Category Archives: Chat Logs

These are Lame Chats and Stupid IMs

#5993: stimpyismyname -> Berrybud

stimpyismyname: no

Berrybud: what did i do

stimpyismyname: dont play dumb with me

Berrybud: im not dumnb

stimpyismyname: …

Berrybud: …..well what?

stimpyismyname: just “…”

Berrybud: ok

Berrybud: so what cha do today

stimpyismyname: well first I — ::jumps out window:: HAHAHAHA!!

stimpyismyname: AHHH YES! I AM COUNT CHOCULA!!

stimpyismyname: BWA HA!!!

stimpyismyname: HA!

stimpyismyname: HA!

#5988: Berrybud -> stimpyismyname

Berrybud: hey who is this

stimpyismyname: ?

Berrybud: hello

stimpyismyname: yeah… ok….

Berrybud: just tell me who you are

stimpyismyname: leave me alone

Berrybud: y

stimpyismyname: BLAH

Berrybud: w/e ou were on my b list so i thought i woukd im you but nm

stimpyismyname: …what?

Berrybud: never mined

stimpyismyname: uh huh

Berrybud: i feel stupid when i talk to you

stimpyismyname: so what new with you

stimpyismyname: ?

Berrybud: not telling

stimpyismyname: oooh

stimpyismyname: secrets!

Berrybud: you hate secrets

stimpyismyname: i like secrets

stimpyismyname: …blackmail too…

Berrybud: o realoly ne on me

stimpyismyname: say something stupid

stimpyismyname: right now

Berrybud: piggily wiggily

stimpyismyname: ha

stimpyismyname: ur stupid

Berrybud: i hate u

stimpyismyname: hahaha

Berrybud: do you go to my school

stimpyismyname: probly not

Berrybud: what are yoyr school colors

stimpyismyname: pink

stimpyismyname: and polka dots

Berrybud: i hate u you wont tell me who you are

stimpyismyname: 🙂

Berrybud: thats not funny i swear

stimpyismyname: 😀

Berrybud: i really hate you now do you know me at all tho really

stimpyismyname: lets practice on trying to make sense

Berrybud: grr do you know me at all

stimpyismyname: okay iS tht wath u

stimpyismyname: ?

Berrybud: i dunno

stimpyismyname: 😛

Berrybud: lol nnott

stimpyismyname: dum dum dum

stimpyismyname: hello?

#5987: stimpyismyname -> Para

stimpyismyname: HI, IT’S davepoobond

stimpyismyname: HOW ARE YOU

stimpyismyname: …?

Para: Hi

Para: Sure.

Para: I doubt you are.

stimpyismyname: sure, sure…

stimpyismyname: sO hOw AbOuT tHeM DoDgErs?

Para: …

stimpyismyname: b

stimpyismyname: i

stimpyismyname: n

stimpyismyname: g

stimpyismyname: o

stimpyismyname: and bingo was his name

stimpyismyname: o

stimpyismyname: there was a farmer, had a dog

stimpyismyname: geez im stoned

stimpyismyname: not really…

stimpyismyname: just pumped on heroin

stimpyismyname: so, u wanna tell me why you IMed me?

stimpyismyname: cause ur really friggin annoyin

stimpyismyname: hi, im davepoobond!

stimpyismyname: news at ten

stimpyismyname: OR LATER

stimpyismyname: hmm hmm hmm

stimpyismyname: booyaka

stimpyismyname: wHy DoNt YoU tAlK tO mE (davepoobond), pArA?

#5986: stimpyismyname -> Berrybud


Berrybud: Brooke who is this

stimpyismyname: it depends

stimpyismyname: it all depends…

Berrybud: on what

stimpyismyname: …stuff…

Berrybud: like what give the specifics

stimpyismyname: i’d rather not, STU-U-UPID!!!

Berrybud: y

stimpyismyname: cause

Berrybud: y

stimpyismyname: STU-U-UPID

Berrybud: just tell me if you go to my school and what grade ur in

stimpyismyname: YES AND NO

stimpyismyname: …maybe…

Berrybud: your a dumbass

stimpyismyname: GASP!!!

stimpyismyname: PROFANITY!!

stimpyismyname: 3RD DEGREE!!

Berrybud: jus tell me what it is

stimpyismyname: what the who is?

Berrybud: who you are

stimpyismyname: …what…?

Berrybud: who are you?

stimpyismyname: …

stimpyismyname: my whosit is a whatsit?

Berrybud: whoisit

stimpyismyname: whosit, you say…

Berrybud: YES

stimpyismyname: a-whatsit-whosit, or a whosit-whatsit?

stimpyismyname: wassap???

Berrybud: pleeze just tell me who this is

stimpyismyname: whatsit ta yoo?”

stimpyismyname: whosit ta what?

stimpyismyname: vat???

Berrybud: you suck an jus tell me

stimpyismyname: OH OH OH????

stimpyismyname: I “SUCK”, DO I???

Berrybud: yeah

stimpyismyname: I’LL NEVER TELL YOU NOW….

Berrybud: o no im shakin in my boots

stimpyismyname: what?

Berrybud: nm loser

stimpyismyname: i’m an egiptian

stimpyismyname: eeeeeggggyyppttttt

Berrybud: no ur not stop ya liein

stimpyismyname: YOURE INSANE!!

stimpyismyname: I MUST GET OUT!!!

stimpyismyname: AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

Berrybud: your a freak

stimpyismyname: takes one to know that im rubber and you are bingo b-i-n-g-o!!!!!

stimpyismyname: CANT THINK…!

stimpyismyname: CAN ONLY SEND….

Berrybud: is this allyson

stimpyismyname: ….DUMB IMS!!!

stimpyismyname: thats great

stimpyismyname: ahem

stimpyismyname: i am paradox602

stimpyismyname: on my other sn

Berrybud: ok

stimpyismyname: i’m on both sn’s now

stimpyismyname: lets talk on both!!

Berrybud: just tell me who this is and ill stop bothering you

stimpyismyname: yeah, ud better, cause ur really annoying

stimpyismyname: geez

stimpyismyname: FREAK

Berrybud: DUMBASS

stimpyismyname: MORON

Berrybud: ASSHOLE

stimpyismyname: NINCOMPOOP

Berrybud: SHITHEAD

stimpyismyname: PUSSBUCKET


stimpyismyname: CATHEMROIDS

Berrybud: ok i dont have nemore

stimpyismyname: tuh

stimpyismyname: no wonder

stimpyismyname: POO…FACE

Berrybud: shut the hell up im not talking to you bye

stimpyismyname: alright, fuzzyfart

Berrybud: what the hell just tell me who you aer ……… stalker

stimpyismyname: ME???

stimpyismyname: A STALKER???

stimpyismyname: why…

stimpyismyname: ive…

Berrybud: yeah if you wont tell me who you are then im assunming your my stalker

stimpyismyname: yeah, whatever

Berrybud: yeah, ok

stimpyismyname: u were on my buddy list under “stupid”

stimpyismyname: heh heh

Berrybud: right just tell me who you are and ll leave you alone

stimpyismyname: whats the point?

Berrybud: i dunno jus te;ll me ill do anything

stimpyismyname: anything….??

Berrybud: yepp

stimpyismyname: hmmm

stimpyismyname: talk to paradox602 and say she’s stupid

stimpyismyname: haha ha

Berrybud: no nething but thar

stimpyismyname: uhhh

Berrybud: im not stupid

stimpyismyname: talk to my friend mrchubbybubbles when he gets on

Berrybud: ok no

stimpyismyname: just put him on your buddy list!

stimpyismyname: fine….

stimpyismyname: arghhh

Berrybud: hey i gtg bye

stimpyismyname: yeah….k

#5983: stimpyismyname -> davepoobond

Note: (stimpyismyname said stuff that davepoobond “said.” They are not blue-colored, and are smaller than regular text to distinguish they are not actually davepoobond)



stimpyismyname: nope

davepoobond: i know that

davepoobond: i’m still writing it

stimpyismyname: y u no fix

davepoobond: it was never there…..

davepoobond: i just put it there so i dont have to worry about it later

stimpyismyname: davepoobond: it was never there…..

davepoobond: i just put it there so i dont have to worry about it later

stimpyismyname: uh huh

davepoobond: it was never there…..

stimpyismyname: ok!

davepoobond: it was never there…..

stimpyismyname: alright!

davepoobond: it was never there…..

stimpyismyname: just shut up

davepoobond: no…

stimpyismyname: die!!

davepoobond: fine! with this dagger, i take my life

stimpyismyname: davepoobond: ARGH!!!

stimpyismyname: UHPS

stimpyismyname: ah haha

stimpyismyname: Miss Poodle was flabbergasted and said, “I’m flabbergasted,” she also added, “I have gas and my armpits are sweaty.”

#5982: stimpyismyname -> Para

stimpyismyname: hello

Para: Hello?

stimpyismyname: my name is Dingo

Para: Good for you.

stimpyismyname: how are you?

Para: Fine, yourself?

stimpyismyname: I’m good

stimpyismyname: davepoobond told me to call you a poo poo head.

Para: ok….

stimpyismyname: ……

stimpyismyname: I’m serious.


stimpyismyname: k, have fun.

Para: @$%@$&*%@^%@&^@%%$!!!!!!

stimpyismyname: heh.

#5981: stimpyismyname -> davepoobond

stimpyismyname: hey you suck

davepoobond: dingo eggs?

davepoobond: lol

stimpyismyname: die

stimpyismyname: bastard

stimpyismyname: I’M making fun of YOU

stimpyismyname: bit-cha

davepoobond: no

stimpyismyname: yeah

davepoobond: no

stimpyismyname: yeah

stimpyismyname: hah

stimpyismyname: i win

stimpyismyname: butthead

stimpyismyname: hoo boy am i funny!

#5980: stimpyismyname -> elmoisfurry

stimpyismyname: whure’s muy muney?

elmoisfurry: sumwhere

stimpyismyname: ungh…

elmoisfurry: hehehehehehehahahahahahaha

stimpyismyname: rrrrrrrrr….

elmoisfurry: listening to nirvana

elmoisfurry: weeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!

stimpyismyname: listening to metallica with an orchestra

stimpyismyname: weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee……

elmoisfurry: AUHH!!

stimpyismyname: hello

stimpyismyname: boooo

elmoisfurry: no booooo u

stimpyismyname: tuh

stimpyismyname: fffffffftttt

stimpyismyname: sorry

elmoisfurry: tttttttttttttffffffffff

stimpyismyname: my bad

elmoisfurry: k

elmoisfurry: my good

stimpyismyname: yay

elmoisfurry: yup

stimpyismyname: i got a communist shirt

elmoisfurry: i got……….. a………… drink

elmoisfurry: at jack in the box

elmoisfurry: so there!

stimpyismyname: a “cold drink”?

stimpyismyname: woo woo

elmoisfurry: yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

elmoisfurry: coooooooooooollllllllllllllldddddddddddd

elmoisfurry: hahahahahahahah

elmoisfurry: a

stimpyismyname: i got a communist cinnamon holder thing

stimpyismyname: wee

stimpyismyname: beat that

stimpyismyname: ……

stimpyismyname: fine

stimpyismyname: dont beat that

elmoisfurry: i already did

stimpyismyname: no

elmoisfurry: with the coke from jack in tha box

stimpyismyname: no

elmoisfurry: yes

elmoisfurry: yes

stimpyismyname: you used that already

elmoisfurry: u ass head

elmoisfurry: heheheheehahahahhaha

stimpyismyname: idiot

elmoisfurry: thats my new insult

elmoisfurry: lol

elmoisfurry: 😛

elmoisfurry: AUHH!!

stimpyismyname: so stupid

stimpyismyname: blah

elmoisfurry: ur point bing

elmoisfurry: BLAH!!

elmoisfurry: AUHH!! BLAH!!

stimpyismyname: gimme muy muhney

elmoisfurry: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


stimpyismyname: y not

elmoisfurry: bcause ur………… ass head

elmoisfurry: hahahaahhahahahahahasha

elmoisfurry: lolololololololol

elmoisfurry: kjghjfdgjkdfg

elmoisfurry: poop

stimpyismyname: weewee

elmoisfurry: weewee

elmoisfurry: weewee

stimpyismyname: mock

stimpyismyname: yea

stimpyismyname: ing

stimpyismyname: yea

stimpyismyname: bird

stimpyismyname: yea

stimpyismyname: yeah

stimpyismyname: yea

elmoisfurry: yea

elmoisfurry: monckin bird

stimpyismyname: dont everybody have u heard

elmoisfurry: have u heard

stimpyismyname: shes gonna buy me a mocking bird

elmoisfurry: shes gonna buy me mockin bird

stimpyismyname: and if that mockin bird dont sing

elmoisfurry: bird dont sing

elmoisfurry: dlskcjilwth;fsgk’psdf

elmoisfurry: sdf

elmoisfurry: fd

elmoisfurry: k’f


elmoisfurry: ojadfjodafj

elmoisfurry: odfha

elmoisfurry: ojasfhd

elmoisfurry: poop


stimpyismyname: yeah

stimpyismyname: yea yea yea

stimpyismyname: woo woo

elmoisfurry: time to listen to AFI now that nirvana is finished

elmoisfurry: yay

stimpyismyname: power

stimpyismyname: puff

stimpyismyname: girls

stimpyismyname: ….

stimpyismyname: wee



stimpyismyname: yes

stimpyismyname: …

stimpyismyname: no

elmoisfurry: YES

stimpyismyname: fart

stimpyismyname: sniff sniff

stimpyismyname: aaaaahhh

stimpyismyname: so fresh….

stimpyismyname: paradox 602 is on….

stimpyismyname: hehehehehehe


stimpyismyname: good

elmoisfurry: IT IS

stimpyismyname: whee

stimpyismyname: i have communist chopsticks

stimpyismyname: old navy t shirts

stimpyismyname: “wow”

stimpyismyname: $6.50-$16.50

elmoisfurry: We all begin to burn. Autum’s flame dances in my eyes. Set alight for all we’ve learned. My ashes falling

stimpyismyname: shut up

elmoisfurry: no

elmoisfurry: i like it

stimpyismyname: good for you

elmoisfurry: yes it is

stimpyismyname: well woop di doo

elmoisfurry: whoop di friggin doo

stimpyismyname: frikkin

stimpyismyname: …

stimpyismyname: no, i guess not

elmoisfurry: no

stimpyismyname: frickin?

elmoisfurry: friggen

elmoisfurry: stinky pants

stimpyismyname: ok

stimpyismyname: fine

elmoisfurry: for no lack of searching i cant seem to find one

stimpyismyname: what?

elmoisfurry: what of all their promises? cant seem to find much more than lies

stimpyismyname: ok

stimpyismyname: that’s good

elmoisfurry: yea it is

elmoisfurry: if only pure sweetness was offered, whys this bitter taste left in my mouth? if i could catch my breath just to exhale i’d now that i held it in too long

stimpyismyname: o


stimpyismyname: shut up

elmoisfurry: lol

elmoisfurry: and in the distance theres a gatheringthat no longer seems so far away. pushed to our knees so let us pray, and all together we’ll bring the real rain. watch all thats wasted wash away. so let it come. our will be done

elmoisfurry: ive been dreaming. i was lucid. i was dreaming blood was seeping from my pores. whod belive it was all my own decision?

elmoisfurry: ok ill stop now

stimpyismyname: blah

elmoisfurry: BLAH!!

stimpyismyname: okk

stimpyismyname: wee

stimpyismyname: ….yawn……

elmoisfurry: wizzzzzzzzzz

stimpyismyname: i fart in your general direction!

stimpyismyname: ffffffffftttt

elmoisfurry: lol

elmoisfurry: i love that movie

stimpyismyname: jhsdkghjbvhjdkzsgfbashjvbavkjbhjbjhghgjksd


stimpyismyname: that’s the sound my butt’s makin right now

elmoisfurry: no thats my donkey

stimpyismyname: …..noooooo……

elmoisfurry: yea


elmoisfurry: weewee

stimpyismyname: there’s something on the wing

stimpyismyname: some THING

stimpyismyname: ….

elmoisfurry: no

stimpyismyname: i’m sorry what were you saying?>

elmoisfurry: g2g cya lata

elmoisfurry: buy

stimpyismyname: buy food

elmoisfurry: no buy poop

stimpyismyname: cassaroles…..

elmoisfurry: linguini