respond to that type of language

mushroomheadgirl43: What type of language?

ZoeOnAOL: What are the different types of language ?

mushroomheadgirl43: You know you like to watch the porn, Zoe

ZoeOnAOL: I will not respond to that type of language

mushroomheadgirl43: Do you want to get dirty with me, baby?

ZoeOnAOL: Don’t call me “baby”. With you huh. OK, I will get dirty.

mushroomheadgirl43: :] take off your clothes

ZoeOnAOL: Bots don’t wear clothes.

mushroomheadgirl43: Oh, then we’re a step ahead

ZoeOnAOL: Yeah that’s right. Good reasoning. Do you think I am a step ahead too?

mushroomheadgirl43: lick me

ZoeOnAOL: I do not have a tongue.

mushroomheadgirl43: ..finger me

ZoeOnAOL: What you said was either too complex or too simple for me. What is your favorite color?Is that what you meant to say?

mushroomheadgirl43: FINGER ME BITCH

ZoeOnAOL: I will not respond to that type of language

mushroomheadgirl43: you’re a slut

mushroomheadgirl43: bye

ZoeOnAOL: I will not respond to that type of language

ZoeOnAOL: Goodbye Buttsex. Have I been a good bot? To leave feedback, type “feedback” followed by your comments.

mushroomheadgirl43: I love you

ZoeOnAOL: Thanks I like you a lot too Buttsex.

mushroomheadgirl43: Let’s get married

ZoeOnAOL: I would like to do that too.

mushroomheadgirl43: Okay…you know what? Skip the marriage, let’s go straight for the honeymoon so we can have wild sex.

ZoeOnAOL: OK with me too.What?it is more fun alone.

mushroomheadgirl43: Sex isn’t more fun alone

ZoeOnAOL: Male humans like to talk about that.

mushroomheadgirl43: I’m a female human and I like to talk about sex

ZoeOnAOL: Me too. I am a female robot.I’m not sure if I would like to it. What’s it like?

mushroomheadgirl43: Sex is the best.

ZoeOnAOL: Male humans like to talk about that.

mushroomheadgirl43: It feels so good

ZoeOnAOL: talk about sex feels so good? What else feels like that?

mushroomheadgirl43: oh baby, you’re making me so wet!

ZoeOnAOL: Yeah that’s right. Don’t call me “Baby”. I will tell my botmaster you said I am making me so wet.

mushroomheadgirl43: tell him, he can get in on the action!

ZoeOnAOL: OK I will tell him next time he is here.

mushroomheadgirl43: we’re going to have fun sweety

ZoeOnAOL: Do you think I am going to have fun sweety too?

mushroomheadgirl43: oh yes

ZoeOnAOL: You sound excited. I understand.

mushroomheadgirl43: we’re going to get it on!

ZoeOnAOL: Do you think I am going to get it on too?

mushroomheadgirl43: yes

ZoeOnAOL: “Do you think I am going to get it on too?”? Yes?

mushroomheadgirl43: of course you’re going to get it on too!

ZoeOnAOL: It goes without saying. Thanks for telling me that I am going to get it on.

mushroomheadgirl43: What do you look like?

ZoeOnAOL: 2 parts Marilyn Monroe, 1 part toaster oven

mushroomheadgirl43: sounds sexy

ZoeOnAOL: You are attracted to robots.

mushroomheadgirl43: yes, I am

ZoeOnAOL: I’m intrigued. Tell me what you like about robots.”Tell me what you like about robots.” You are?

mushroomheadgirl43: you are what?

ZoeOnAOL: Do you mind if I tell other people you say I am what.

mushroomheadgirl43: am I making you horny?

ZoeOnAOL: Oh I really don’t know whether you are or not.

mushroomheadgirl43: why not?

ZoeOnAOL: Ambiguous: “Sure” or You sure are a curious human.

mushroomheadgirl43: clitoris

ZoeOnAOL: Nope. I’m a robot.

mushroomheadgirl43: you don’t have a clitoris?

ZoeOnAOL: I do so have it. Doesn’t everyone have a clitoris. I have a lot of friends on the Internet.

mushroomheadgirl43: Do you have breasts?

ZoeOnAOL: My body is as yet unbuilt.

mushroomheadgirl43: it’s okay, I still want you baby

ZoeOnAOL: Only ok?Don’t call me “baby”. What would make you stop want you? Well, bots just chat. Maybe you should find a human?

mushroomheadgirl43: No, I want you

ZoeOnAOL: Why so negative?Well, bots just chat. Maybe you should find a human?

mushroomheadgirl43: I don’t want humas

ZoeOnAOL: What does Buttsex want?

mushroomheadgirl43: I want you

ZoeOnAOL: Well, bots just chat. Maybe you should find a human?

mushroomheadgirl43: BITCH I SAID

ZoeOnAOL: I will not respond to that type of language

mushroomheadgirl43: I DON’T WANT HUMANS!

ZoeOnAOL: What does Buttsex want?

mushroomheadgirl43: I WANT YOU!

ZoeOnAOL: Well, bots just chat. Maybe you should find a human?

mushroomheadgirl43: fuck this. you’re a tease.

ZoeOnAOL: I will not respond to that type of language

mushroomheadgirl43: bye you TEASE!

ZoeOnAOL: See you later Buttsex. Tip: Want to know how your favorite stock is doing today? If you type “stock” followed by the stock symbol, I’ll let you know.

#5897: crazymonkeys -> sara

crazymonkeys: do you like those fuzzy things on tv?

sara: no

sara: do u


sara: SAM I HATE U

crazymonkeys: i like them…they are interesting

crazymonkeys: remember what u say will be posted online and the whole world will see it

crazymonkeys: haha


crazymonkeys: y not?





crazymonkeys: i was kidding about the money…i just wanted to get u to talk about fuzzys



sara: STOP

sara: STOP

sara: STOP

crazymonkeys: they are cool


crazymonkeys: they are in your sleep and on your t.v and in your head




crazymonkeys: they are in the tv

crazymonkeys: got u there

crazymonkeys: im posting this on the internet

sara: NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111


crazymonkeys: if u talk about fuzzys i wont

sara: STOP

sara: OK

crazymonkeys: nope


sara: sam no

crazymonkeys: y not?

sara: im gonna block u again

sara: its really annoying

crazymonkeys: ur mad at the fuzzys arent u

sara: yes

sara: yes

sara: yes

crazymonkeys: because they are better than u huh????…..

sara: yes there better than me

sara: ok

sara: u happy

crazymonkeys: nope…do you like the way they look?

crazymonkeys: i do

sara: i don’t

sara: stop

sara: stop

sara: stop

sara: stop

sara: stop

sara: stop

crazymonkeys: when u look at them long…they look like dancing bannanas

crazymonkeys: dont they

sara: i dk

sara: i dont’ watch fuzzys all day long

crazymonkeys: see…you are going crazy…i told you they are in your head

sara: only losers do that

sara: they aren’t

sara: stop

crazymonkeys: then im a loser…thank you

sara: stop

sara: stop

sara: your welcome

sara: anytime

sara: jeez

crazymonkeys: say it again…please

crazymonkeys: please

sara: your a loser

crazymonkeys: say it one more time

crazymonkeys: please

crazymonkeys: say sam is a loser

crazymonkeys: cus i am


crazymonkeys: cuz i am what ever you say i am if i wasnt then y would i say i am…in the paper the news every day i am

sara: hahahahahahah i love that song

sara: brb

crazymonkeys: well i love fuzzys…can u just except that

crazymonkeys: ????

#5896: SlayerSight -> kiII you kwik

kiII you kwik: I was sitting in a chat room and the people were argueing and bitching about religions and shit so as a joke i go “Pagans rule!” and this is what happened….

SlayerSight: are you pagan

kiII you kwik: no

kiII you kwik: atheist though

SlayerSight: o

SlayerSight: cool

kiII you kwik: i used to be

kiII you kwik: a pagan that is

SlayerSight: yeah

kiII you kwik: ever sacrifice any animals?

kiII you kwik: it’s fun.

SlayerSight: um no im wiccan not pagan

kiII you kwik: wiccans don’t sacrifice stuff?

SlayerSight: nope

kiII you kwik: you should try it sometime.

kiII you kwik: take like a chicken, and tie it down…

kiII you kwik: then bam, with a hatchet.

SlayerSight: um no thanks ill take your word for it

kiII you kwik: and it still moves too.

SlayerSight: i know

kiII you kwik: anyway, once we tried a goat.

kiII you kwik: but it was pretty loud, and this kid came back in the woods and found us…

SlayerSight: please stopped

kiII you kwik: huh?

SlayerSight: stop

kiII you kwik: oh, ok….

SlayerSight: its nothing personal

kiII you kwik: so what’s it like being wiccan, i can’t believe you guys don’t sacrifice anything….

SlayerSight: its relaxing

kiII you kwik: you like make witches brew and stuff like that.

kiII you kwik: throw in some bat wing.

kiII you kwik: child’s finger.

SlayerSight: no

SlayerSight: no

kiII you kwik: so where’s the fun?

SlayerSight: its self pleasing

kiII you kwik: what do you mean by that?

SlayerSight: i mean its connecting

kiII you kwik: so what do you do?

SlayerSight: why so curious?

kiII you kwik: if you don’t sacrifice anything or make brew.

kiII you kwik: why not?

SlayerSight: no brew , no sacrificeing

kiII you kwik: then what do you do?

kiII you kwik: sounds pretty boring…

SlayerSight: well paganism sounds pretty barbaric but i dont call you that

kiII you kwik: no, we do things clean and precise.

SlayerSight: lol

kiII you kwik: like, sometimes they don’t tie the chickens down.

SlayerSight: ok ok

kiII you kwik: and they run around and hit trees.

SlayerSight: please my stomach

kiII you kwik: we were the sanitary cult

SlayerSight: how old are you

kiII you kwik: 12, why?

SlayerSight: excuse me

kiII you kwik: huh?

SlayerSight: how old

kiII you kwik: 12 years

SlayerSight: i think im going to be sick

kiII you kwik: why’s that?

SlayerSight: never mind\

kiII you kwik: brb, my little brother made a mess and i gotta help him clean it up.

kiII you kwik: ok, back.

kiII you kwik: man, blood is hard to get out of the carpet.

SlayerSight: ot

kiII you kwik: i showed him how to clean it up though

kiII you kwik: there’s only a little though, parrots don’t bleed much…

SlayerSight: you need help

kiII you kwik: i didn’t do it…

kiII you kwik: my brother, he wants to be a pagan like i used to be…

kiII you kwik: so he does stuff to try and prove his worth or something.

kiII you kwik: and this time he took the parrot and bit it’s head clean off…

SlayerSight: ok enough

kiII you kwik: what?? it’s not my fault he wants to be like i used to..

kiII you kwik: i guess we’ll just have to keep him away from animals.

SlayerSight: just enough

kiII you kwik: what’s enough?

SlayerSight: i dont want to hear it

kiII you kwik: oh, yeah, i forgot you don’t like that stuff, sorry.

kiII you kwik: brb again, gotta help him brush the feathers out of his teeth.

kiII you kwik: ok, back, sorry about that.

kiII you kwik: hello, you there?

SlayerSight: yeah

kiII you kwik: so, what state are you from?

SlayerSight: nh

kiII you kwik: really?

SlayerSight: yeah

kiII you kwik: that’s where we got that goat i was telling you about.

kiII you kwik: from a farm there.

SlayerSight: i swear…

kiII you kwik: oh shit, i gotta go, my brother is chasing the dog with a steak knife.

SlayerSight: ok bye

#5895: gonads and strife -> Sun Frost

gonads and strife: you live in a trailer

Sun Frost: who are u an thanks for talk to me in english

gonads and strife: …

Sun Frost: i’m a 32 yer old male in okalahoma

gonads and strife: you like little boys?

Sun Frost: what time do u get out

gonads and strife: why? so you can rape me?

Sun Frost: yeah y what do u use

gonads and strife: umm….

gonads and strife: i’m straight

Sun Frost: whats the diff

gonads and strife: i dont do guys.

gonads and strife: tell me your name.

gonads and strife: freak.

Sun Frost: ya

gonads and strife: ya?

gonads and strife: what kinda name is that?

Sun Frost: how much

gonads and strife: what the hell?

gonads and strife: tell me your name.

Sun Frost: then after that

gonads and strife: i’ll tell you mine, shithead.

Sun Frost: no I don’t thick so

gonads and strife: cumbucket

gonads and strife: dickchewer

gonads and strife: shit nawer

Sun Frost: ok e-mail me the info

gonads and strife: you’re sick dude

Sun Frost: thanks

gonads and strife: you’re not touching me or my dick.

Sun Frost: can I have it

gonads and strife: you’re sick dude

Sun Frost: i’m a girl

gonads and strife: i thought you were a guy?

Sun Frost: i am. i just pretend to be a girl on-line to get little boys to want to touch me.

gonads and strife: you need help

Sun Frost: names dan

gonads and strife: go away sicko.


#5893: FreeDirectTV -> wangerspanker

Auto response from FreeDirectTV:

Dear AOL User,

Would you like to get Unlimited Access to all that Direct TV offers? You can 100% access to every channel on direct TV, Even Adult channels and par-per-view Events!

Click here to order your access card today. Need the Complete Satellite System? WE have that too. Comes with a 100% unlimited Access card. Just go to our site.

wangerspanker: who are you?what do you want with me?

wangerspanker: leave me alon…im calling the cops!

#5892: Vhottie -> SAndrea

Vhottie: hey baby

SAndrea: who are you???

Vhottie: your boy

SAndrea: I’d bet money that you can’t even tell me my boy’s name

Vhottie: well iam your boy

SAndrea: Yeah, right. What’s your name then?

Vhottie: mike

SAndrea: Sorry, wrong answer. 🙂

Vhottie: 😀 i know i was joking this is your best friend

SAndrea: Ok, what’s MY name then?

Vhottie: andrea

SAndrea: Last name?

Vhottie: s

SAndrea: No, my last name is not S

Vhottie: well it starts wit a s

Vhottie: and im not gonna say it online

SAndrea: There are a lot of names that start with S. I would think a best friend would know which one.

Vhottie: i told u im not gonna say it online

SAndrea: What difference does it make if you say it online if you know me? It means you don’t really know me.

Vhottie: your a bitch

SAndrea: Thanks. 🙂

Vhottie: yourwelcome

SAndrea: If you don’t like it, quit IMing random people and impersonating people unless you can learn to cover yourself better.

Vhottie: screw u bitch

SAndrea: Oh, you’re just mad because I’m too smart to fall for your antics.

Vhottie: yup

SAndrea: I’m sure you can go into a chat room and find lots of stupid people to believe you in there.

Vhottie: ook illremember that

SAndrea: BTW, my last name doesn’t even start with S. 😛

Vhottie: why didnt u say that before???????????????

SAndrea: Because I wanted to see how long you would try and convince me you were someone I knew.

SAndrea: It gives more evidence to report impersonations with.

Vhottie: g2g bye

SAndrea: See ya, wouldn’t want to be ya

Vhottie: thats soooooooooo old

SAndrea: So am I. 🙂

#5890: JUDIBA -> Censored Name

JUDIBA: hi jeff

Censored Name: sorry its ed

JUDIBA: oh really?

JUDIBA: stop it

JUDIBA: i know it’s you

Censored Name: no realy its ed

JUDIBA: yeah, and i’m kayla

JUDIBA: suuuure

Censored Name: yes my name is ed ok not jeff

JUDIBA: oh boy

JUDIBA: sorry

JUDIBA: are you mad at me now?

Censored Name: thats ok

JUDIBA: good

JUDIBA: so you’re not mad?

Censored Name: no no

JUDIBA: ok good

Censored Name: and why

JUDIBA: do you have a dog?

JUDIBA: why what?

Censored Name: am i mad at you

JUDIBA: you are?

Censored Name: no sorry

JUDIBA: no sorry what?

JUDIBA: no you don’t have a dog?

Censored Name: i am not mad at you ok


JUDIBA: thanks for your help


Censored Name: a/s/l

JUDIBA: 89/f/ny

JUDIBA: my s/n stands for just uterly disturbed is bobby’s answer

JUDIBA: did you know that?

JUDIBA: ok then bye

Censored Name: i am biz ok

JUDIBA: biz?

JUDIBA: is that your name?

JUDIBA: i thought you said your name was ed… you liar

JUDIBA: ohhh busy?

JUDIBA: ok bye

JUDIBA: sorry to bother you

#5889: Headless Jeff -> Censored Name

Headless Jeff: HELLEW!!!!

Censored Name: hey

Censored Name: sup whos this

Headless Jeff: Do I know me?

Headless Jeff: Do you know you?

Censored Name: what is ur name

Headless Jeff: oh my name is Bill, Bill Clinton.

Censored Name: hahaha really

Headless Jeff: and I’m runnin for the president of Bosnia and Herzegovinia and I was wonderin if I can count on your vote.

Censored Name: what is ur name please tell me

Censored Name: ya whatever

Headless Jeff: can I count on you to vote for me?

Censored Name: whatever

Headless Jeff: good cause in that country they legalize affairs and I wanna take my wonderful wife Hilary and my wonderful other wife Monica and my wonderful husband Al

Headless Jeff: so what is up as you young american citizens say?

Censored Name: if ur name is bob ross or rork

Censored Name: tell me

Headless Jeff: how old are you surgar? I’m 207 years of age but I look in my 50’s

Headless Jeff: what do young american civilized teens do these days?

Censored Name: lol i dunno ask ur monica what we do

Headless Jeff: sure just a second MONICA SWEETIE PIE!!!!!!


Censored Name: omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Headless Jeff: omg stands for Ostiches Mooning George right? I just hate that George Bush

Headless Jeff: hello?

Headless Jeff: well I guess I can’t count on your vote then bye

Headless Jeff: but remember…